Good luck.

An extremely old day.

They existed a long time ago.

And their strength ranking is also very stable, without major fluctuations.

Fortune God Court.

The strongest person in the good fortune day is the **** of good fortune, and three primitive gods under his command are all dominated by him.

In fact, the more powerful the world, the more united the inside.

If Hanhaitian is headed by Hanhaitian, otherwise, the internal chaos will be broken by other forces and the ranking will drop.

And the more they resemble the gods, the hells, and such a powerful force, the more internal differences they have.

After all, there are many primitive gods.

The best example is the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens. The Dragon Ancestor rebelled against the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens and created his own Dragon God Heaven. These are all contradictions that cannot be resolved.

Relatively weak for thirty-three days, there are few primitive gods inside, and the heavenly gods underneath can't make any big waves.

In the court of the gods of good fortune, all the gods of heaven have gathered, their faces are extremely solemn,

"Regarding the torrent of darkness, this **** has already found out that it is a black coffin of God, coming towards my good fortune sky, very fast, and it is predicted to arrive within this month."

A primitive god, he was called the Lord of Constant Sky, and he spoke solemnly.

"Hateful, this black coffin has found my good fortune!"

A **** of heaven said angrily: "There are so many thirty-three days and so many powerful heavens and earths. It's okay to go to the gods or hells. They can definitely stop them."

"It is useless to say that these are no longer useful. Since the black coffin has arrived, it has to deal with it in an all-round way, and it is not specifically for us. It is moving in good luck."

The Lord of Hengtian said: "Before Taichutian, I was swept by it."

"I have the most say in this matter."

It was Xiao Tian. He was originally the God of Heaven and God, and said: "At that time, the Taichu Tian encountered a collision. Although the Taichu Emperor acted, he did not stop it and passed through the God Realm and the Taichu God Realm."

"Although the Emperor Taichu is not the God of 33 days, my strength is not as good as him." The Lord of Hengtian said.

"However, in the early days of the sky, they have been subjected to impacts, and they have not been destroyed because of this. In other words, even if I make the sky, at most some damage will be caused, it is not a big deal."

God speaks.

"It's probably not as simple as you think."

Xiao Tiandao: "The Heaven of the Beginning is not much smaller than the Heaven of My Good Fortune, but why Dudu will move towards the two essence places of the God Capital and the God Realm of the Beginning, is it a pure coincidence? I don't see it for sure."

"What you mean is that the black coffin will come to my Heavenly God Court!"

The Lord of Hengtian also understood the severity of this matter and said: "It cannot be stopped. If you want to avoid the greatest loss, you can only blast it into the deserted place and let it leave as soon as possible."

"If it really comes to my God's Court, it must not be allowed to destroy, otherwise the loss will be too great!"

Another primitive **** spoke up.

"The black coffin, it is buried in the era, is splendid, it has appeared more than once, the last time was in the era of the emperor."

God of Good Fortune spoke up.

He is a middle-aged man with a gentle face, but in fact he is an extremely ancient existence, the same age as the Emperor of Heaven.

"I have seen it before, the black coffin swept towards the human world."

The God of Good Fortune slowly said: "But how much does the human emperor exist, he wants to open up human civilization, the eternal era of humans, although the black coffin is strong, but not invincible, it did not break through the human world, and later disappeared in the multiverse. ."

"The Emperor!"

The gods and gods present were shocked.

Although very long years have passed since the Great Ancient War, they still felt as if they were still yesterday, and they still couldn't forget the fierceness of the war.

The Lord of Hengtian was shocked.

He knows some secrets about that battle.

It's not that the emperor is at fault.

But the goal of the emperor is too great.

He wants to open up an eternal and immortal era of humanity, and it is because of his grand desire that even the multiverse may usher in destruction.

That battle has nothing to do with grievances, and even more with right or wrong.

Only the choice is different.

The roads of the warring parties are different.

"The Lord does not expect to deal directly with the black coffin like the emperor, but the Lord only hopes that the black coffin will not hit my god's court, spread news to the multiverse, and invite more gods of heaven and even primitive gods to help me make good fortune. Heaven, against the black coffin."

The voice of Good Fortune God is solemn.

"We understand!"

The Gods of Heaven on the scene knew that it would be difficult to deal with the black coffin alone with the strength of Good Fortune Heaven.

The black coffin can't destroy their good fortune, but it will bring huge losses. How strong the Emperor was back then, his shots only smashed into the depths of the diversity and cannot be destroyed.

"Listen to God's orders!"

This is a great crisis of good luck.

"A guest is here!"

The **** of good fortune opens the ban on the gods.

"Good Fortune God!"

At the moment when the restriction was opened, a large number of existences appeared in the Gods of Fortune Court, all gods in the realm of heaven.

Especially the existence of two horrible auras, each of them shocked the past and the present, and was not under the emperor of the primordial age.

"It's the gods of the gods!"

The Lord of Hengtian was shocked.

The gods are the strongest day deserved.

"Divine Lord of Universe, God Lord of Chaos!"

The God of Good Fortune welcomed the arrival of these two primitive gods, "It seems that your gods also know about the black coffin, and the things of the Burial Era era have reached my good fortune."

"Yes, we already know that the gods who brought the gods come to help you."

The aura of the chaos divine lord is like chaos, countless openings and creations, and the divine power of creation is appearing, revealing a vigorous and solemn: "The black coffin has never appeared since the time of the human emperor, and it will appear again this time. Cause very bad consequences."

"Yes, although Good Fortune Heaven is strong, it still can't deal with Black Coffin."

The God Lord Qiankun is tall and mighty, controlling the universe of heaven and earth, and said: "Unfortunately, this black coffin does not directly hit my gods and heavens, otherwise, with the power of my gods and gods and the founders of the gods, it is possible to imprison him forever. In my gods, researching out his secrets, while wandering around in the multiverse, it is difficult to maximize the power of my gods."

The black divine coffin that ordinary people The gods actually hope to hit them.

It also showed their power.

"Founder of the God Realm!"

When the Lord of Good Fortune's expression moved, it was a terrifying **** that was born almost with the emergence of the multiverse. He opened up the heavens of the gods with one hand, and his strength is beyond measure.

He has not seen the founder of the God Realm.

The Emperor has seen it.

"I do need more support."

The Way of Good Fortune God.

"The arrival of the black coffin, it is buried in the era of the era. This is the calamity of your creation, but there are opportunities for any calamity. It depends on whether you have the opportunity to grasp it. Destroy everything, and once you get over it will have big benefits.

It was Thor who spoke.

He also came here.

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