Leave the pilgrimage of these people alone.

Chu Yuan practiced his own way of heaven.

More and more people gathered outside the holy mountain. Suddenly, one day, they saw with horror that the whole world was trembling violently, and countless places were shattered into boundless vitality.

In the extremely high heaven and earth, there are two monstrous existences, with the power of heaven, bombarding wantonly.

It's the fight of the gods!

Their aftermath swept across this area, unscrupulously, ignoring the existence of hundreds of ethnic groups here, just like ants, not caring about their life or death.

"Huangfu An, you are looking for death!"

An old man's face was gloomy to the extreme, and he shouted at an existence in front of him.

"Hahaha, things have already arrived in my hands, there is no reason to hand them over, Yaxuan Dao, this can't be blamed on me, if you want to blame it, blame you, don't go crazy without this life!"

The **** of heaven called Huangfu An laughed.

"Despicable and shameless, if it weren't for this seat to break the seal with all its strength, you might get it, I swear, even if you chase you to the end of the world, I won't let you go!"

Ya Xuan Dao roared with anger.

He was really angry.

He flew up, and the boundless power of heaven blasted out an infinite beam of light, blasting towards Huangfu An with all his strength.

"Huh! Chasing me to the end of the world, they are all gods of heaven, who is afraid of who, come on, Yaxuan Dao, I see how you chase and kill, I want to take it back again, tell you, don't think!

That Huangfu An didn't care at all.

Their power was bombarding frantically, and the strong aftermath of heaven swept down, causing serious damage to this area, just like the end of the day.

"God, it's the way of heaven!"

"Great existence, save us!"

"Go up to the holy mountain together, and ask the great existence for help!"

The powerhouses of these hundreds of tribes panicked.

Although there are a lot of them, these two Heavenly Dao Gods are all doing their best to make a move, and the great master will turn into ashes when they are close to them.

However, Huangfu An and Ya Xuan Dao's attack pushed their power to a limit, and they didn't care about these creatures at all.

If they continue to fight in anger, this place will be destroyed, and hundreds of tribes don't know how many people will die.

Huangfu An, Ya Xuan Dao could naturally hear the sorrows of these creatures, but they didn't care at all. Even if they screamed, they couldn't stop them.

"Great existence, save us..."

They wailed, they wailed, and they didn't want their home to be destroyed.

"Haha, there seems to be a powerful presence in that mountain, do you still want to continue to attack me?"

Huangfu An laughed.

"No matter who he is, I can't stop the Heavenly King Lao Tzu when he comes, Huangfu An, shameless fellow, you are a villain!"

Ya Xuan Dao was angry, so how could he manage this?

He urged his power to be stronger, and the power of the providence formed a tide, spreading wave after wave,

"Huh, who is afraid of whom?"

Ya Xuan Dao was also hit with real fire.

But just when they were fighting at the most intense time, a force of time and space was blocked, and a giant hand of mana like the heavens fell and shook slightly, and the mana of the two heavenly gods suddenly collapsed and dispersed.

A figure walked from far to near, across time and space, and appeared in the middle of the two fighting.

"who are you!"

Ya Xuan Dao, Huang Fu An stopped and looked at this person vigilantly.

"You are doing it, bothering me."

Chu Yuanba Lie's gaze swept towards them.

Although the people of these hundreds of tribes are not his people, Chu Yuan is the Dao of Heaven. He will save if he wants to save, and he will not save if he does not want to save.

"It's him who wants to disturb you. It's him who is chasing me all the way. It has nothing to do with me."

Huangfuan was wary of Chu Yuan's strength.

"Despicable and shameless!"

Ya Xuandao scolded, "I can change the battlefield immediately!"

This person is powerful, and he also feels a suppressed breath. This time his target is only Huangfu An, and he doesn't want to fight against this kind of existence.

"I'm not interested in playing with you!"

Huangfu An's eyes flashed.

He didn't want to fight with Yaxuan Dao long ago, and Yaxuan Dao was like a brown candy, clinging to him, the appearance of this existence was probably an opportunity.

He stepped across, and the space was condensed under his feet.

"Where to go!"

Where is Ya Xuan Dao willing to watch Huangfu An run out and grab it with one palm.

"Don't leave none."

Suddenly, Ya Xuan Dao and Huang Fu An were horrified to discover that they seemed to be trapped in the city of time and space, no matter how they shuttled, they were all in this time and space.

The presence of a majestic statue permeates the fields, covering the wilderness.

His palm was like destruction, blasting directly at Huangfu An.

"Huh! Are you going to shoot me? Really treat me as a soft persimmon, feel free to pinch?"

Huang Fu An was chased by Ya Xuan Dao, and he was full of anger in his heart. When he was stopped by this person, his anger was even more inexhaustible.

But when Chu Yuan's palm fell, his heavenly power was destroyed, condensing the boundless space, and suddenly exploded on him.


Huangfu An was blown out immediately.


Ya Xuan Dao was shocked by a violent spirit, Huang Fu An, whose strength rivaled him, was so weak in front of this person.

"Ya Xuan Dao, this is a good thing you did. If you didn't chase me down, where would these things happen!"

Huangfu An roared.

"Blame me!"

Ya Xuan Dao was also not angry: "If you didn't **** my treasure, this seat will chase you?"

"The treasure is on Huangfu'an."

Chu Yuan walked towards him, lifted a palm, and all the heavens and realms, all time and space would be destroyed in front of him.

Although Huangfu An tried his best to resist, he was only in the second stage of the Heavenly Dao, how could he withstand such a blow.

"What to do, what to do, this person is attacking me, his power contains destruction, and every bombardment will consume a lot of my energy. If this continues, even if I can run out, how can I compete with Yaxuan Dao?"

Huangfu An was also anxious.

"Huangfu An, you give me things, and we work together to break his blockade!"

Ya Xuan Dao is still obsessed with it.

"It's impossible to leave it to you!"

Huangfu An roared.

Chu Yuan opened his hands to both sides, and the time and space shrank suddenly. Crystal-colored thunder and lightning flashed, and each of them was like a tribulation, densely falling on the two of them.

Huangfu An was also panicked at this moment.

He found himself trapped in his power~www.ltnovel.com~ Every crystal thunder fell, and he was obliterating the power of the long river of heaven.

"Don't you want the treasure? Give it to you, I will give it to you, as long as you let me go, I will give you the treasure!"

Huangfu An roared.

He was a terrible mess today.

"Huangfu An, can't give it to him!"

Ya Xuan Dao yelled, knowing that the treasure had fallen into his hands, and it was ten times more difficult to regain it than in Huangfu An's hands.

"Huh! I don't want it anymore. Anyway, if you have this thing, you can only find the location. Whether you can get it or not, it's still a question. If you want to grab it, you can grab it with him!"

From Huangfu'an's hands, a small pill furnace appeared.

And his own power suddenly condensed, and suddenly exploded, in order to break the blockade of Chu Yuan's time and space.

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