Destroy the camp.

Abyss camp.

The blood stained the earth.

Countless creatures, the strong from the two camps are fighting each other on the huge battlefield.

Ye'er glanced at the constantly changing rankings, the number one was still the one called Zhan Shenkong, leaving the others far behind.

"Huh? Empress started her fight."

Ye E had to be nervous.

"My battle begins at this moment."

Jiuyou's expression was extremely cold, she came to a mountain range, and a great master of the abyss camp just brought his tribe to the battlefield.

"Jiuyou Hell."

Jiuyou walked over indifferently.

Her Jiuyou Hell opened.

Immediately, this group of **** demons instantly killed, shattering a part of her Nine Nether Hell.

Jiuyou continued to walk on the battlefield.

As long as it was from the abyss camp, she would kill them all without mercy, with the indifference on her face, as if the death of hundreds of millions of creatures would not make her xinxing even the slightest touch.

Cheng Xuan and the others also led the team to fight on the battlefield of hell.

Although their power is completely different from hell, it does not cause others to be surprised. After all, there are too many Heavenly Martial Artists who have joined him in this war.

One year, two years.

"Kill, besieged this woman, she is too hateful, killed a large number of powerful people in our clan, cruel, and is a demon, this time she was finally besieged in the water gu, this time she can not be let go! "

"Yes, she repeatedly killed the strong man on the side of my destruction camp, which is absolutely hateful!"

"Huh! Many of the strong men sent by me to cross the heaven this time died in her hands!"

Shui Gu Jian is an extremely dangerous Jedi dominating the battlefield.

There are more than a dozen great masters besieging Jiuyou, and there are three peak great masters.

They gritted their teeth and hated Jiuyou, too many powerful men on their side died in her hands.

"You are all about to die."

Jiuyou's face was extremely cold.

A complete chill, accompanied by the arrival of Jiuyou Hell, made this world dark.

"Still talking big, besieged her!"

During this period of time, Jiuyou can be said to be indignant.

This group of strong men held a large number of people, and they were not afraid of Jiuyou, and they all killed her.

Oh oh oh! It was Jiuyou Cold Wind, so cold that the soul would freeze.

Jiuyou killed the past with one palm, and immediately carried the power of the cold wind with one palm, and slapped a strong man, and the entire body disappeared with the wind.

She walked into the crowd, like the reaper of life, beheading successively, this group of people was as weak as a chicken, vulnerable.

"Ah! Run, how can her strength be so strong, we are not her opponents!"

The uncontestable strong, they were also afraid, and turned around to run away.

But a cold light flashed in Jiuyou's eyes, but they wouldn't let them go. Jiuyou **** descended like a black lotus, enveloping this group of people.

The flowers bloom and fall, like a change of life and death, everyone, including the few pinnacles, are dead.

"Mysterious man, take back all the wealth of these people."

Jiuyou said to a shadow in the void.

She is also a very proud person. She created an empire at the time of Shenwutian. How can she be soft when she starts.

In the hell, it is like a dragon in the sea.

Five years have passed.

Jiuyou rose to fame, she was called the **** empress, and countless powerful men died in her hands.

"Our lady is cruel and cruel. I have been paying attention to her battles for the past five years. The strength of the lady is improving by leaps and bounds. It seems that I am so worried."

Ye'e also felt a lot more relaxed, "There are few people who can do nothing without encountering the gods of heaven."

Ten years have passed.

Jiuyou's ranking reached the top ten.

"Such grind is not enough."

Standing on a mountain top, Jiuyou had black hair fluttering, his eyes blooming with black light, "Come out, I see you."

"The Jiuyou of the destruction camp is really amazing. In just ten years, it has reached the top ten of the destruction camp. Do you know how many strong people died in your hands and how many people want you to die."

A man appeared in front of Jiuyou, "Under self-introduction, my name is Chi Dian."

"I am not interested in your name, from the abyss camp."

A strong murderous intent emerged in Jiuyou.

"What an indifferent woman, haha, today I will come to subdue you and become my woman. I have no interest in other women, but you make me fall in love with you!"

The man named Chi Dian laughed, his breath was particularly strong, and he bombarded him strongly in the black lightning.

Jiuyou looked at him, there was no more words. In her eyes, this person was bound to die. If she wanted to become his woman, it was no different from seeking death.

She lightly blasted a burst of mana, and this person's ultimate move was broken.

"A little trick, but it's not enough!"

Chi Dian's thunder pulsed in an instant, like an electric dragon, breaking through the sky, and the sky full of thunder actually formed a purgatory, rushing to trap Jiuyou in the middle.

Jiuyou suffered his attack, cold and terrible.

If his words were heard by that man, he would have died so much that there was no scum left.

She appeared in the Nine Nether Hells, and the Nine Nether Divine Lotus bloomed on her palm, and immediately teleported to Chi Dian's face, suddenly opened, and directly enveloped him.

Chi Dian's strength is also very strong. Seeing Jiu You's counterattack, he sneered and said, "I want to break my domain too, delusional!"

He flipped his hand, and every black thunder hit like a dragon.

"Eternal life has fallen."

But a scene that he could not imagine appeared.

The Nine Nether Divine Lotus bloomed and fell, all his power was broken, a huge force fell from the sky, all counterattacks were useless, and it was directly sealed by the Nine Nether Divine Lotus.

This series is just between lightning.

Killing Chi Dian would never have imagined that Jiuyou's strength would actually be so powerful. After being sealed in the **** lotus, it would be called Tiantian's refusal and the earth would not work.

"The strength of the empress is too strong, hopefully heavenly!"

Seeing Jiuyou's solution to Ye'e was also surprised, and suddenly shouted, "No!"

"Those who destroy the camp, how dare you kill my disciple, this **** wants you!"

Shocking anger swept over, and a **** of heaven with first corners slapped an angry big palm print of heaven.

"Haha, the gods of the abyss camp also want to intervene in the battle between the great lords, but let me be taught!"

Ye'e naturally wouldn't watch Tiandao God attack Jiuyou, this was no longer a target Jiuyou could use for his experience, and he immediately shot out a palm.

boom! The tremendous force of two heavens is tumbling.

"Ye E is you, and you have also cultivated to the heaven and the will of heaven!"

This **** of heaven revealed his true body, and said in surprise: "You came back alive from the ancient war, and you actually cultivated your true meaning of heaven, which is amazing."

"Chi Yue, you didn't cultivate in the same way, but your character still makes me very shameless."

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