Chapter 1408

Shenwu is the enemy of the bed, if it develops, it will threaten their rule sooner or later.

And the ancient source **** is the enemy in front of him, this person is too strong.

If they knew that Chu Yuan had forced the four powerful Vulcans to retreat with the Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower, they would threaten to raise several levels.

And they even need to know that Chu Yuan and Goddess Yanran are still in contact. If the two knew each other within Shenwu days, they would have trouble sleeping and eating, and would not be able to settle for a moment.

But Chu Yuan would not pay attention to these.

He has now achieved his strategic goal.

Destroying the Nine Abyss Realm, Chu Yuan obtained the essence and blood of two Heavenly Dao gods, and he could cultivate a large number of powerhouses for the gods.

At this moment, on the battlefield of Hanhaitian, there is actually a terrifying heaven and God's calamity coming.

"The God of War of Shenwu is going to break through the God of Heaven."

In the true sun sky, all the gods of the heavens are watching the war **** crossing the robbery.

After nearly a thousand years of experience, the God of War has experienced countless hardships on the battlefield, and finally reached the moment when he was reborn from the ashes and the phoenix nirvana, he ushered in his own heaven and divine calamity, and was responding with a high spirit of war.

"Master Xinghuo, do you think that Shenwu God of War has a certain degree of success in heaven?" asked Yang Yuan Tiandao.

"Very big, even bigger than I thought."

Xinghuo's eyes are like torches.

"So big!"

The Heavenly God of Zhenyang Tian was surprised: "It seems that this time Shenwu will have one more Heavenly God, Shenwu Battlefield, during this time, I have made great contributions to my Zhenwu Tianli, and the Great Lord also has him on the battlefield. We A great advantage has been achieved."

Zhu Tianzun looked at Xinghuo at this time, "Master Xinghuo, how are you?"

"My injury has basically recovered. I have seen the realm of the original god, and it is within reach."

Xinghuo said calmly.

But the true sun, the heavens, and the gods were all shaken, and it was even more overjoyed.

Especially Zhu Tianzun was even more sobbed with joy, saying: "Great, Master Xinghuo recovers from his injuries, and he can achieve the realm of primitive gods. This will be a great event for my true sun, and Lord God has been waiting for this day!"

They respect Xinghuo from the bottom of their hearts.

During the imperial period, Xinghuo and True Sun God were called peerless twin arrogances, especially Xinghuo was even more enchanting, even the old God believed that he could achieve the realm of primitive gods before True Sun God.

But back then.

Xinghuo paid too much for the invasion of Hanhai Heavenly Court.

At the cost of damaging his own foundation, he teamed up with True Sun God to repel the attack from Han Haitian.

The God of True Sun has always felt guilty for his junior.

Originally, the old God fell. In terms of talent and strength, Xinghuo was the most qualified to become a new God, but he gave up in order to preserve the true sun.

"I don't need to worry, I will be a primitive **** soon." Xinghuo smiled, he was very refined.

"Haha, when Master Xinghuo becomes a **** of heaven, it will be the end of Han Haitian!"

The flame gods laughed wildly.

About the past half a month or so.

"The long river of heaven, success!"

The God of War survived his last calamity, and since then, he has become a **** of heaven!

"God of War, congratulations on your accomplishment of heaven!"

Xinghuo smiled at him.

Become a **** of heaven, that is, a person in a circle, and the status is different.

"Today I can achieve the way of heaven, and I also want to thank Zhenyangtian friends for their help."

The God of War nodded: "However, since I have become a **** today, for such a major event, I must return to the gods and meet His Majesty the Emperor, so I will take a step away for the time being."

"Well, this kind of big event is indeed going back, I will go with you."

Xinghuo laughed.

"Xinghuo Tiandao God, you want to go to the gods with me?" The God of War was also a little surprised.

"The battle against Han Haitian has almost reached the stage of general attack. In some places, I also need the help of Shenwu Divine Emperor. I will take the opportunity of today to discuss with your Divine Emperor."

Xinghuo Road.

"Well, in that case, we will go back together."

The God of War also knew that True Sun Heaven also needed the help of external forces to knock Han Haitian off the altar.

"This God of War is also very brave. It fits my temper. He is fierce in combat. He is a powerful general. Now he has become a **** of heaven. He is even more powerful. And I can see that he is extremely firm in his own way. It will be easier to break through the will of heaven soon, the origin is even easier."

There are rare people in the flames of heaven.

"Yes, it's a pity that it doesn't belong to me, and he is too loyal to Shenwu Shenchao, and it is impossible for him to change hands."

Zhu Tianzun expressed regret: "Of course, if he changes hands casually, he is not a **** of war, nor can he become a **** of heaven."

"Master Xinghuo attaches great importance to Shenwu Shenchao and thinks that they will be the key force for my true sun to break through Han Haitian!"

The flames of heaven and **** said again.

"The power of the outside world always belongs to the outside world, and its own strength is the most important. Master Xinghuo will soon become a primitive god!"

Zhu Tianzun said: "It's been a long time since I saw Master Xinghuo fighting side by side with God."

"Almost, when Master Xinghuo and God fight side by side, it will be when Han Haitian falls to the altar!"

The powerhouse of True Sun Heaven is full of infinite confidence in this.

Shenwu Shenchao.

After the Nine Abyss Realm was destroyed, a lot of resources were obtained, and the empire was able to maintain a period of rapid development.

In the stars of the gods, a huge, bright, infinitely wary heavenly star is rising, its brilliance is extremely bright, deducting the vision of a golden iron horse and a **** battle on the battlefield.

"The God of War Star is the star of the God of War. He has already broken through to the God of Heaven on the battlefield of Han Haitian."

When Chu Yuan saw this star, he knew that the God of War had already broken through to the realm of the God of Heaven.

There is also a sincere smile on his face.

Let the God of War go away for nearly a thousand years, and now it has finally succeeded, and there is another **** of heaven in the gods.

Chu Yuan also understood that the potential of God of War was very great. With the help of the empire's resources, he could even quickly achieve the will of heaven, break through the origin, and fight for him in the multiverse.

And in the multiverse.

"This kind of shuttle!"

The God of War was shocked.

He is not traveling by himself, UU reading, but under the power of Starfire, quickly moved back to Shenwu. In his feeling, this kind of shuttle is no longer something the gods of heaven can have.

It is a means belonging to the primitive god.

"Don't be surprised, this is the time travel of the primitive gods. Although I have not yet become the primitive gods, I have mastered this method. Of course, it is different from the real primitive gods."

Xinghuo smiled: "The original gods are the evolution of the power of the heavens. The extremely powerful gods of the heavens can carry out this kind of cross-border shuttle. All I know is the **** of thunder, the lord of the underworld in hell, of course this There are very few types of characters, and there are not many in the entire multiverse, but the original creation is the true original god."

"The primordial gods also belong to the Dao of Heaven, but they are the evolution of the Dao of Heaven." The God of War also nodded.

"Look, Shenwushen is here." Xinghuo pointed forward.

A voice came into the gods: "Shenwu God Emperor, Zhenyang Tianxinghuo is visiting the God Emperor today."

(End of this chapter)

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