"The **** emperor broke my power in one fell swoop. My comprehension of the way of heaven has reached the will of heaven. The mana of the **** emperor is unimaginable, and it is far more terrifying than mine."

Ye'e was also shocked when he felt his power was broken.

He immediately reverently said: "God Emperor, Ye Xiao has already run away, and now the entire sect is under my control again. What to do with this group of people is to follow the instructions of the God Emperor."

Naturally, he would not call him Night God.

"Who is he, even the ancestors are respectful in front of him!"

These powerhouses panicked, looking at the existence of the world, they all knelt down, kowtow and begged for mercy: "Don't kill us, the ancestors are back, we were wrong!"

They beg for mercy.

It can be said that the strongest in **** is the least afraid of death, but also the most afraid of death.

"What to do, leave it to you." Chu Yuan said indifferently.

"it is good!"

Ye'e grabbed the palm of his hand and he caught a few figures in front of him. They existed when he was there, and said cruelly: "You guys are bold, let alone the others. After all, they have never seen the ancestors. When you saw the ancestor, you still dared to follow the rebel and wave the flag and shout."

"The ancestor is forgiving. We can't resist facing the **** of heaven. Those who refuse to accept him have been killed. We are also trying to survive. It is the night god. No, Ye Xiao is the master of his own accord. Please understand our difficulties."

These people kowtow.

"Die all."

Ye E slapped them all to death.

"You have never seen the old ancestor before. The evildoer erased the traces of the existence of the ancestor. The ancestor can let you go once. Now all the souls of the great ancestors will be taken away by the ancestors and destroy the beliefs left by the evildoers , Remember, you will listen to the divine emperor’s order in the future, let you atone for your sins now, and then you will fight for the Shenwu Shen Dynasty."

Ye'e put a ban on all the souls of the Great Lord.

The **** is very cruel and realistic. Without Ye God, they can only listen to Ye E's words obediently, and directly control them with the most domineering means without any nonsense.

Chu Yuan didn't need to control the entire sect himself, he was enough to control one Ye'e.

"In the future, the Shen Dynasty will send a large army to practice in hell, and it will be much simpler to use Ye'e Zong as a stronghold and leave Ye'e.

A smile appeared on Chu Yuan's face at this time. Experience in the cruel environment of **** would certainly harm a large number of people, but those who survived can become the elites of his dynasty.

Hell is a place to temper people.

If there was no Ye Ezong, he would send someone casually, it would not be experience, but death.

"Ye'e, this is a list that can be used to cultivate the dark **** body, and the dark **** body must be cultivated in hell."

Chu Yuan said: "I will give you a few days to clean up the sect, and I will send someone here to practice."

"Yes, I know what to do, I will open the treasure space first."

Ye'e nodded.

That night God naturally knew that Ye'e left a lot of resources in the sect, but all of them were restricted. If they were forced to break open, only destruction would be left.

After these resources were taken out, they were all used to develop the gods.

And Ye Shenzong was renamed Ye Ezong.

But the belief has changed, and secretly believe in the Shenwu Shen Dynasty, the greater Shenwu God Emperor!

Hell is good, the weak eat the strong, the strong dominate everything.

"The **** is huge, and there are many resources that are not available elsewhere. The Heavenly Dao Cannon requires too harsh materials, but it can definitely be collected here."

Chu Yuan summoned Ye E.

"The **** emperor wants something amazing. Is it to refine the heavenly artifacts? I don't have many such things."

Ye E was secretly frightened and replied: "Divine Emperor, although I don't have these resources, I know where they are. The closest to this place is the Destroy Main City of Destroy Lord. There must be what your Majesty needs!"

"Does destruction rule?"

Chu Yuan said lightly: "I will destroy the main city and take a look."

"Damn damn, Ye'e, I hate you, you took my sect, but you can't take my life, today's shame will be the driving force for my progress!"

One place in hell.

Ye God is expelling the cursing power that Ye E has laid.

His anger burned the sky, and countless weak creatures were directly destroyed in his anger.

Suddenly, a figure descended in front of him, and just as he was about to destroy with a blow, the opponent's divine light directly bombarded it.

"It's you, God!"

Ye God was also surprised when he saw God, "Do you want to humiliate me at this time?"

"Have you met this person."

When God waved his hand, an image appeared.

"Why should I answer you!"

Ye God was the most annoyed when he was in the mood to answer God, impatiently said.

God glanced at him, bang! A **** hand blasted out across the air, and the night god's body suddenly collapsed again, reuniting in the long river of heaven.

"Damn it, if I didn't suffer a big loss in Ye'e's hands, even if you were powerful, I wouldn't be afraid of you. You are not going to challenge the gods of hell, haha, it is impossible to kill me!"

He could use the heavenly path to escape at any time, and the gods couldn't help him.

"You see the night." God said slowly: "Tell me where he is."

"Look for Ye E? Is this **** also his enemy? Well, although this **** is not a **** of heaven, but his strength is too terrifying, let the gods to clean him."

Ye Shen turned his eyes, and said sinisterly: "I know where he is. It's in my Ye Shen Sect. That man is also there. If you find him, go quickly!"

Naturally, he had never seen Chu Yuan, this was all nonsense by him.

God got the news and left immediately.

"Huh, I'm entangled by God, you are so delicious!"

Ye God smiled sinisterly.

Ye Ezong.

"Are you gone? Not here."

God's face was very cold, looking at Ye Ezong's weak creatures, with his pride, he was not interested in attacking the ants in his eyes.

"Look for him to destroy the main city, he must have gone there."

As far as God is concerned, he is proud of himself, and he does not allow any stronger presence in the same realm.

In order to find Chu Yuan, it is worthwhile to spend more effort.

"Divine Emperor, the destruction of the main city is coming. There are eighteen main cities in the hell. The destruction of the ruler is also an extremely great existence, and has participated in the ancient war."

Ye E leads the way~www.ltnovel.com~The eighteen masters of hell, all of them are extremely ancient, and the oldest is the master of the gods, he is also the strongest existence of the eighteen masters, and can be the strongest **** of the gods . "

Chu Yuan has Ye E and knows the situation of hell.

Every sovereign, even if it is weak, has the strength that God can't kill, and if it is in hell, it is even more powerful.

No one wants to fight against a master in hell.

Spent two more days.


The vitality of infinite destruction, on the dark earth, suddenly an extremely huge huge city stood between the sky and the earth, just a city, it was several times larger than the Promise Star Sea.

Around this main city, time and space are dominated by the power of destruction.

This is not only a city, but also a huge plane universe.

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