"Stop, who are you? You can also enter the sect heavy land casually!"

Ye E was too direct when he came over, as if he had come to his own territory.

Some guards saw him and immediately shouted.

"Don't even recognize my ancestor?"

Ye'er had disappeared for so long after all, and it was not annoying to see that the guards who did not dominate the realm did not recognize him.

"I don't know, this senior, you have received an invitation from my Ye Shenzong. If you have any, please show it!"

Although these guards knew Ye'e was very powerful, they were not afraid, after all, Ye Shenzong was also a powerful sect in the days of hell.

"Ye Shenzong? Even the name of the mountain gate is easy to change? The change is big."

Ye'e's face suddenly sank.

He can no longer feel a trace of the faith in him by the sect.

This made him furious, and the breath of the heavenly gods came out like a tsunami.

He created the sect just to collect beliefs and create a large number of followers.

If there is no benefit, who will bother to develop.

"Tell the ancestors, who is your suzerain!"

The aura of the gods of heaven was too terrifying, and these guards were immediately suppressed and knelt down, with terrible fear on their faces.


They are horrified.

"Which **** of heaven came to my God of Night Sect, where there is a lack of hospitality, I am waiting to apologize here!"

Suddenly, several great lords appeared.

But their appearance is very strange, Ye'e has never seen it.

And when they saw Ye'er Heavenly Dao God, their expressions were also very puzzled. They seemed to have nothing to do with this Heavenly Dao God.

From the perspective of breath, it is the gods of heaven and hell.

"Some ordinary disciples don't recognize the ancestor. You great elders don't know the ancestor. It seems that Ezong has changed completely this night, and the traces of the ancestor have been erased!"

Ye'er was so angry.

"Where did you get the little trash fish, go to the ancestors!"

He took a strong storm with his palm and shouted: "Let me see who your suzerain is now."

"The Lord of Heaven, if you dare to be like this, you are provoking my Night God Sect. Sovereign Night God will not let you go!"

How can they resist the angry gods.

At the same time, in the depths of the Yee God Sect, several ancient gods were cultivating hard. They suddenly felt this aura and said in horror: "I'm back, it is the ancestor Ye'e who has returned. He has not fallen yet. We He has already betrayed his faith, and he will not let us go when he comes back!"

"I am the night god."

A force that is the same way of heaven emerges and is isolated.

A man with dark stripes on his face walked out. He looked at Ye'e and suddenly smiled: "Master, you are finally back."

"Oh? The so-called Night God turned out to be you. You became the God of Heaven in the years when the ancestors left. You are very good, Ye Xiao."

How could Ye E fail to recognize Ye God.

When he participated in the Great Ancient War, he left Ye Xiaozhen to guard the sect.

He was also surprised, Ye Xiao became a **** of heaven.

His face was still very ugly, and he said coldly: "Ye Xiao, tell the ancestor what happened, why Ye Ezong suddenly became Ye Shenzong, and what happened to you."

"Master, you never returned back then. Without the guardian of the God of Heaven, the sect was difficult. Later, I broke through the God of Heaven and stabilized the situation. I thought you had fallen, so I changed the name of the sect to the Night God Sect. ."

The night **** said lightly: "Also, I am the night **** now."

Ye'e didn't hear respect from his tone, and didn't put him in his eyes.

No one knows that the sect has changed hands, and his traces have long been removed.

"Ye Shenzong, very good."

Ye E calmly said: "However, now that the teacher has returned, you should abdicate."

"No, Master, you are wrong. You should abdicate. From now on, you will be the Supreme Elder of the Night God Sect. Together with our masters and apprentices, the two heavenly gods, our strength is stronger in this hell. A vast world!"

Ye God smiled.

Where would he give up his position as the sovereign and return it to Ye E.

"Back then, you left a mess for me. It is me. Under my leadership, the sect is stronger than when you were here!"

The night god's voice is loud.

He has always been a little uneasy during this period, and now he finally knows where the restless help comes.

"My ancestor has returned. It seems that those who believed in me back then were either cleared by you or completely loyal to you. No one came to greet the ancestor. It's ridiculous. I want my ancestor to be your grand elder and listen to your orders. ?"

Ye E disdainfully said: "Don't forget, I gave your life. Without me, you are the most ordinary creature in hell. I'm afraid I don't know where to die. I give you resources, nurture you, and treat you like you. Disciple see, otherwise you can become a great deity? Can you have today's achievements."

"This is the Ye Evil Realm, which I created at the beginning and laid the most solid foundation, Ye Xiao, it seems that you are going to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor."

Indeed, Ye'e was very optimistic about Yeshen back then, accepting him as a disciple and cultivating him like his own son, hoping that he could become his right-hand man.

"Master, the times have changed. Look, where is your trace?"

Ye God didn't care, "Moreover, as a **** of heaven, don't you know the laws of hell?"

"I know very well that for someone like you who deceives the master and destroys the ancestors, then the law of **** should be used to make a decision!"

Ye'e said angrily, and at the same time transmitted his voice to Chu Yuan, "Divine Emperor, don't take any action. I can handle this matter. This unfamiliar boy thinks he has become a **** of heaven, so his wings are hardened and he can fly. I want him to know that although I have been trapped in the abyss of burial for a long time, my understanding of the way of heaven has reached a level that he cannot imagine."

"I want to clean up the portal."

His anger has turned into a real flame.

"Are there going to be a war between heaven and gods today? What should we do?"

"He seems to be the Ye'ertian Taoist God of the year. He has disappeared for a long time. How come he has returned? The predecessor of Ye'erzong is Ye'erzong. He came back this time to seize power."

"The power of the gods and gods is terrible, this kind of battle is not something we can intervene!"

The Ye Shenzong powerhouse is frightened, like the end of the day.

"Little bastard~www.ltnovel.com~ The wings are hard, and I don't even listen to Master's words!"

The sky was spinning, Ye E stretched out his palm.

The terrifying power of heaven was shocked, and the law of time and space was dominated by him. The vast mana made the world dark, and the palm was like a knife.

He understood that Ye God had no respect for him at all, and it was impossible to obediently let go of the sect.

Ye Xiao stopped treating him as a master long ago.

"I haven't been in vain all these years. You are a god, am I?"

Ye God also roared.

He wants to defeat Ye'e head-on, destroy the shadow on his mind, and let him know that the times have changed.

"You are not qualified to fight with me!"

The strength of the two, at the same moment, banged and killed together, there was no room for it, and the former master and disciple began a **** battle.

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