Chu Yuan directly penetrated this place.

Oh oh oh!

Suddenly, the eerie and evil black mist rushed out like a tide. From a distance, the inside was an extremely dangerous time and space.

"Sure enough, God Emperor, there is a time and space here, but I don't know what it is, but it is definitely not easy to convey this kind of breath!"

This kind of breath, even Ye'e, who is a **** of **** and heaven, is very uncomfortable, with a solemn expression, looking at time and space, very jealous.

"It must have a powerful source to convey this kind of breath."

Chu Yuan was not afraid, he became more interested and stepped in directly.

"The **** emperor has gone in, I want to go in too!"

Ye E quickly followed in.

It was pitch black, cold, and evil, as if the evils of the world were all in this time and space. Ye'e was surprised to find that his heavenly power had spread out, and he was immediately crushed by a stranger force.

"Divine Emperor, my power of heaven has been suppressed!"

Ye Hedao.

"I know."

The black mist melts in the darkness and strikes, and the power of decay, decay, and erosion is permeating. Here, there is the most terrifying evil.

This time and space seemed to be in a cave.

"Follow me!"

However, Chu Yuan didn't seem to feel this strange environment, and light swept out of him, shining on Ye'e, making him feel warm.

"The **** emperor is powerful, there is no problem following the **** emperor!"

Ye E closely followed Chu Yuan.

He looked at the light emitted by Chu Yuan, looked at the surroundings, there was only a space-time cave, he didn't know where to lead, only felt that the place outside the light was gloomy.

It stands to reason that he would not be afraid of this kind of breath, but this kind of breath is evil and supreme, beyond the limit he can bear.

He clearly knows that the ancient ruins is not an ordinary place. There are too many relics of ancient times buried here.

"Look, God Emperor!"

In this cave, Ye'e suddenly saw bones all over the floor, struggling one by one, clutching the wall in his hand, leaving their finger marks, and he was extremely painful when he died.

"Able to break into here are all extremely powerful great lords, but their bones are rotten, and the aura of heaven has disappeared, indicating that they have encountered a great evil!"

Ye E woke up and said: "I understand why there is a golden spring of soul here, because there are too many powerful people gathered here!"

These bones may all belong to **** powerhouses, or they existed when the cave was sucked into hell.

"Kill kill kill!"

As if from the roar from the soul, the terrifying voice echoed in the cave, everywhere, and the Great Lord would be screamed to death.

Boom! The entire time and space came out with a roaring tsunami-like evil aura, as if forming a blockade, all the things they had entered before had disappeared.

"Being blocked, what a weird place is this!"

Ye E soared into the sky.

He originally wanted to shock and leave, but in an instant, the evil breath was like an evil god, and the monstrous power directly suppressed his body and shook him back.

"So strong!"

Ye E's face was ugly: "God Emperor, here must be left behind by an extremely terrifying existence. This strange aura is frantically opposing my heavenly power. There will be nothing in a short period of time, but as time goes by, there will be serious problems."

"It doesn't matter, I have traced the source of this force, let's go!"

Chu Yuan ran the Great Devouring Technique, omnipotent refining and transforming, and quickly moved towards a place.

"The **** emperor must have a way!"

Chu Yuan's Void Way was running, and the power impact seemed to have come to the end of this time and space, and suddenly a torrent of evil rushed in.

This torrent of evil is too terrifying. I don't know how many epochs have been brewing. Even if the God of Heaven is washed away, the body will be corrupted.

"The Devouring Door."

Chu Yuan stood indifferently and quietly. With a push of his palm, a swallowing portal appeared, swallowing the evil torrent in.

The extreme darkness concealed all the light, but Chu Yuan shook his palm, and the door of light stubbornly dispelled the darkness, confronting this strange aura.

With the help of the light, Chu Yuan actually saw a dead bone.

"Could this be the source of the evil aura!"

Ye E was shocked.

This withered bone was dark all over, and under the shining light, there was a billowing black energy rushing out.

"No." Chu Yuan observed and said, "He should have been a **** of heaven before he was alive, but I guess that he died here and the river of heaven was annihilated, and he was absorbed into this evil spirit."

"What, a **** of heaven is dead here!"

Ye E did not dare to question the words of the **** emperor.

"The real evil lies behind him."

Chu Yuan walked towards the dry bones.

But as soon as it approached, the dead bone seemed to have awakened. An evil black light, with unwilling anger, stretched out his hand full of evil bones and grabbed it.

"The previous roar was from him, I know, he must be unwilling to fall, that is the roar of the heavenly gods forever!"

Ye E was shocked: "God Emperor, I'll help you!"

"It's okay, you can't turn it over with this dry bone."

Although there was a deep evil aura on this withered bone, Chu Yuan didn't care. He slapped it with infinite light power, and immediately a strong confrontation occurred.

Although this dry bone was a **** of heaven before his death, he was already dead after all, and it was only because of the evil spirit of this body.

The supreme and great power of the emperor came down, and this withered bone had no origin for a long time, and was stroked by his palm, directly into a dark space and time.

He looked at the front, the thick evil spirit, sealing the most terrifying evil, it seemed that something was about to wake up.

Ye'ertian Taoist God also looked at there, with his strength, he actually did not dare to approach, let alone expose the evil spirit.

"It's time to uncover the secret behind it."

Chu Yuan didn't have the slightest fear.

He grabbed it by the hand of God, as if grabbing a layer of black booming, like a flood opening the gate, it was out of control, and suddenly the trembling evil in the soul arose.

Infinite evil contains the power to conquer the soul.

Chu Yuan stood in the front, his will was indestructible, and he blocked it at once, and his eyes were coldly looking forward.

What he saw turned out to be a black skull, similar to a human skull, but even more hideous. All the sources of evil emanated from the skull.

This skull is like an evil god.

And in front of the skull, there is a giant axe with a pattern outlined on it, not words. If you look closely at the pattern, it looks like a magic face that is laughing and crying.

The giant axe was also stained with many bloodstains, and it made an eternal wailing, stern voice.

"God emperor, this skull was an extremely terrifying lord during his lifetime, and it was not even weaker than my **** lord during his lifetime. Otherwise, a skull alone could not have such power, and his power is too evil, like a curse!"

Ye'ertian said in shock.

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