The celestial demon master is illusory and indeterminate. He is an invisible celestial demon. Seeing that the goddess Yanran ignored him, he was not worried.

   "What is the demon master thinking?" The **** Yanshen frowned.

   "It's too troublesome to guess what the demon of Wan Motian thinks, he must want to get something from the **** of ancient source, ignore him, these demon are extremely cunning!"


  While the God of Crossing spoke, a huge black hole suddenly cracked in the depths of the heavens and the earth, and the black light-like matter solidified into the entity, which is the true essence of the heavens and the earth. Each strand requires a long time to condense.

   Why is the God of thirty-three days strong?

   is not only their realm extremely high, but also capable of manipulating the source of matter in a day.

   is like the existence of the Lord of the Sky. His realm is at the same level as the God of Du'er, but if he really fights, he won't be his opponent.

   Controlled one by one for thirty-three days.

   but not one.

   This crossing the Heavens directly annexed Gu Yuantian back then, robbed of the luck between heaven and earth, and promoted their heaven and earth at once.

   Formidable power, the power of the God of Crossing is rising.

   He is in control of this power, and with every palm blast, the Thirty-Three Heaven Tower can be shaken violently, and the inner circle is constantly roaring, seeming to be collapsing.

   He is simply manipulating an omnipotent giant at this time.

   "The God of Transcendence is also fighting." The Demon Lord is watching the battle indifferently, except for himself, I am afraid that no one can guess his thoughts.

   "Okay, I will help you too!"

  The God of Yanyan made a strong attack.

   He bombarded the past with a primordial divine power, and his primordial golden light was dazzling, and the power he exerted far exceeded crossing the sea and overcoming difficulties.

   "The power of the two gods, coupled with the bombardment of all the strong men who crossed the heavens, I don't believe it and I can't deal with you!"

   The lord of the disaster made a long howling sound.

   Chu Yuan was also within the envelope of the 33rd Sky Tower at this moment, saying: "Yanran!"

   "Don't worry about me, I know you have the power to break the barriers of heaven and earth, but they can't block me alone. Even I don't understand how many of my methods are."

   Goddess Yanran's voice did not fluctuate, and no crisis could make her panic.

   She manipulates the 33 Heaven Tower. Although the bombardment of the Lord Du'er is extremely fierce, she can't help her.

   "God through Ecuador!"

  The God of Yanyan shouted: "It can't go on like this. Although we trapped her temporarily, we can't kill her in a short time. The God of Ancient Origin is mysterious and strange!"

"I know!"

   Crossing God manipulates power.

   A chain of divine iron made of black iron runs through, and there are flashing runes on it. It is a chain of trapped enemies specially created by the **** of fleeing by the means of primitive creation.

   shuttled vertically and horizontally, and was passed through in just an instant, thirty-three days, and was firmly bound.

   In the depths of Duertian, there is a divine light of ancient civilization shining, shrouded in the sky, I don't know what it is, but it is a black light, accompanied by many runes.

   "These black light runes?"

   Chu Yuan frowned.

   He can naturally feel that these runes are blessed with fierce power.

  He is not worried either.

   He controls the power of Tissot, the city of the sky, even if the blockade is severe, with the cooperation of him and Goddess Yanran, he can directly break and leave.

   "It is said that Duertian once acquired ancient civilizations, and they seem to be behind in the rankings, but they actually hide a lot of power. This is warning me."

   The demon Lord looked at the black light, and the Lord Du'er warned himself not to intervene casually.

   "Doomsday natural disasters, countless catastrophes, eras disappear, civilization is destroyed!"

   God of Du'er is a great **** at this moment.

   woo woo, doomsday-like natural disasters come, bringing boundless distress, it is an endless light of doom, like a curse, but also contains the power of destruction.


   With a brush of his black light, the era will disappear and civilization will be destroyed.

   Even though the Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda is mysterious and extraordinary, it is rapidly weakened by the power of the civilization of the era of destruction. If the God of Die can become the Lord of the day, how can there be no trump cards?

  He is the **** of doom, and there is sacredness in evil.


   The snow is actually black.

   "Not snow, but some kind of power rune!"

   Chu Yuan sensed the power, "destroy the rune of the civilization of the era, but in this destruction, it also brings the cocoon into a disc, unbreakable creation, this is the strength of the top primitive god!"

   "The strength of Du'er is beyond my imagination!"

  The God of God Yan also looked at God of Du'er deeply. Although the time of God of Duer's becoming 33 days is far less than that of God of Yan, it is not as simple as outsiders.

   At this time.

   While the Lord of Crossing exhaled, there was an era storm bombarded out.

   "Guyuan God, tell me the secret, I can take action and help you leave." The Demon Lord said again.

   "Shenwu, now I want to mobilize the power to break the world and leave the sky!"

   Goddess Yanran has no expression on her face. She obviously also knows that there is no point in entanglement with them during the day of Du'er.

   Suddenly the thirty-three sky tower burst into endless divine light, and the supreme storm swept over, the whole tower rumbling and shaking, trying to break the cycle of the world, all obstacles.

   "You can't go!"

   The God of Duer would never let the God of Ancient Origin leave easily.

   He stepped on the top of the Thirty-Three Heavens Tower in one step, with a majestic body, looking down on the boundless sky, and anyone in the world would kneel at his feet and sing praises.

   His hands have the power to seal the sky, carrying the power of the entire world, suppressing it.

   "God, I will help you too!"

   The Lord of Yan God rose to the sky.

   A tower also appeared in his hand. It was golden, emitting the light of the soul, and it was his supreme primitive artifact, the tower of the soul.

   How violent is the blockade caused by the combination of the two gods and so many gods?

But this kind of blockade still can't make Goddess Yanran change color, she just urges the 33 Heaven Tower, such as the multiverse celestial splendor, shocks, first let the chains of fetters break and become the most primitive energy of.

   The tower rose to the sky.


   The God of Crossing violently suppressed.

   But his brows suddenly wrinkled, the power of this tower was too strong, a wave of power was bombarding, and the aftermath emitted, unexpectedly shook the sky.

  The Lord of Yan God, a golden mace, slammed on it.


   The sound of counter-shock sounded, and everyone else was about to be bounced out, and his hands were numb, and my heart was secretly surprised, if ordinary primitive artifacts would be destroyed.


   Goddess Yanran displayed a magical power that people could not even imagine.

   There is a layer of strange light in her state at this time, like the light of reincarnation, in her eyes, the interpretation of thousands of pictures seems to have appeared in different periods of goddess Yanran.

   She reincarnates in civilizations one after another, traveling through epochs and uncalculated years.

   She doesn't know where she came from. Her identity in this life is the God of Ancient Origin, and the imprint brought by reincarnation is sealed in her era, creating a taboo-like power.

   There seems to be a portal representing reincarnation.

   God of Duer and their blockade power level is very strong, but once the gate of reincarnation was opened, they could not prevent the Thirty-Three Sky Tower from leaving.

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