"Divine Emperor, Lu Yuan, I am willing to help the Divine Emperor!"

Lu Yuan, Mingxue suddenly turned into two rays of light, and rushed directly into Qi Ming.

Help from Mingyue Island.

With such a strong enemy, there are many strong men who want to attack Chu Yuan, so it was a little surprising that Mingyue Island would come to help Chu Yuan at this time.

The icing on the cake is easy, but the charcoal is difficult.

The order they received was to help Shen Wu Shen Chao repel the powerful enemy, but in their own capacity, not in the name of Mingyue Island.

For the owner of Mingyue Island.

He didn't care at all. Whether he could get a few artifacts from Qi Tomorrow would not help him much.

And if it can help Chu Yuan succeed this time, then the kindness to Shenwu Shen Dynasty will be great, and the value is far more precious than a few artifacts.

At this time, we can see people's hearts best when we help each other.

And Mingyue Island Master is also extremely wise. He didn't take action by himself, and let his subordinates take action. Even if Chu Yuan failed afterwards, it could be said that his subordinates had obtained the benefits of Shenwu Shenchao, and they had taken action.

But if you win, the reward will be greater.

And Mingyue Island Lord is also the most powerful God of Heaven, he is not afraid of Dragon Ancestor's revenge, as long as he does not take the initiative to step into the Dragon God Day to find death, Dragon Ancestor will have nothing to do with him.

Even though he had guessed the intention of Mingyue Island Master, Chu Yuan was extremely grateful to be able to take action at this time.

The average person cannot make such a decision.

It's pretty good if you don't shoot, let alone help him fight.

"What a mighty heaven and earth energy, at this moment, my strength is comparable to the realm of heaven and earth!"

Suddenly receiving the blessing of this power, Lu Yuan's expression was also shocked. This was simply raising his cultivation level, although it was only temporary.

He also knows.

Normally, the source of heaven and earth does not consume blessings like this, it consumes too much energy.

"Lu Yuan from Mingyue Island!"

The Lord of the Blue Dragon saw Lu Yuan suddenly, and he shouted: "You Mingyue Island has nothing to do with the world. Do you want to do it right with my Dragon God this time? You are looking for death!"

"Haha, incompetence does not mean incompetence, and this time it is my personal behavior and has nothing to do with Mingyue Island!"

Lu Yuan laughed loudly.

"Your Majesty God Emperor saved my life, how can I not help?"

Boom! A majestic vitality suppressed it, and it turned out to be Meng Tianhe. He also came and said: "God Emperor, I have heard the news of tomorrow, and I rushed to help!"

His idea is similar to Mingyue Island.

He was also secretly frightened, this time the divine emperor Shenwu made too much noise, and it alarmed too many powerful people.

"You are all my friends!"

Chu Yuan blessed the power of heaven and earth on him.

"It's Meng Tianhe from Coslight Alliance."

The master of Jiuyuan said coldly: "Meng Tianhe, your shot is the will of your Guangyu League?"

"It has nothing to do with Coslight Alliance, it is purely my own personal behavior."

Meng Tianhe stared at the Jiuyuan Realm Master, knowing that this is a very powerful existence, and said: "Jiuyuan Realm Master, if I were you, I would not be with the Dragon God Heaven. It is better to help the **** emperor and fight the enemy together!"

"Can't postpone any longer. Chi is going to change. There is always anxiety in my heart. The Shenwu God Emperor seems to be planning a big conspiracy. Dragon Gods, let's do it together!"

While the Lord of Canglong shouted, he looked at the heavenly gods who were still enlightening tomorrow.

"If you want to seize the treasure, then do it now, otherwise you want to pick up the bargain. We won't agree to it when Qi breaks through tomorrow, so let's do it!"

The Jiuyuan Realm Master also sneered: "I want to pick up the bargain, but don't want to take the risk. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

"Okay, let's do it too. This time we will fight for it. For the past 33 days, even if it is broken, there is no way to estimate how much wealth there will be after the breach!"

"Haha, shoot, this time there is a strong Dragon God Heaven to play the vanguard, what are we afraid of?"

"The most difficult goal is handed over to Long Shentian, we just need to hold their power on the sidelines!"


In their eyes, Qi Ming is a huge treasure house, and the pack of wolves will be besieged.

A large number of strong men joined forces to display mana and bombarded Qi Ming.

There are also some strong men who are extremely cautious and did not take action without authorization. They are worried that the Shenwu Shenchao will burst out with unimaginable targets.

"I have remembered those who shot today!"

A tyrannical gaze swept over and swept across the body of these strong shots, as if to put their life origins in their bones.

"Miss, there are so many strong men. On the surface, their strength is far from them, and the only variable in this battle is the divine emperor. I still haven't seen what he is going to do. It's just a fusion of tomorrow. How simple?"

Lu Yuan's face was solemn.

"I know that all the variables are on the Shenwu Divine Emperor. Actually, I guessed a little. Our shot is to buy time for the Shenwu Divine Emperor."

Although Mingxue is a woman, she is also an extremely determined and decisive person, saying: "Moreover, this battle is also tough for me. Normal times? Then there are strong gatherings."

"Lord of Canglong, I'll be the vanguard first!"

The lord of human dragon turned into a half dragon, and his dragon hand tore to the void.

Suddenly, a large number of Dragon God and Heavenly Experts joined forces to bombard, almost overturning the entire Qi Tomorrow, the endless earth is sinking, and the vitality of the heaven and earth is violent.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

There is no retreat.

The strongest person in Shenwu Shenchao today was Ye'e. He took a deep breath, and under the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, he directly killed him.

"A **** of hell, dare to be presumptuous in front of my dragon god!"

The Lord of the Earth Dragon of the Dragon God Heaven wielded the dragon's great supernatural powers. Although his strength was not as good as the Lord of the Blue Dragon and the Lord of the Battle Dragon, it was second only to them, and it was enough to stop him.

"Hateful, there are too many strong people!"

Ye E naturally could see that the Lord of the Earth Dragon was like a huge mountain with a huge body of millions of feet, although his strength was suppressed by the will of heaven and earth.

But there is no way to defeat him.

The Lord of Earth Dragon struggled with himself at the cost of injury.

"You block the other powerhouses of the Shenwu God Dynasty, and the Shenwu God Emperor will give it to us!"

The Lord of the Dragon War shouted.

The Shenwu Divine Emperor is the most difficult to deal with, and is also the most jealous of all the strong on the scene.

"Haha~www.ltnovel.com~ no problem, Shenwu God Emperor will leave it to you, and the others will deal with it for us!"

Those gods who do not belong to the dragon gods laughed.

Such as Jiuyou, God of War, and Cheng Xuan, they all have the highest strength of the Great Exalted.

But they are only a few people.

Even if they resist desperately, how many can they resist?

"People of Mingyue Island, don't think about making a move!"

Just when Lu Yuan was about to make a move, several powerful men came, and they did not make any move, just staring at Lu Yuan and Mingxue, so that they could not intervene in other battlefields.

Meng Tianhe and Xuan also encountered the same situation.

The situation has reached its most precarious time.

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