Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1342: Ten Thousand World Tower

"Bombard him!"

Almost at the moment of Chu Yuan's breakthrough, all the dragon gods joined forces to urge a force, which turned into a tens of thousands of miles of dragon-shaped divine light to hit Chu Yuan.

And Jiuyuan realm master, Yu Shen, this group of powerful men followed closely behind, launching a fierce offensive.

"He is the weakest now. Even if he uses the heaven and earth to suppress it, he can't resist it all. I think he will block it by himself or let his subordinates die!"

Long Xiao, the lord of the blue dragon.

Qi Tomorrow was originally a ruined day. The previous suppression has consumed too much energy, and now it is absolutely impossible to resist perfectly.

This is their only last chance.

"Ten Thousand Realms Sky Tower, the light of the town!"

Chu Yuan looked cold.

Boom! These bombardments fell on him, and what surprised all the powerhouses was that this terrifying force was not able to shake him.

"What kind of artifact is that!"

In front of Chu Yuan, an ancient tower appeared, like the sky.

The light it emits enveloped all the powerhouses of Shenwu.

"Increase your strength!"

The destructive force exploded fiercely again, but they were disappointed. With the protection of this huge tower, their plan failed, and they could not harm Chu Yuan at all.

Chu Yuan made a mark.

The Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower suddenly became extremely large, and flew into the sky, suppressing the fluctuations of Qi Ming.


Chu Yuan urged the Ten Thousand Realms Sky Tower to suppress it even more with the origin of the future.

Immediately everyone felt that their power had been suppressed more severely than before.

"It's because of that huge tower!"

"What kind of tower is that, even if it is a heavenly artifact, it will be shattered under our bombardment, but that huge tower is different and majestic. It is a rare original artifact that surpasses the heavenly artifact!"

"Impossible, how could they have primitive artifacts!"

Guessing that the Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower is likely to be a primitive artifact, the complexions of these powerhouses have changed.

You know, how powerful the primitive artifacts are, the gods that suppress the day.

What's more, this giant tower-like domain artifact is even more rare than ordinary primitive artifacts.

With this primitive artifact, coupled with the urging of the source of heaven and earth, they don't want to bombard Chu Yuan.

"It may also be left by Qi tomorrow. The 33-day background cannot be calculated. After he becomes the **** of heaven, he can barely push him!"

There are strong guesses.

"He still has primitive artifacts!"

Mingxue was also shocked.

This is a primitive artifact, and there are not many in the entire multiverse.

But what is the use of guessing these, the original artifact really appeared in front of them.

"You were very arrogant before."

The voice that went straight into the soul resounded.

Chu Yuan came to the front of the Jiuyuan Realm Master in one step, and he slammed it away, like the suppression of the sky as a god, the power of the heavens, and the invincible mana directly swept over him.

The master of the Nine Abyss is the fourth realm.

However, with the suppression of the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda, he could only reluctantly exert the power that was infinitely close to the third realm, but Chu Yuan was able to get the blessing of the entire world and surpassed him at once.

"Nine Abyss Realm!"

The nine vortexes evolved into nine worlds, and the master of the Nine Abyss also felt tremendous pressure.

Chu Yuan's power was almost unstoppable. He swept away with a fist, and the Nine Abyss Realm was instantly shattered and hit him, almost tearing his body apart and flying away directly.

"With the dual suppression of primitive artifacts and heaven and earth, I am no longer his opponent!"

The hatred in the heart of Jiuyuan Realm Master. 51 Beautiful

His strength is obviously very strong, several levels higher than Chu Yuan, but the suppression of him here is too great, his providence and his origin are unable to exert his due strength.

"Join hands against him!"

"I don't believe that he is still invincible!"

"Original artifact, such a powerful artifact is enough to be a divine treasure to suppress a day, it can only belong to my dragon clan!"

They still think that the Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower was left by Qi tomorrow.

With the Lord of Canglong as the leader, the Dragon God roared and rushed to Chu Yuan's front.

Chu Yuan looked indifferently at the attack of these powerful men, their power fell in front of him, and a tower-shaped shield appeared, which could shake him beyond Qi Ming.

But here, they can't do it.

"Dragon fights the universe!"

If the Lord of the Battle Dragon is stronger than the Lord of Blue Dragon in terms of offensive and combat strength, he immediately rushed to Chu Yuan, and the dragon claws were lifted out, which is directly the Dragon Clan's magical secret technique.

But Chu Yuan's eyes turned into a whirlpool, looking at him deeply.

Time was extremely slow at this moment, and the Lord of the Battle Dragon could obviously feel the slowness of the time flow around him, while the outside world was extremely fast.

This double contrast made his heart very uncomfortable.

"In an instant!"

Chu Yuan used the Great Space-Time Technique to launch a powerful blow in an instant, the Lord of the Dragon Fighting was pierced by a sharp glow, and the entire dragon body was tumbling.

The cutting soldier in his hand flashed, and a huge wound suddenly appeared on the dragon's body.


The Lord of Battle Dragon also issued a painful roar.

"You can't let the Lord of Battle Dragon face him alone!"

Canglong Lord shouted.

But when they rushed in, three portals appeared above their heads. It was time, space, and the seal of the three portals. The time and space seals they created made it difficult for them to break in a short time.

"In addition to the seal, he actually controls the dual power of time and space!"

They were frightened and angry.

"If you want to kill me, you can't do it!"

The Lord of Battle Dragon twisted the dragon's body and slammed it crazily. Although he was suppressed severely, he himself was still in the fourth stage of the heavenly path, and only the level of God was qualified to kill him.

He knows that every time he madly hits, he consumes the power of the origin of heaven and earth.

"You are really hard to kill."

Chu Yuan did not deny that the Lord of the Dragon is hard to kill.

"But what about them?"

Chu Yuan did indeed have terrible anger in his heart. He was bombarded by so many powerful men this time, which had consumed a lot of the origin of heaven and earth.

He was never a person who broke his teeth and swallowed his stomach without taking revenge.

This time you must establish your own authority.

His gaze instantly locked on the silver dragon that was cast from a very far place, and suddenly, he arrived in front of it, and waved his palm, which was the seal of time and me! "

The silver dragon panicked.

It was only the first stage of the Heavenly Dao. When Chu Yuan was not yet the Heavenly Dao God, his ability overwhelmed the first stage. What's more, it was now or in the future.

"What, he wants to attack the Lord of Silver Dragon and save it quickly. Silver Dragon is not his opponent at all and cannot stop his attack!"

"Damn it, you can deal with the Dragon God of my Dragon God Heaven!"

"No, he wants to use primitive artifacts to suppress the Lord of Silver Dragon!"

An angry voice roared.

It was very simple for Chu Yuan to deal with the Lord of Silver Dragon at this time. As soon as he moved it, the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda produced extremely violent suction, which landed on the Lord of Silver Dragon.

This suction force must be swallowed into the Ten Thousand Realm Heaven Tower to suppress it.

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