"Your Majesty, the Jackal, the Blood Demon Wolf Clan, and the Bloodthirsty Panther Clan used to deal with my mother."

   Zhu Fengfeng always remembered what she had experienced back then. She used to have no such strength and could only hide her hatred in her heart and use coldness to hide her grief.

   But now, she has the strength of revenge.

   "Then kill the clan together."

  Chu Yuan said lightly: "But before that, I will go to conquer the five great monsters according to the gods. You will tell me the distribution of the power of the surrounding monster races, and I will put on a good show of ten thousand beasts extermination."

The beast control ring can bind ten big monsters according to the gods. The five big monsters he conquered obviously still have the realm of gods according to the gods, but Chu Yuan is not going to bind them, but intends to subdue the five big monsters. , So that all of their ethnic groups subordinate themselves.

   Only in this way can the benefits be maximized.

   "Your Majesty, I know those ethnic groups are there."

   The purple flame demon fox who spoke first, rushed to tell Chu Yuan before the other big demon.

   "Damn, this **** fox!"

   The other big monsters secretly cursed, they naturally knew that the Purple Flame Demon Fox was grabbing power.

   "Howling Wind Wolf Clan, Powerful Demon Cow Clan, Ground Elephant Clan, Griffon Clan, One-horned Pegasus Clan."

   Chu Yuan selected five major ethnic groups from the information provided by the Purple Flame Demon Fox.

   "Let the masters of your ethnic group follow me to these five ethnic groups."

   Chu Yuan ordered.

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"


  Xingyue Forest.

   The unicorn horses live in this forest. There are mountains and waters, especially the one-star-moon lake. The light sways down through the green shade, like stars, full of aura.

   I saw a group of hordes of unicorn horse races living in the forest. They all have a single horn sharp like a spiral on top of their heads, especially their patriarch, whose cultivation reached the fourth level of illuminating the gods.

   rumbling! On the far ground, Chu Yuan brought the powerful five clans to Xingyue Forest.

   "Follow me!"

   Chu Yuan stood on the ancient emperor chariot and activated the ancient emperor’s sky patrol skills. Waves of tyrannical majesty became stronger and stronger, covering the entire star-moon forest.

  Beside him, there are experts from the five major ethnic groups.

   "Demon Ape Race, Purple Flame Demon Fox Race, Sky Splitting Wild Eagle Race, Double Winged Tiger Race, and Shadow Demon Flood Race!"

The one-horned horse group was shaken, and the one-horned horse patriarch saw many masters gather in the Star Moon Forest, especially a strong human race on the ancient emperor chariot, and shouted: "You come to me. What do you want to do!"

   "The unicorn horse clan submits to your majesty, the master of great martial arts!" said the shadow magic dragon.

   "Have you already taken refuge in this person!" The patriarch of the unicorn was unbelievable.

   "Submit to the Lord of Dawu, Lord Wudi!"

   Zhu Fengfeng walked to the front of the beast herd. While she was talking, an ancient phoenix fire burned on her body, and a loud phoenix sound passed out, condensing the supreme majesty belonging to the ancient phoenix clan.

  The ancient phoenix clan originated from the phoenix and is the highest race comparable to the dragon clan.

   "The Gufeng clan is back again, and they have taken refuge in this great martial artist!"

Feeling the ancient phoenix aura on Zhu Fengfeng’s body, the one-horned horse patriarch has a wave of fear. This is the coercion of the superiors. He also knows that this is the master of the ancient Fengshan mountain range. Suddenly all his limbs knelt down: The ethnic group is willing to submit to Dawu!"

   "It's very quick to surrender."

   Of course, Chu Yuan knew that the horned horse patriarch had surrendered so quickly. Apart from bringing the powerful five clans and the imperial coercion on him, another important factor was the coercion of the ancient phoenix on Zhu Fengfeng.

  The ancient phoenix clan was the overlord of this area back then, and all the orcs must surrender.

   is just the ancestor sitting, the clansmen are rare, and gradually withered, now Gu Feng returns, will become the overlord again.

