No one would have thought that City Lord Tianduan would make a sudden move.

Even Chu Yuan didn't expect it.

Canghai Tiandaoshen didn't even expect or guess that when he fought against this person, someone would attack him. After all, he wouldn't think that there were anyone here that would threaten him.

The silver light condensed by City Lord Tian Duan was too fast, making people caught off guard. If it hadn't been Chu Yuan's attack on him, he wouldn't care much.

But this blow.

The silver light shot through his head in an instant, penetrated through the back of his head, and immediately exploded a cloud of blood, and his soul was split like a vast fragment of fragments.


Canghai Tiandao God roared in pain.

If an ordinary existence smashed the soul, it would definitely be dead, but the Canghai Tiandao God did not die, but was seriously injured.

The root cause lies in it.

For the existence of Heavenly Dao God, the pure divine body is nothing.

Their core is in the long river of heaven, that is where their soul and strength are gathered.

But even so, he was injured.

City Lord Tianduan’s one blow was astonishing.

"A powerful blow condensed with the Heavenly Dao artifact." Chu Yuan had long felt that the City Lord of Heavenly Duan was very mysterious.

"This time you are ruthless!"

Cang Hai Tian Dao Shen knew that he could not retreat, and he would not be able to bear such an attack a few more times. It was very likely that he would be trapped here and would not be able to leave if he wanted to.

"You have to pay a price for walking."

Chu Yuanren's emperor sword severely slashed.

"Can't kill me!"

He suddenly incarnates for the long river of heaven, burning the power of heaven, that is, paying a lot of vitality damage, directly shuttles through heaven, and escaped from Tianduan Mountain in an extremely embarrassed posture.

The gods ran away.

Of course, even if there is no action from Tianduan City Lord, Canghai Tiandao God will leave.

Now it just speeds up the process.

"Shenwu God Emperor."

City Lord Tianduan's slightly dull voice sounded in Chu Yuan's ears.

"City Lord of Heavenly Broken City."

Chu Yuan responded.

He still has a good impression of Tianduan City Lord. When he first arrived at Tianduan Mountain, he also used his momentum to avoid a lot of trouble and grow to this point.

"Shenwu God Emperor, see you in Tian Duancheng."

The Lord of Heavenly Duan invited Chu Yuan.

"it is good."

Chu Yuan hadn't really seen the true body of Tianduan City Lord.

He came to Tianduan Mountain and saw Tianduan City Lord, wearing a mithril-like engraved clothes and a silver mask on his face. He could only see a pair of deep eyes, interpreting the changes in time and space.

Is a woman?

Chu Yuan was slightly surprised.

Although she couldn't see her true face, Chu Yuan could still tell that she was a woman.

"City Lord Tianduan, although your ranking is only more than 300 on the list, you are probably already in the top ten in terms of your true strength. Heavenly Dao God can't kill you, so you can calmly leave in front of them."

Chu Yuan looked at her.

This time Heavenly Duan City Lord invited himself to come, there must be something.

"If it weren't for the Shenwu God Emperor to restrain the attention of the Heavenly Dao God, it would take a long time for my supernatural powers to condense, and I would not be able to hurt him."

Heavenly Duan City Lord nodded slightly.

Her deep eyes turned into whirlpools, and said: "Half-day Dao rankings can really tell the strength of a person? Multiverse, boundless, strong like clouds, just like Shenwu God Emperor, does not also have a direct confrontation with heaven. God’s strength, you are stronger than me."

"I have other chances."

Chu Yuan understood.

The matter of Duanshan Mountain should be resolved this day. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and it is impossible for the Shen Dynasty to continue to tolerate the continued existence of Tian Duan City.

Of course, different people have different ways of dealing with them.

He smiled and said: "I still don't know your name, Lord Tianduan."

"The name is not important, it's just a code name, so the Emperor Shenwu will call me Xuan."

Tianduan City Lord Xuan said.


Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

There is only one word, which seems to be the code name of Tianduan City Lord.

"Tian Broken Mountain, two major relics, one is the Great Abyss of Burial, which was left during the Great War between Emperors and Emperors in the very ancient times, and the other is the Tongtian Mountain, which exists for a longer time, and the mysterious laws of heaven and earth are condensed."

Xuan Road.

"City Lord Tianduan, this time I invited me to go to the Heavenly Sacred Mountain and get a glimpse of the secrets of the Heavenly Sacred Mountain."

Chu Yuan guessed it.

"Exactly, Tongtian Shenshan has a big secret, and I have faintly learned some of this secret in the long years. The last time I closed the door was to understand the secret, but I can't break this secret. Maybe I need the help of the Emperor Shenwu."

Xuan looked at Chu Yuan, she was calm with Chu Yuan.

"I am also very interested in Tongtian Shenshan."

Chu Yuan did not refuse.

There is a big secret in Tongtian Shenshan, and he knew it when he went there last time.

However, at that time, his strength was too weak, and later he was entangled in endless trivia, which made him unable to explore.

"Well, this time the Shenwu God Emperor will let me explore the secret. Perhaps it is also a great opportunity for the God Emperor."

Xuan looked at the supreme **** Yun Xi again, and said gently: "Yun Xi, you stay at the foot of the mountain, as your teacher this time you can explore the Tianshen Mountain with the Emperor Shenwu."


The Supreme God Yun Xi nodded respectfully.

Chu Yuan and Xuan went to Tongtian Mountain together.

"Shenwu Divine Emperor is amazing. He attacked the Heavenly Dao God head-on. Even Master is not his opponent. Now he is exploring together with Master. Back then, I was able to climb the Heavenly God Mountain with him."

The supreme **** Yun Xi admires the strong.

At this time, the Tongtian Mountain is not open, and it is surrounded by terrifying destructive power, but with the strength of the two people, it will not care about this level of danger.

In just an instant, Chu Yuan reached the place where he had been.

He saw the Xuanwu picture that kept hitting the sky and the earth again, but this time he saw it with a different perception.

"He is trapped, there are countless restraints, and he wants to break a bright path."

Chu Yuandao.

"The recorded images from a very old age were recorded by the laws of heaven and earth. The more you go up, the more such images will appear."

Xuan Road.


Chu Yuan continued to soar upward.

Guo Ruxuan said that there are too many images of this kind, and those that can be recorded at such a height are all with the strength of the gods of heaven.

There are only pictures and no sound, but Chu Yuan seems to be able to hear their What are these ancient gods pursuing? "

Chu Yuan is still a little hard to understand.

There are many secrets in this world.

For example, what is the system? How was it born again.

"This Heavenly Dao God is stronger than Canghai Heavenly Dao God."

Chu Yuan saw a giant with boundless power. He waved his fists and feet, struck forward indefinitely, and uttered an eternal roar, but his entire body suffered an invisible impact and collapsed.

This power can't be seen, it can't be recorded even if it is connected to Tianshen Mountain.

He didn't stay long, watching all the way to a higher place.

"Shenwu God Emperor, this is the place where I have enlightened, and more mysterious things are recorded."

Xuan pointed to the sky.

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