Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1362: Taichu Tian, ​​Taichu Shenchao

"Transmission beyond time and space is like the arrival of fate."

Chu Yuan appeared in the gods.

Such a long distance, even if it was him, would take a long time, but the opening of the teleportation door was only an instant.

"Huo Ancestor, we will leave immediately!"

Chu Yuan did not delay for a while.

Traveling through time and space, Chu Yuan turned into a gate of time and space, and the dazzling light turned into a torrent of particles. He leaped across time and space, breaking the barrier of distance, at an incredible speed.

According to the location indicated by Huo Zu.

The general heavenly gods who are not good at time and space have spent hundreds of years, much farther than going to hell.

As for Chu Yuan to travel by himself, it will take ten or twenty years. As you can imagine, the distance is long.

You know, his strength is terrifying, and he also controls time and space, two portals that are good at traveling through the void.

His speed is faster than some fifth realms of heaven.

"God emperor, my fire world is in the early days!"

Chu Yuan always swallowed the original energy from the multiverse to maintain the existence of the fire ancestor.

"Tianchu Tian, ​​I have heard of it."

Chu Yuan traveled and communicated, "The world is very old. It is said that there was a great existence that opened up the dynasty of the primordial primordial dynasty, but that was a long, long time ago, even more distant than the ancient period, it should be in the ancient period. An era."

"There are three major existences in the primordial dynasty, the primordial emperor, the emperor of the primordial dynasty, and the commander-in-chief Taihong Tianjun, and the Taiyi Tianzun who manages internal affairs and is good at refining magical pills!"

Huo Ancestor said: "Each of these three big beings is ancient and shining, far more terrifying than me, standing on the pinnacle of primitive gods!"

"But even such a powerful and great **** has disappeared. It's extremely weird."

The time and space travel time is calculated in years, which is very boring. Chu Yuan communicated with Huo Zu.

"Yes, the gods disappeared in the beginning."

Fire Ancestor sighed: "I have never seen the years when the gods of the early days dominated the world. When I went to the first days, the gods had disappeared, leaving only the first days, but I knew that the early gods were very strong, he His position is like that of the human world in the extremely ancient period, and the Emperor of the Beginning is like the extremely ancient human emperor!"

The history of the multiverse is too long.

Calculated based on the age of Chu Yuan, it is the extremely ancient period, that is, the time when the emperor fought for hegemony.

Push forward again, it is the beginning of God.

The life of the fire ancestors was between the beginning of the gods and the period of the very ancient period.

"What role does the gods and gods play in this?"

The gods and heavens run through the ages, and their existence makes Chu Yuan very curious.

"When I went to Taichu Tian, ​​I also looked for the reason for the disappearance of Taichu Gods. They seemed to have touched some taboo. The Taichu Tiandi wanted to create an eternal and immortal Taichu era and encountered disaster."

Huo Ancestor solemnly said: "The extremely ancient Human Sovereign may also be the reason. Touching taboos and breaking certain rules, so he was destroyed."

"Submission will exist, and resistance will disappear."

Chu Yuan said coldly.

The stronger you are, the better you can understand the mysteries of the multiverse.

"How much do you know about Taiyi Tianzun."

Chu Yuan asked again.

His Taiyi Pill Furnace was also refined by Taiyi Tianzun.

However, after the system has been upgraded and remodeled time and time again, it has long since changed its original appearance.

"Taihong Tianzun is in charge of the battle and conquest of the gods, and Taiyi Tianzun controls the internal affairs of the gods. The most famous ability is his alchemy, and he can refine even the original gods."

Huo Ancestor said: "I have never seen Taiyi Tianzun. Some people say that he is dead, and some people say he is still alive. In my time, I have heard that some people have seen Taiyi Tianzun and gave him boundless good fortune." Read the book

Chu Yuan also inquired about Taiyi Tianzun.

It seems to have appeared in the very ancient times, but then there is no trace.

"Well, don't care about this, it will take a long time to reach the first day."

Chu Yuandao.

"I can sense that they haven't touched the core yet. I hid the fire world in an extremely secret place. I didn't expect to be found by others!"

Fire ancestor induction.

Time and space changed and shuttled, Chu Yuan shuttled with all his strength for nearly twenty years, and finally came to the Supreme Heaven.

In the early days of the dynasty, the existence was extremely powerful and ancient, and the three masters were all standing at the peak of the universe.

But the primordial sky is huge, compared with the Hanhaitian that Chu Yuan has seen, the true sun sky is bigger, and only the gods and **** sky can be bigger than the primordial sky.

"The fire world is in the depths of time and space!"

Huh! Chu Yuan instantly opened the time and space, and the dangerous torrent of time and space continued to flow, and countless layers of space were irregular and extremely messy accumulation, forming a thousand-layer cake-like time and space.

Inside the space, it was a good place to hide treasure.

Fire Ancestor opened up a fire world back then, placed it in a layer of hidden time and space, using the means of his primitive gods, this is extremely difficult to find.

"It's there!"

Fire ancestors guide.

Chu Yuan cut through the plane layer by layer, and quickly saw a plane similar to an abyssal rift, filled with violent torrents, dim and dull.

There are many such planes in the depths of the void, and they are all in different planes.

Such as the Nine Abyss Realm Master, opened up such a plane.

However, although it is secret, there is no absoluteness. Some heavenly gods like to hunt for treasures in different planes, looking for the remains of ancient existence.

Fire Ancestor's was also discovered here.

"The fire world found it."

Chu Yuan walked into this plane.

In the depths of this alien plane, Chu Yuan swept away, and there was a slight red glow, floating like a star nucleus, shrouded in a deep decadent aura.

"Divine emperor, these spars are not treasures, but contain poisonous fog that is enough to decay the heavens. When ordinary heavens and gods touch them, the rivers of heaven will suffer great damage."

Fire Ancestor Road.

Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

He picked one off at will, and a rotten breath rushed up, but he threw it directly into the cursed door, and the erupted rottenness was directly swallowed by the cursed king.

"The curse is stronger."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

"I saw the fire world."

Chu Yuan saw the fire world. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This fire world is a broken plane, falling into a place in different time and space, the entire world is decayed and broken, and there is no more mystery.

"No wonder it will be found by others."

Huo Ancestor suddenly said: "I originally disguised the Fire World as a spar, but after too long a time, the disguise was broken, and others accidentally broke in, and I discovered the Fire World."

"Divine Emperor, I feel that someone is inside, I have reached the core, and I am about to see my original artifact!"

Huo Ancestor breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was Chu Yuan, who controlled time and space, and traveled extremely fast, otherwise it would be difficult to get a great power from the Destiny Realm so quickly to reach the Supreme Heaven.

"Go." Chu Yuan said lightly: "Now enter the fire world, let me see who has discovered your fire world, the fire ancestor, since you are here, you can activate the power of the original divine weapon. "

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