An amazing vision appeared in front of everyone.

Qi Ming Court is the cemetery of the gods.

"The cemetery of the gods, the Lord of Qiming, waiting for the people of Qiming, the ancient heavenly gods still have their own bodies, what do they want to do?"

"That breath is too terrifying, do they appear this time to completely destroy tomorrow and erupt the final disaster!"

"It's very possible, but now the situation is too unknown, let's watch the changes first!"


All the strong men were shocked to see this scene.

Even if it is the fallen Lord Qi Ming, the majesty is too strong, just looking at him will cause the soul to tremble with palpitations.

Of course.

Qi Ming, the Lord is already dozens of existences at the pinnacle of the multiverse, even today's dragon **** Tianlongzu is not as good as him.

Because he is not the 33rd God, and he does not control the majesty of a day.

Thirty-three days represents a powerful force, such as destruction in hell, the abyss, if they leave **** and fight in the next day, they will be beaten and flee.

This is the terrifying power brought by the blessing of heaven and earth.

"Miss, let's wait first."

Lu Yuan said solemnly on the side.

Oh oh oh!

At this moment, Qiming Beast uttered its voice, looking at Qi Ming and waiting for the heavenly gods, feeling sad.

The strong suffocating aura on it also exudes, touching the body of the master Qi Ming and other powerful people, and suddenly, the master of Qi Ming opened his eyes and swept two strong rays of light.

His immortal majesty spread out, and under the gaze of all the strong, at this moment, it seemed to be revived, crossing the eternal river.

"Enlighten tomorrow Lord!"

The great elder of Longcheng was also abruptly shocked, and said with a big shock: "What, is Qi Tomorrow mainly resurrected? Impossible, he died completely back then, could it be that this is the great formation he laid down to sacrifice the entire Qi Tomorrow, Revive yourself!"

This kind of majesty is too strong, even if the **** of heaven is swept away, it will suffocate.

God's power is inviolable.

At this time, no one dared to act rashly, facing the back hand left by a god, even if it was an existence of the same level, he had to be careful.

But Chu Yuan knew what Qi was mainly doing tomorrow, waved his hand, and said leisurely, "Let's start."


Only in a moment!

Starting from the most fringe Qiming Tiandao God, a tens of millions of miles of phosgene blasted the heavens and the earth, breaking the shackles of the endless mist, directly hitting into the source of heaven and earth, turning into billowing energy.

These lights hit quickly.

The impact of every bright light will stabilize the broken Qi tomorrow a lot.

Chu Yuan could perceive that the original origin of the world, which had been shattered everywhere, was repairing at an extremely alarming speed at this moment, and the flawless crystal wall was shrouded in it, no longer leaking energy crazily.

At the end, only Qi Mingzhu is left.

The scepter in his hand is his strongest artifact, far from being comparable to some heavenly artifacts, but it also turned into a dazzling light at the same time as him, and rammed into the source of heaven and earth.

Qi will be calm tomorrow, and there will be no more violent turbulence.

The origin of the day and earth was completely restored.

Enlighten the Lord's last hand tomorrow. Thousand Books

If Qi Ming arrives at the final collapse, their divine bodies will completely blow up Qi Ming with the origin of heaven and earth, but under the guidance of Qiming beast, they will turn into energy and return to the origin of heaven and earth.

Yu Qi will be promoted to the top tomorrow, and will return to feed Qi tomorrow.

This is their final contribution.

Qiming beast's will is sad, and its eyes have left two tears like pearls.

If there is love in the sky, the Qiming Beast, who is the will of the sky and the earth, shed tears.

"The real cruel battle is coming. Qiming Beast is ready. Now you can fully mobilize the heaven and earth energy to suppress the blessings of tomorrow."

Chu Yuan said slowly, only crazy warfare in his eyes.

"What's the matter? What happened to Qi just now? I thought that this day will be completely destroyed."

"Very weird, the Lord of Qi Ming seems to have returned to the heaven and the earth, you see, the whole Qi Ming is calm, and the origin of the heaven and the earth is not broken anymore. It will no longer be broken and terminated!"

"How could there be such a thing? What happened in it? Should we rush in or just wait and see what happens!"

"Let's just wait and see, the situation is unknown now."

A group of strong, lightning-like communication.

The most anxious is Dragon City. With the lock-up of the source of heaven and earth, they can no longer extract a little energy, which means that the cultivation of Chaos Dragon Egg has temporarily stopped.

Push away the clouds and mist to see the blue sky.

The sky and the sky were clear and bright, and even the vitality was calm.

"Look, what is there!"

A strong man suddenly saw that there were countless black armoured soldiers in the Qi Ming court, silent, iron-blooded soldiers swept through them, and the weapons in their hands reflected a terrible cold light.

Suddenly, so many troops appeared in the court of Qi Ming. They were prepared for a while, and everyone was shocked when they saw it.

"Could it be the army that will start tomorrow?" The madman said.


The Lord of the Fierce Demon shook his head sharply: "They are all alive, and Qi Ming, even Qi Ming, the Lord is completely dead, the army can not be alive, and I have fought against Qi Ming, their armor and military might not at all The kind of Qi tomorrow is colder and more domineering!"

"Heaven and Earth Will!"

Fengshen shouted in surprise.

He saw Qiming Beast.

The Qiming Beast at this time was no longer a small beast, but a huge and dazzling giant. It radiated divine glory, shining on the body of this large army, and seemed to be favored by heaven and earth.

Blessings from heaven and earth.

"The will of heaven and earth appears, seeming to favor that army. What does this mean?"

Some facts were speculated between the ancient gods and the light and flint, and he said in horror: "I understand, the will of heaven and earth is awakened, and the will of heaven and earth is awakened. A divine dynasty, that is to say, heaven and earth will take refuge in that divine dynasty, and that divine dynasty must completely control tomorrow!"

"What? There is such a thing?"

"Why will the will of Heaven and Earth of Qi Tomorrow suddenly take refuge in a certain is simply impossible."

"It's not hard to guess. The Will of Heaven and Earth knows that if this continues, it will completely collapse in hundreds of millions of years, so it must make a choice. Obviously, in its choice, the gods can help it!"

"How can such an ancient day be controlled by a god? This is something that cannot be tolerated!"

When the strong men present learned of this fact, an expression of anger appeared on their faces.

Especially the Dragon God of Dragon God, the most angry.

They also look forward to the origin of the heaven and the earth, the final big bang, which will return to chaos and pluralism, and give birth to the chaos dragon.

"Qi tomorrow belongs to our sacred dynasty from now on. Anyone who makes a move will become our enemy."

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