The instant Dragon Claw struck, he was directly shaken back by a flash of fire.

It was Huo Zu, and Chu Yuan sacrificed him.

The Black Wood Demon Lord had been suppressed by Chu Yuan before, and he was sacrificed to the Fire Ancestor.

In addition, the source of heaven and earth is also consuming huge amounts of energy to sacrifice him.

"Qing Ming in the thirty-three days, why has its strength declined to such a level, is it rare to encounter disaster and annihilate?"

The memory of the fire ancestor is still very old, and he is eager for power: "As long as you sacrifice the whole Qi tomorrow to me, I can break free from the law of life and death, resurrect to the world, and help you deal with the current crisis."

"You deal with Dragon Ancestor Nilin, and I will help you step by step in the matter of resurrection. Without me, you will never have a chance to resurrect."

Chu Yuan was indifferent.

Sacrifice tomorrow?

He has to rely on Qi to break through the Heavenly Dao God tomorrow, as long as he breaks through, he can sweep the immediate crisis.

"it is good!"

Huo Ancestor also knew that Chu Yuan was the greatest help to his resurrection.

His flame body immediately looked at Long Zu Ni Lin, "Dong Zu Ni Lin, where the essence of life lies, but with me, you can't turn the sky."

"What is that flame giant? No, this is the power that was sacrificed, the consciousness of destiny, his power during his lifetime is comparable to the demon master in the Ten Thousand Demon Days, damn, how can Shenwu have this card!"

The Dragon God Tianlong Shen was also completely angry, and Shenwu's hole cards seemed to emerge endlessly.

"Fire Ancestor?" Long Ancestor Ni Lin said indifferently: "Go away, the existence that has died, but the true spirit destiny still exists in the world, is not qualified to stop the original ancestor, let alone you are dead, even if you are alive, you are not my opponent. , Dare to help him, I will leave you with no hope of resurrection forever!"

"Haha, I'm all dead, this is just a sense of destiny that came out of the sacrifice, what are you afraid of, besides, you are just a scale, not your real dragon ancestor."

Huo Zu laughed.

The dragon ancestor against scales and huge dragon claws instantly killed the fire ancestor.

He was in a very bad mood, and his true body was looked down upon by the ancient source **** and the wolf-greedy lord.

After hundreds of millions of years of painstaking cultivation, a piece of inverse scales also appeared like fire ancestors.

"As long as you sacrifice a lot of energy to me, I can help you resist the Dragon Ancestor Nilin!"

Huo Zu is very confident.

"it is good!"

Chu Yuan directly used a lot of energy to sacrifice.

"Happy, so happy!"

Fire Ancestor cherishes every opportunity to reappear in the world. Firelight lasses. Although Long Ancestor Nilin is extraordinary in strength, Fire Ancestor is not easy to provoke.

He squandered his energy and attacked wantonly.


The fire ancestor turned into a beam of light that pierced through the heavens and the earth, piercing through the eternity, and the cross-domain infinite time and space was about to descend on the dragon ancestors inverse scale.

Dragon Ancestor Ni Lin also burst out the most ferocious power, fighting against Fire Ancestor.

The infinite energy has penetrated countless spaces, and the continuous Qi Ming court is turning into powder, sweeping countless restrictions.

"The power of Longzu Nilin has dissipated!"

"Although the existence of the sacrifice has exhausted its power, it has also destroyed many restrictions. Look, the Shenwu God Emperor has appeared in front of us!"

"I don't believe it, he still has a hole card, kill, kill directly!"

The three dragon gods, the master of Jiuyuan shouted out angrily.

Suddenly, four terrifying heavenly forces bombarded Chu Yuan in the shocking power fluctuations.

But where Chu Yuan was, it turned into the biggest black hole, and he swallowed all the energy.

At this moment, his breath is completely different.

This day will change.

"The realm of heaven and **** is within my reach."

Chu Yuan stood between the heavens and the earth, his will enveloping the whole of Qi Ming, so everyone felt a huge imperial might, wanting to dominate and control their life and death.

The light that enlightened tomorrow was also surging violently.

"What is he going to do?"

"Did he drive him to the end, to destroy the entire Kai Ming, and die with us?"

"But by doing this, he will die, and his empire will also perish!"

What happened at this time was unexpected to some people.


The true situation of Chu Yuan was that he was about to attack the Heavenly Dao God.

In the whole world, infinite energy all emerged from him.

Suddenly, they felt that all the suppression imposed on them was gone.

"What's going on, why the world is no longer putting pressure on us, but this is definitely not a good thing. I feel that all the energy is converging to the Shenwu Divine Emperor!"

There is no power to suppress them, this is not a good thing.

At this time, the army also retreated, guarding Chu Yuan's side.

This day was changing, and Chu Yuan spent a long time preparing for it, and finally reached this point. Suddenly, violent fluctuations occurred in the world, and various calamities bombarded him.

"This is Heaven and Earth Tribulation!"

"No, how could there be a heaven and earth divine calamity suddenly? What kind of calamity is this, could it be that he is breaking through the heaven and earth gods?"

"Impossible, he can't break through the Heavenly Dao God, how can there be such a terrifying existence against the sky in this world!"

The first to utter the loudest shout was the Lord of Canglong.

He had fought against Chu Yuan before, and he didn't believe that he was not a **** of heaven, because even if he was suppressed by the will of heaven and earth at that time, it would be too scary.

"Everyone's Heavenly Dao and Divine Tribulation is different, but there is one thing that cannot be concealed, and that is the transformation from illusion to reality. He is indeed breaking through the Heavenly Dao and God!"

The realm of the gods of heaven is a process of evolution from illusion to reality.

Why is it so hard to kill the gods of the heavens? Such a strong **** can be quickly wiped out in front of Chu Yuan, and the Black Wood Demon Lord, who is weaker than the gods, will spend a lot of power to seal him.

It is because the illusion is easy to defeat, but the reality is eternal.

When all the strong realized that Chu Yuan was still breaking through the Heavenly Dao God, the expression on his face was simply wonderful.

"I just broke through the Heavenly Dao God, and I felt the real breath, but how do I feel that the Shenwu God Emperor is controlling the divine calamity, not passively accepting it!"

The countless divine calamities are more than a hundred times more violent than the normal ones.

Some ancient divine residences even felt that it was even more powerful than the last calamity of Thunder God's Nine Tribulations.

This kind of divine calamity, let alone a great deity, even if it is a **** of heaven, who enters, the weaker ones will be killed.

The more the person against the sky, the greater the fluctuation of the divine calamity.

"Oh my God, that Shenwu God Emperor is using the entire Qiming Tomorrow as the foundation to help himself become a God of Heaven. I can't imagine how terrifying his strength will be once he becomes a God of Heaven!"

Lu Yuan could no longer think about it.

I just felt that in this calamity, he would be suffocated by his strength.

All kinds of calamities not only spread throughout Qi Ming, but also spread wildly in the surrounding area.

The calamity of heaven and earth, the evolution from illusion to reality, a beam of light that penetrated the sky, was powerful enough to kill the **** of heaven, and it penetrated directly into Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan stood still, no matter how fierce the calamity was, he couldn't kill him. Instead, he was crushed into energy and became a stepping stone on his path to heaven.

He is the sky, the sky is him!

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