"Ye'e, you are thinking, use my cursed door to cultivate."

Chu Yuan saw through Ye E's thoughts.

"Don't hide the **** emperor, I really think so. I have some sentiments about the way of heaven. If there is a curse gate, I will soon be able to break through to the way of heaven and heaven. This is a great improvement to my strength..."

Ye'e nodded: "But I don't dare to imagine it. It only needs the **** emperor to use some cursing aura."

"I will give you a greater insight. When you leave the ancient ruins, you will enter the door of the curse to retreat and enlighten. With me, there will be no problems."

Ye E was controlled by his soul, and Chu Yuan was naturally willing to help him improve his strength.

"That's great!"

Ye E was delighted.

Entering the door of the curse, it is easier to feel the power of the curse, and his soul is controlled by the **** emperor, who is a **** emperor, naturally, there is no need to worry about what will happen.

"Divine Emperor, where are we going now?" Ye E said.

"Leave the Ancient Ruins."

Chu Yuan was in a good mood. He took the skull, and the power of the cursed gate became stronger. In his hands, it was enough to threaten the God of Heaven.

But just as he was about to leave, a sacred light descended, and a man with divine light appeared. He was like a **** in the world, the existence that controls the strongest divine way.

"I finally found you." The man said.

When he walked, the divine light was magnificent, blocking this space and time.

"With such supernatural power, he is the powerhouse of the gods!"

Ye E shouted.

"Half-day Dao, Great Venerable Realm, if I am right, you are the number one **** on the Bantian Dao list."

Chu Yuan looked at this **** extremely indifferently.

This **** cultivates the ninefold divine calamity, Chu Yuan has also read some of his materials, and it is indeed very powerful.

"It turns out that it's just the Great Lord, God, if you dare to stand in front of your majesty, do you want to die!"

Ye E yelled, in his eyes, no matter how powerful it was, it was nothing more than a long time. How could it be compared with the **** emperor.

"Your realm is weird, like a heavenly way but not a heavenly way. Come on, my purpose of looking for you today is to fight you."

God directly challenged Chu Yuan.

"Presumptuous, the **** emperor is also yours to challenge at will!"

Ye'e was furious. Chu Yuan's various methods were already sacred and majestic in Ye'e's mind. He said: "The gods of the gods are really arrogant. You want to use the **** emperor to sharpen your gods. I can't be the first. you."

"I am not interested in fighting with you."

God didn't put Ye'e in his eyes. This calm voice made him even more arrogant, and then pointed at Chu Yuan: "My opponent is only you!"

His blood was boiling, and looking at Chu Yuan, his fighting spirit was rarely burning.

And he does have arrogant capital.

If it hadn't been for the Ninefold Divine Tribulation, in the most perfect state, he would have broken through to the Heavenly Dao God and stepped into the higher realm of the Heavenly Dao.

"I have no interest in you either."

Chu Yuan gave him a cold look.

From beginning to end, he didn't see God in his eyes. In the realm of Long Dao, he had no opponents.

He stepped directly, there was no God at all.

"You can't go without fighting me."

The gods have shot, and the brilliance is infinite. He is like a great ancient god, majestic and majestic. The palm of the gods is directly against Chu Yuan, and he must be forcing Chu Yuan to fight him.

"This **** has such a powerful strength, is it as powerful as the first half of the sky now!"

Ye'e also shakes.

Chu Yuan frowned, and the gods were forcing him to take action, making him feel angry, and he suddenly made a cold voice: "Okay, very good, gods of the gods, you are looking for death, I can fulfill you and let you die. In my hands."

"The stronger you are, the happier I will be. Only by fighting against powerful beings can I sharpen my ninefold divine calamity."


In the eyes of the gods, although Chu Yuan was a formidable opponent, it was his whetstone, and the role of existence was to sharpen him.

His magical bombardment thoroughly demonstrated his strength as the number one in the rankings.


The infinite emperor was accompanied by the hand of God, and the attitude of God made Chu Yuan very impatient.

Immediately collided with the **** hand, causing a shocking explosion.

Seeking death, right? Chu Yuan will fulfill him and let him die.

He strode forward, not talking nonsense with the gods, and coming over recklessly. Today, he wants this legendary leader to disappear.

With a blow from the universe, he takes control of time and space, and blasts with a palm again.

God’s power was collapsing. He went backwards continuously, and the blood in his body was pouring up, but he smiled excitedly: "Well, you are qualified to be an opponent. Fangs did not lie to me. It's a disaster!"

God strikes back.

Eight divine auras appeared at the same time.

Each halo is independent, with thunderstorms flickering on the outer layer.

With another blow, he unexpectedly evolved into the calamity of the heavens, and the power he exerted was equivalent to artificially causing Chu Yuan to fall into the calamity of the heavens.

"This is the Nine Divine Tribulation!"

Ye'e was shocked: "Oh my god, he actually cultivated to the eighth calamity. The multiverse can cultivate eight calamities is rare. In my memory, only Thor has cultivated to the nine calamities, and then used the ancient war to create Tenth Calamity!"

He understood what God's confidence was.

"Thor, I also want to surpass him!"

His goal has always been to surpass Thor. He can cultivate to the tenth calamity, and so can himself.

And his ambition is also big, is to become the greatest existence of the **** of heaven.

The Eightfold Divine Tribulation was extremely powerful, and it immediately enveloped Chu Yuan.


The divine calamity power like the sand of the Ganges came out and rushed towards Chu Yuan in an all-round way. This terrifying force, even the long river of the heavenly gods, would also be violently exploded.

"Nine-fold divine calamity, the peerless supernatural power created by a divine lord of the gods and heavens, but we will not invade in ten thousand calamities."

Chu Yuan stepped into the Eightfold Divine Tribulation directly.

The power of the divine calamity bombarded him frantically, but as he said, he was the most invincible existence, and such violent fluctuations actually had no effect on him.

"what happened!"

God's heart is also invading.

His magical powers could not shake Chu Yuan.

"Come, let me see your strongest strength."

Chu Yuandao.

"Nine Divine Tribulation."

God is also cruel.

His whole body is burning ~www.ltnovel.com~ The laws and flesh are turned into power, knowing that Chu Yuan will be his most terrifying opponent, but as long as he kills and defeats this person, he can achieve his peerless avenue.

The Ninth Divine Tribulation has appeared!

The nine-fold halo appeared.

But this ninth divine calamity was forced out at the cost of his law origin, but this did not hinder the strength.

Nine Nine into one, the nine auras seem to be condensed into one.

When the world's supernatural powers are released, the duel between the strong sometimes only takes a short moment. The **** will not fight Chu Yuan fiercely. He wants to use the strongest force to destroy directly.

God's tall body enveloped the divine calamity and already strode towards Chu Yuan.


Chu Yuan took a simple palm, but in this palm there was the dual power of God and destruction. The moment it fell, the entire body of God collapsed and turned directly into vitality.

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