   Howling wind wolf clan.

   Vigorously Demon Cow Race.

   Step on the ground elephant family.

   Griffin tribe.

   The five demons and beasts with the patriarch of the God Realm turned to Chu Yuan one by one.

   Chu Yuan was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the Gufeng coercion on Zhu Fengfeng was so useful to the monster race. Seeing the beasts coming, there was the supreme coercion from Gufeng, and he didn't have to spend much effort to subdue these five major groups.

   The coercion of the demon race has no effect on the human race, but for the demon race, the bloodline of the upper person is the most powerful.

   It happens that Dawu is adjacent to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. When Dawu grows again in the future, Zhu Fengfeng can lead the army to expand its territory.

   "Ding! The host completes choice one and gets three hundred fate points."

Now, the ten clan chiefs are bound in the beast control ring, and each clan is bound to ten great monsters who see the gods, so they are firmly controlled, and these ten clans not only control their own clan, but also A large number of small ethnic groups depend on them.

   Orc world, the strong is respected, and it is their instinct to take refuge in a stronger existence.

This time Chu Yuan can be said to have made a lot of money. He helped Zhu Fengfeng obtain the ancient phoenix inheritance, which is equivalent to having a weapon to conquer the monster race. One of his main tasks is to develop towards the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. .

   With Zhu Fengfeng, he can take the initiative to develop towards the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

   "After helping Feng lead the revenge, you can open up this place and build a monster army."

This time Chu Yuan seemed to have only subdued ten big monsters according to the gods, but their total number of big monsters was more than 30. The gods from watching the gods are counted in several hundred. I'm afraid it is even the Hei Ming Dynasty. Far inferior to him.

   "Lord Feng, I will take you to destroy the clan, which clan you want to destroy first."

   Chu Yuan asked Zhu Fengfeng.

   "First destroy the blood demon wolf clan, then the bloodthirsty leopard clan, and finally the jackal. I want the jackal to suffer the most desperate fear before death!"

   Zhu Fengfeng's murderous intent is pervasive. She has been waiting for this day for a long time~www.ltnovel.com~ Your ten tribes will join the army, and follow me to defeat the blood demon wolf tribe. "

   Hearing Chu Yuan's order, the ten clan chiefs roared loudly. Monster clan fighting is their main theme. They like blood.

   The mighty army drew together, and the beasts roared in the jungle and rushed towards the Gorefiend Wolf Race.

  The blood demon wolf clan is also a powerful clan in this area. The patriarch's cultivation base is as high as the five levels of according to the gods, and there are a total of five monsters in the strong according to the gods, and they are like blood demons, hunting the clan members of other monsters everywhere.

   made the other monsters fear and fear.

   "What do your ten clans come to my blood demon wolf clan, do you want to go to war!"

   The patriarch of the blood demon wolf clan suddenly saw the power of the ten clan coming and shouted.

   "I brought it."

   Chu Yuan was on the road on the ancient emperor chariot.

"Human Emperor!" The blood demon wolf patriarch stared at Chu Yuan, and said: "Human emperor dared to intervene in the affairs of my monster clan, your ten clan will not join hands to deal with this human clan, but against my blood demon. Wolf tribe, have you forgotten your dignity?"

   "Sorry, we have all taken refuge in your Majesty."

   The patriarch of the ten clan said with disdain.

   "Refuge in the human race!" The blood demon wolf patriarch said in disbelief: "How is it possible!"

   "The blood demon wolf patriarch, you still remember me."

   Zhu Fengfeng stepped out of the herd with a stern expression on his face.

   "Are you?" The blood demon wolf patriarch stared at Zhu Fengfeng, and said in shock: "That little girl? The only one of the Gufeng clan that was still alive, you have returned!"

"Yes, it is me. I have inherited the Gufeng inheritance. I will avenge the Gufeng patriarch of my line and my mother back then." Zhu Fengfeng said coldly: "Today I use the declaration of the Gufeng clan to destroy the blood demon. Wolves."

   "Kill! Exterminate the blood demon wolf clan!"

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