Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1309: 1 piece of heaven and earth **** wood

"A certain magical power condensed by the law of heaven."

Chu Yuan looked at it for a moment, and stood still.

His hand shook, and the power of the Black Wood Demon Lord arrived in front of him.

He took the initiative to attack.

A **** of light condensed out, and the bright light shone on this dark space. In this kind of light, the Black Wood Demon Lord was extremely uncomfortable and frowned.

Chu Yuan strode out, and at this moment, he was the strongest divine residence controlling the light, the immortal god, and with a sudden blow, the sky rumbling down.

"The power of great illuminati!"

The Black Wood Demon Lord was slightly surprised.

Immediately, the power of darkness appeared on his body. He was the **** of darkness, fighting against Chu Yuan's light with darkness.

boom! The two forces collided fiercely in different time and space.

"Hmph, although the strength is strong, it is still under the control of this seat!"

Black Wood Demon Lord shouted.

Unfortunately, Chu Yuan controlled more space-time secret techniques than he had imagined.

Darkness and light, two opposing powers, appeared between Chu Yuan's hands. He shot forward, and the Black Wood Demon Lord was fiercely affected by a huge force, and his whole body flew into the air and flew out.

"Darkness and light!"

Black Wood Demon Lord said firmly.

Before he could react, the power of Yin Yang and Qian Kun fell again.

boom! boom! boom!

Chu Yuan's offensive swallowed the mountains and rivers, and fell like a torrential rain. Even with the strength of the Black Wood Demon Lord, at this moment, his whole body was beaten and collapsed, and he just relied on the heavenly body to resist.

"His power is too strong!"

The Black Wood Demon Lord roared.

Demon qi gushing out of lines of demon gods on his body, the magical secret technique shocked the sky, and directly shot out from Chu Yuan's attack, the huge power tore the sky.

Chu Yuan did not waver, and directly slapped him.

boom! Hundreds of millions of time and space are shattering, and I don't know how many billions of miles it has spread.

After that, Chu Yuan's big hand came down, and time and space suddenly calmed down, as if there was only his big hand between the world and the earth.

"This kind of control!"

The Black Wood Demon Lord's eyes were staring wide, as if uttering the law, depriving him of control of the heavens, yet he knew it.

This is because the opponent's power is too strong, and he controls the law, so that he can't run his own power.

He could only take a blow passively, a single shot of the whole person, and he could bear it with a powerful demon body, but it was not good.

"Xuanxu do it!"

He also understood that it could not be Chu Yuan's hands on his own.

"False and true, true and false change!"

Xuanxu Demon Lord has long been waiting for the shot.

He suddenly distinguished hundreds of them in front of Chu Yuan, and the power that was indistinguishable from the true and the false was changing. This was his fake body separated by his own power of heaven, and it could be changed instantly.

"How many fakes can only be destroyed."

Chu Yuan didn't change a bit.

His big hand brought out a stream of air, like a dragon, bang, bang, and as the air flow rotated, all the fakes were broken.

Then he created a cosmic time and space in a single thought.

"One thought of the universe!"

The pictures in front of the two demon masters suddenly changed.

"Heaven and earth are annihilated!"

As soon as Chu Yuan moved, the world exploded, like the beginning and destruction of the universe, the endless particle storm mixed with an annihilating violent current, making the two demon masters very uncomfortable at this time.

"Huh! Heavenly Time and Space!"

The Black Wood Demon Lord, the Xuanxu Demon Lord immediately stabilized himself with his heavenly time and space.

But the next moment.

Chu Yuan arrived in front of the Black Wood Demon Lord, and his Bengtian power came down, regardless of the Xuanxu Demon Lord, he concentrated on dealing with one, and he would break him down first.

The Great Destruction Technique blew devastating winds, and every wind could set off a continuous explosion.

"Damn it, Gods and Gods must not be humiliated!"

The Black Wood Demon Lord naturally noticed Chu Yuan's intention.


A piece of black wood suddenly appeared in his hand, and the tree pattern on it seemed to be the pattern of heaven. It was not made by the Black Wood Demon Lord himself, but grew naturally.

The breath of this black wood is very powerful.

"This is the tree of heaven and earth obtained by Black Wood!"

After seeing the Xuanxu Demon Lord, he was very greedy.

In fact, the strength of the Black Wood Demon Lord is very common among the Heavenly Dao Gods, but with the difference between the Heaven and Earth Woods, he immediately gave him a level.


The Mummy of Heaven and Earth is the sacred tree that opened up the heavens and the earth at the beginning of the multiverse. The Black Wood Demon Lord got a piece by luck and refined it into his own divine tool.

"The tree of heaven and earth, prop up all destruction!"

Infinite destruction came to him, and he calmed down unexpectedly. With the help of heaven and earth, it seemed that even multiple destruction could not kill him.

"The legendary heaven and earth sacred tree!"

Chu Yuan had also heard of it.

"Xuanxu, create opportunities for me!"

Black Wood Demon Master's voice transmission.

Xuanxu Demon Lord.

He immediately suppressed and contained Chu Yuan with his own laws of Heaven.

"Even if there are heaven, earth and sacred trees, you can't escape the end of destruction."

Chu Yuan stood still.


The Black Wood Demon Master held the giant wood and regained his infinite self-confidence again. He seemed to hit a bell, violently hitting the past. This force was stronger than waves.

He has not yet realized the will of heaven.

But even if Ye'e, who has the will of heaven, was in front of him, he would never dare to confront him directly.

Chu Yuan stood there. At this moment, he was like the universe, with a big hand, already enveloped in infinite power, and at the moment of impact, he even grabbed it with a palm.

"Want to fight with brute force, stupid!"

He didn't care.

Now a very strange scene has formed.

The Black Wood Demon Lord manipulated one end of the Heaven and Earth Shenmu, while Chu Yuan grabbed the other end. The two did not seem to move much, but they were in a stalemate confrontation, and the power of destruction had penetrated into the depths of time and space.


On the heaven and earth sacred tree, there was a black magic fire burning, trying to burn Chu Yuan out.

Chu Yuan also showed strength resistance.

Deadlock or deadlock.

But a strange smile appeared on the face of the Black Wood Demon Lord.

"The heart demon's supernatural power!"

Suddenly, the Xuanxu demon who didn't take much action turned into a black shadow. It was a blow from the heart demon. It would arouse the biggest heart demon in Chu Yuan and let him ignite himself.

The demons are everywhere is an extremely terrifying force.

The gods of the gods and gods also have demons, even the emperor of the ancient times.

The biggest killer is not the Black Wood Demon Lord, but the Xuanxu Demon Lord. He has long been waiting for Chu Yuan to use most of his power to counter his own power, create opportunities, and activate the magical powers of the heart demon.

"The heart demon cannot be eliminated, it can only be controlled."

Chu Yuan's invincible momentum burst out.

The heart demon transformed into the Xuanxu Demon had just rushed in front of him, but when he was about to get in, it made a bang like it hit an iron plate.

Soul storm.

Heart demon is also a kind of soul power.

Chu Yuan's soul storm suddenly blasted the encirclement mat, and the Xuanxu Demon Lord never thought that the inner demon power he had activated would be useless, and he uttered a terrible cry.

If the inner demon's magical powers were not activated, it caused him a great backlash and suffered from it.

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