Within the day of Du'er, I also learned the news of Space-Time Island.

   "The Space-Time Island unexpectedly appeared, and the people of the Coslight Alliance got the moon first when they approached the water tower. They have already searched for a large number of gods, the original pill valued at a hundred million!"

   "Damn it, if it's normal, the treasures are ours, so where can they be?"

   "God has an order, ignore Time and Space Island, and make every effort to prepare for battle against Shenwu. Violators will be dealt with by God!"

   "Everything listens to God's orders, so that the Coslight Alliance will be happy for a while, and after the Shenwu is destroyed, go and clean them!"


   Make an emergency operation in the day.

   "Cross the sea, overcome difficulties!"

   The God of Duer was calling, saying: "The time has come, and there is no need to delay any longer. I order you two to take the primitive puppets and the army of my heavens and go to conquer the martial arts. You must destroy them in one fell swoop!

   "Haha, are you finally going to destroy that Shenwu? I have been waiting for too long!"

   The lord of crossing the sea laughed, and it was ashamed that he failed to perish that day.

   "Divine martial arts are difficult to attack, this time you bring my heaven's supreme primitive artifact to suppress." God Du'er said again.

   "The supreme artifact, good!"

   The master of overcoming difficulties said: "Except for the weird methods of the Shenwu Emperor, the most difficult part is their artifacts. This time, restraint with the supreme artifacts will create a better offensive environment for us."

   "Go!" God Duer waved his palm.

   "Cross the sea, let's march and destroy Shenwu!"

   Countless army is full of murderous aura, forming a torrent that destroys the world and destroys the earth. Under the leadership of the Lord of the Difficulties and the Lord of the Seas, they are mighty and directly advancing towards Shenwu.

   This time the two primitive gods and primitive puppets are the combat power of the three primitive gods.

   In addition, a large number of heavenly gods and countless armies form a terrifying force.

   During this period of time, time and space have reversed and a lot of resources have been consumed.

   Many people who had never had a chance to break through the supreme, have broken through the great masters one after another, specifically to deal with Shenwu.

   The army is huge, and Du'ertian did not underestimate the fact that Shenwu has no primitive gods, but did his best.

   They didn't play with Chu Yuan this time, it was the overwhelming strongest power directly, breaking ten guilds with one force, just to bully you for a short time to rise, and the number of strong ones is scarce.

   They know it deeply.

  The core of the Shenwu Shen Dynasty is the Shenwu God Emperor. This Shenwu is glorious because of him, and it cannot be underestimated.

   Also, only by using the most powerful force to crush people, can the loss be minimized.

After the army attacked, God Du'e stepped into the multiverse and looked at one place: "God of ancient origin, with me, you cannot help Shenwu. You and I will watch Shenwu's destruction and appreciate This brilliant picture."

   Goddess Yanran ignored him.

   "You can ignore me, but you also don't want to support Shenwu, you can deal with me to overcome the evil."

   He knows that Goddess Yanran is powerful, and he can't handle her, but he is also confident, no matter how strong he is, there is no blessing from heaven and earth, and it is impossible to bypass him to help Shenwu.

   Shenwu Shenchao.

   "It's here to cross the earth."

   Chu Yuan suddenly sensed the arrival of the army of Duertian.


   The infinite divine power exploded violently. Outside the Shenwushen Dynasty, the endless time and space were shattering, and the void channels appeared one by one, and the power that destroyed the world was transmitted.

   The time and space outside the gods has turned into a vast chaos.

   "The Lord of Difficulties, we have reached Shenwu!"

  The army that crossed the heaven has finally arrived!

   Many powerful people, densely packed and countless, came down, and their power turned into a vast beam of light and directly bombarded the Shenwu Shen Dynasty.

   "So many strong people!"

  Emperor Chuanjie was also taken aback.

   Although the dynasty in the early days was powerful, it was not unified for one day after all, and there was a big gap between it and Duertian, so many powerhouses were epic.

   Crossing the heavens is serious this time, and also mad.

   "Are you afraid?" Chu Yuan stood at the forefront of the gods and said coldly.

   "The leader is not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

  Emperor Qiu couldn't guess, what trump card Chu Yuan had, he was still calm in the face of such a terrifying army.

at this time.

   When the army across the sky came, they were murderous. They sharpened their knives and sharp weapons. They refined in time and space outside Shenwu, as if they were besieged into an isolated island, preventing them from escaping.

   is heavily blocked, even if a **** of heaven dared to rush out, he will die without a place to bury him.

   Countless armies cover the sky and the sun.

   The Lord of Difficulties and the Lord of Crossing Stand in front.

   "What a splendid dynasty."

   The face of the troubled lord has a sick expression, "Unfortunately, this gorgeousness, I will destroy it myself."

   "The Lord of Difficulties, Shenwu's national fortune has increased again, stronger than when I came before!"

   The lord of crossing the sea can clearly feel the strength of Shenwu national fortune.

   Of course.

   A top-notch original artifact, Wang Chuanhe, was incorporated in the Shenwu National Games. In addition, during this period, there were also breakthroughs and promotions from the gods of heaven, which would naturally bring about stronger strength.

   God’s decision is wise.

  When treating this dynasty, you must not be careless because of their superficial weakness.

   "The faster their national fortunes increase, it means that they are hiding greater secrets, but these secrets will belong to us, and I will become stronger because of this!"

   The owner of the disaster is very confident.

   Sending out so many powerhouses is already giving Shenwu face~www.ltnovel.com~ Two adults, how should we attack! "

   Wushang looked inward at Shenwu Shen.

   "Wu Shang, you are very good. You are about to understand the mystery of the primitive realm. This time the destruction of Shenwu will most likely allow you to take this difficult and vital step."

   The lord of crossing the sea admires Wu Shang.

   Wushang is the strongest heavenly **** who crosses the sky. It is most likely the next primitive god, and even the gods value him.

  In comparison, eclipse candlesticks have no potential.

"If you attack directly, the defense of Shenwu is strong, and there are many top gods suppressed, that tower is also the highest primitive artifact, otherwise there will be no such powerful power, and we are far stronger than them when the fish die and the net is broken, but no one It’s not clear how powerful this dynasty has, and we may even pay an unbearable price for it."

   The lord of crossing the sea looked ahead.

   They came this time to seize all the resources of Shenwu, not to pay a huge price.

   "My plan is still to attack from outside siege, cannibalize from the edge of Shenwu, consume their power, although it will be much slower, but this is also the safest way."

   The master of crossing the sea said: "The master of crossing the sea, do you have any different suggestions."

   "I don't have any suggestions. You will direct you how to do it." The master said.

   "Okay, then follow our plan!"

   The strong man attacked.

   As soon as they shot, all the strong, blasted a boundless torrent of mana, directly attacked the edge of the Shenwu God Dynasty, and the overwhelming divine light immediately enveloped them.

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