"This is hell!"

In an extremely terrifying time and space, infinite negative forces swept across, and an extremely huge world appeared in front of Chu Yuan, frantically swallowing the energy permeating from the multiverse.

The world is too big, and a star is like dust in front of it.

True Sun Heaven, Han Haitian, and Chu Yuan have also been there, but they are far from the Hell Heaven, and in his simple estimation, they are even more than ten times larger.

With such a large area, there are so many powerful men born.

"Your Majesty, this is the **** sky, the oldest day in the multiverse. Whenever heaven and earth exist, **** will be there, and only the gods and heavens in the 33 days can compete!"

Ye E excitedly said: "There are reasons why the **** sky is so huge. One is that the existence of time is old, and the other is the annexation. During the period of the ancient war, the multi-day battle, annexing the same level of heaven, in the more ancient years, I also swallowed other days."

Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

The strongest heaven is the heaven of the gods, where the gods gather.

The most chaotic sky is the **** sky, where demons dance wildly.

He can also see that **** is expanding all the time. Although the speed of this expansion is very slow, he is aware of it.

At this time, Chu Yuan could also see countless creatures coming and going in and out of hell, and the vortex that enveloped the plane was surging.

"The dim sun is like the setting sun, the twilight of the gods, the fallen time and space, the **** sky is a gathering of infinite gloom, murderous, dim and decayed, gathering the most undead."

At this moment, Chu Yuan actually saw thousands of trillions of dim stars like stars rotating around the **** sky, extremely mysterious.

"We go to hell."

It was shocking enough from the outside world, and Chu Yuan looked forward to the inside.

Every moment, there are too many strong men entering hell, and Chu Yuan and the others will not be alarmed when he enters.

A depraved, gloomy, decayed, sinful, maddening, de-mind breath is coming madly.

Those who are not immortal, unable to use immortal materials to resist, will instantly fall into **** and become a beast.

"The **** emperor, this is the vitality of hell. It is completely different from the other multiverses. The creatures born within are used to it and naturally fearless, but people from other heavens have no strength and can't even enter the threshold of this hell!"

Ye'e greedily swallowed the spirit of hell, and sighed: "Hell, I'm finally back!"

He thought that he would never come back again. Although he was now controlled by others, he felt that it was much better than the life of immortality.

"Let me see hell!"

Chu Yuan's divine light pierced through, and he didn't care about the **** vitality that came crazily.

He has seen through thousands of planes, the time and space of this **** is extremely strong, it is difficult to tremble in the ordinary, and the planes are extremely large, and the environment is extremely complicated.

"Great Devouring Technique!"

Ye'e's soul body shook fiercely: "This is your Majesty's Great Swallowing Technique. It can swallow everything, even **** vitality. He will not fall into hell, only devour the energy of plundering hell!"

Chu Yuan's methods scared him.

"Primitive Energy!"

After Chu Yuan swallowed an unknown number of waves of energy, he suddenly waved his hand and a bright silk thread appeared.

Although it was very weak, the vitality of **** contained primitive energy. He gradually understood why **** would give birth to endless creatures.

"God emperor, **** is too mysterious and complicated. Although I am a **** of heaven born from hell, I haven't fully understood hell."

Ye E is a guide, he explained: "Just like the Heavenly God Mountain of the God Dynasty, the location of **** is also the node that communicates with the original time and space. It is only a trillion times larger, and the **** we see is just On the surface, **** is deeply rooted in the mysterious and endless dimensional time and space, and there are deeper secrets."

Chu Yuan was not surprised.

It is quite normal for an ancient sky like **** to have this secret.

At this time, he has entered the days of hell.

What I saw before my eyes was dim and decayed. There were hundreds of stars orbiting in the sky, but the light was too dim. Instead, it was dyed with a more terrifying yellow color.

The mountains stretched for millions of miles, and there were countless giant trees like magic shadows, and the screams of the ghosts could be heard all the time.

There is also a huge beast that Chu Yuan has never seen.

He had just arrived and seemed to arouse the vitality of hell. A huge human face appeared, but it was not a single face, but was composed of thousands of faces.

Such a terrible look, immortality will be scared to death.

It also emits a sharp and piercing soul sound.

dead! "

Ye'e shouted, shattering his face, "Anyone dare to offend anything that doesn't have eyes, God Emperor, this is the ghost in hell, every moment, countless **** creatures, and countless **** creatures die, so many The ghosts gather."

Chu Yuan didn't care much, he felt the violent vitality in hell.

"Ye'e, where are your treasures."

Chu Yuan's eyes swept across.

"In the sea of ​​hell!"

Ye'e screamed: "This is one of the five great jedi in hell. I guessed that there might be accidents, so it cost a huge price to build a hidden space and time. I can feel it now that it takes about a month at your majesty's speed. !"

He can't wait.

"Hell Sea." Chu Yuan figured out the word.

"The sea of ​​hell is boundlessly huge and extremely dangerous. There are many gods and gods in the hell, because sometimes there are powerful gods and primal energy erupting in the sea of ​​hell."

Ye E said: "There are so many powerhouses in hell, and there are so many planes. The **** emperor can understand it this way, it is a small multiverse."

This explanation is very vivid.

It seems to be in layers~www.ltnovel.com~ Every **** of heaven can occupy a huge plane. In my impression, there are 18 strongest and oldest **** masters in hell. I don’t know when they will They exist, because I was there when I was born. I don’t know how strong their strength is, but they created 18 powerful cities, even the weakest among them. In hell, like God It's hard to kill them even if they exist, they are invincible in hell! "

Ye E introduced the **** powerhouse to Chu Yuan: "Each ruler's subordinate has multiple heavenly gods working for them. They are the eternal and immortal existence in this hell."

"There are eighteen such powerful existences."

Chu Yuan had a more intuitive experience of the strength of hell.

But it's normal. Hell often attacked and invaded the other 33 days. If it didn't have such strength, it would have been united and destroyed.

"Go to the sea of ​​hell first and reshape your true body for you."

Chu Yuan was not in a hurry to explore the hell, the most important thing was to restore Ye'e's strength first.

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