Yu Shentong's expression suddenly changed.

The crack on his shoulder has been dripping blood, the tearing pain has penetrated into the soul and bone marrow, and there is a destructive force that continues to destroy his body.

But the hideousness on his face was not for pain.

He fought Thor many times and never suffered such tragic injuries. The pain in his body is far inferior to the trauma in his heart.

"Will I be hurt?"

Yu Shentong questioned himself for the first time.

"Supernatural power!"

Wan Qianshan knows that the character of the universe has changed, which is extremely detrimental to the practice, and he shouted: "Don't be disturbed by him, he will force him to be strong. There are many strong people in the multiverse, the heavens and the world. Inheritance, you are a primitive god, and a momentary defeat is a hardening on the road to the strong!"

"Yes, I can't be disturbed by him!"

Yushen fully understood himself, and once again returned to his cold expression.

Failure is nothing. What's terrible is that there is no heart to accept failure.

Seeing the Yushen power recovered instantly, Mingyue Island Master was also secretly sighing, this person is also very strong, as long as he does not die, even if he experiences more failures, he can usher in glory.

"Don't give him any chance, we seize the inheritance of the heavenly king!"

Wan Qianshan had already understood that he couldn't suppress Chu Yuan if he didn't take action.

In the whistling, a primitive torrent swept out, thousands of mountains and rivers, infinite waves slapped, and thousands of mountains looked cold, playing with primitive magical powers.

Hand of God!

Chu Yuan grabbed it with a big hand, and the sun and the moon were dark, the heavens and the earth faded, boundless mana was brewing, and in an instant he collided with thousands of mountains.

Rumble.... This piece of inheritance time and space is shattering and turning into chaos, only the rune of ten thousand laws is standing still.

Chu Yuan's body was straight, like a giant pillar in the sky, suppressing the heavens and the earth. Facing the primitive gods, his expression was not flustered at all. He stepped forward and swept up with the domineering and divine aura.

He will have a head-to-head collision with the primitive gods.

"Huh! I still want to challenge the original gods!"

While Wan Qianshan exhaled, his original divine power had exploded, and his fists were running.

Thousands of mountains and waves.

His power is magnificent, and he has the power to change the world.

Chu Yuan and Wan Qianshan had already fought hard together, and there was no retreat. The power of the two, subverting time and space, collided to transform the world.

With such a head-to-head fight, Chu Yuan did not show the slightest decline, but also showed his strength.

Chu Yuan's expression was cold and cold, he was using thousands of mountains to sharpen his destiny, and he tried to get rid of its impurities.

He also knew that he couldn't suppress the primitive gods with his current power, but ordinary primitive gods would never want to suppress him.


Yu Shentong ran the sword of magic power again, his eyes flashing cold.

"Yu Shentong, don't you put me in your eyes?"

The owner of Mingyue Island naturally cannot watch the show.

"If you don't want to die, just get out of here!"

Only Chu Yuan was in Yu Shentong's eyes.

"You can't kill me."

Behind Mingyue Island Master, there was a hazy bright moon hanging high, and the surging brilliance came down. He has always been low-key, but it does not mean that he has no strength.

"you wanna die!"

Yu Shentong was also furious, and his magical power was cut to the brilliance of the moon.

Faced with his beheading, Mingyue Island Master seemed to be able to do well, and said lightly: "Yu Shentong, I admit that I am not as good as you to attack me head-on, but it is not so easy for you to break through my Mingyue Realm and intervene in the battlefield of the God Emperor. "

"Do you think that the strength of the original **** is just that little?"

At this time, Wanqianshan exploded with even stronger power. With every bombardment he hits, heaven, earth and the universe emerged, and with his bombardment, Chu Yuan was suppressed.

The ultimate destruction!

No matter how many worlds and universes tens of thousands of mountains derive, Chu Yuan has only one move against him, the explosion of the great destruction technique, using the door of destruction as a medium to sweep out destructive forces.

The power of thousands of mountains is being destroyed.

"Among the heavens, the one who has the deepest understanding of the Great Destruction Technique is the Destroy Lord of the Hell Heavens. You have such a profound understanding of the Great Destruction Technique!"

Wan Qianshan is very surprised.

At the same time, he also felt the difficulty of this opponent.

With his power, he is naturally not afraid of him, but he has no way to suppress him and give Yu Shentong the opportunity to create a magic rune.

At this moment, when the fierce battle between Chu Yuan and Wanqianshan was the fiercest, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of the Ten Thousand Fas into One Magic Rune, and directly attacked.

"There are still people hiding!"

Yu Shentong screamed in surprise.

This existence has long been hidden, in order to find a mobile phone meeting.

When he first touched the Ten Thousand Fas into One Rune, he immediately had countless magical powers to counteract it, and the light of the Ten Thousand Fas swept through all the darkness, so that existence could no longer hide his body.

"A counterattack from the king!"

This is a middle-aged man in a gray robe.

Boom! Chu Yuan and Wan Qianshan's power turned, and bombarded the middle-aged man to prevent him from getting it.

"It's you!" Wan Qianshan shouted: "The hidden killing emperor from Slaughter Heaven!"

Slaughter Heaven, powerful, ranked in the top ten in the ranking of 33 days.

In the days of killing, heaven is the king, and the original is the emperor.

This hidden killing emperor is good at stealing a sneak attack, hiding in time and space, as cold as a poisonous snake in the void, and always guarding him against a fatal blow.

Their battle was also stopped because of the arrival of the Hidden Killer Emperor.

"Hidden Killer, do you want this rune too?"

Wanqianshan did not dare to underestimate the hidden killer.

"The top treasure, who is not tempted."

Hidden kill the emperor.

"But we have to make this rune!"

Wan Qianshan's tone is also very strong.

One magic rune is too important for Yu Shen power. It penetrates into his body and condenses all the magic powers in his body. All of them are unified. Like a central formation, they can immediately become primitive.

"I don't agree." Yin Killing Emperor Road.

At this moment, the atmosphere on the scene has fallen into a weird stalemate, and the three parties are shocked. It is not good for anyone to do it first to prevent others from taking advantage of it.

"I have a suggestion here."

Wan Qianshan's expression changed, and he said, "Haha, Hidden Killer, it's meaningless to be deadlocked here. It's better to listen to me, let's take action together, and remove the most intrusive thing first. The Emperor Shenwu is obtrusive. , Instead of killing him here today, we will receive all the resources of his empire."

"It's not a good suggestion to deal with Shenwu~www.ltnovel.com~ Hidden Killing King said: "He killed the Lord of Crossing, and join hands with you, I am afraid that lessons from the past will appear again. "

The fall of the Lord Crossing the Sea also gave these primitive gods a great shock.

"You are scared!" Wan Qianshan said.

"You shot him first." Yin Killing Emperor said.

As a peerless assassin, hidden assassin, hidden assassin, and the emperor knows what is called calm, grab a chance, and leave without a chance.


Wan Qianshan snorted coldly.

This round and round has not returned to the previous situation. Does the hidden killer want to take advantage of the fierce battle between him and Shenwu to make a sudden and difficult move to put the inheritance of Shenwu into his bag?

But in this situation, someone must break the deadlock.

Chu Yuan suddenly moved and appeared before the Ten Thousand Fas into One Magic Rune.

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