Difficulty, crossing the sea, plowing saint, sea dragon emperor, earth dragon emperor.

Five primitive gods appeared outside Shenwu.

These five primitive mana, their power is intertwined, infinite lightning, forming a torrent of heaven, covering Shenwu.

"I will take the lead, destroy his time and space, and test his true details."

Relying on his own strength, the Earth Dragon Emperor stepped directly into the time and space, his towering mountain-like dragon body brought extremely strong oppression.

His dragon body is flying up like a dragon vein, every movement is an unstoppable force, and the dragon's legs are as strong as a mountain.

"Earth Dragon Emperor alone can't suppress him. You don't need to do anything when crossing the sea. Saint Plough and I will help Earth Dragon Emperor to deal with Shenwu!"

The Lord of Difficulties didn't want the Lord of Crossing to face Shenwu, and he suffered a big loss in his hands before. If he met again and there was an accident, then he was a sinner.

The master of crossing the sea also understands.

"Lord of Crossing, you are staring at Shenwu's changes. As for Fire Ancestor, he can't turn the sky with me."

As soon as the breath of the Sea Dragon Emperor moved, a huge deep blue sea appeared, and the raging sea was tumbling, terrifying, and suppressing fire ancestors with water.

This time they were just five primitive gods coming together, and the army did not arrive. The fundamental reason was that they didn't know the details of Chu Yuan.

"Let's go together."

As soon as Chu Yuan broke through the fifth realm, these five primitive gods hit the door, just to use them to verify the current mana.

His voice shook the worlds of time and space, and he wanted to fight three with the gods of the heavens. Even the Thunder God would not be able to fight against the three primitive gods at the same time.



When the Earth Dragon Emperor moved, time, space and sea were tumbling, and his dragon's breath turned into yellowish lightning, and it was shattered again and again.

The three primitive gods all urged their power to the strongest, and it was rare forever to be so cautious with the last **** of the heavenly path, and that billowing vitality was washed away.

However, Chu Yuan stood on the spot, the eternal real self, actually not moving at all.

"Be careful, everyone, his strength is stronger than he was on the island of time and space, don't be careless!"

Although the master of the disaster hated Chu Yuan, he did not dare to underestimate him.

"No matter how strong it is, it is also a **** of heaven!"

The Earth Dragon Emperor trampled on him, his huge dragon body crashed into the sky, without any fancy moves, it was the purest offense, capable of crushing all vitality into particles.


Chu Yuan punched, the emperor was overbearing, the emperor fought in the sky, the holy emperor's brilliance surging out, and directly hit the earth dragon emperor!

boom! The fierce force of this fist shocked the Earth Dragon Emperor, his dragon body was actually shaken, and he immediately lifted the mountain-like dragon claws and suppressed it.

Chu Yuan didn't mean to give in.

His power moved again, heaven and earth, yin and yang revolved, time-space-sea revolving with his power, boundless mysteries gathered on him, shaking a whole universe.

The Earth Dragon Sovereign wanted to use his strength to crush people, but when he fell this claw, he did not achieve the result, but shook again and again.

His dragon's mouth was wide open, and the torrent of mysterious yellow divine fire poured down.

The earth dragon emperor represents the earth dragon in the dragon **** heaven.

However, in the face of this kind of earth dragon fire, Chu Yuan's hand violently grabbed it, and the flames couldn't help him.

Chu Yuan was divinely powerful, and he jumped to the top of the earth dragon emperor's head. The hand of God carried the infinite emperor's brilliance and turned into a giant hand covering the sky, covering it.

Every time you slap, it is like a big star falling. 1800 Literature

"Want to help me too?"

The Earth Dragon Emperor didn't care about Chu Yuan's attack at all.

But with the hand of God, the universe can grab it, and the earth dragon emperor is like a dragon vein caught directly, and the great power of God continuously oscillates on him.

"What a great power, God rules!"

The Earth Dragon Sovereign was also surprised. He had heard that Shenwu was also powerful, but this powerfulness was incredible, and the stronger dragon Qi poured out of him, and it collapsed the hand of God.

"Earth Dragon Emperor's strength is not weaker than him, but the **** emperor did not let him down in the face of him, and he firmly grasped the fighting initiative in his own hands!"

Huo Ancestor was shocked, "Well, once the **** emperor reaches the primitive, the horror of strength is unimaginable!"

At this time, Chu Yuan looked at the Earth Dragon Emperor, the turbulent waves, the world's emperor's realm, turned into the pure land of the gods, his palms were divided, and every palm of his force was a divine light.

Even if the Earth Dragon Sovereign is powerful, but in the face of this fierce storm-like attack, he retreats again and again.

"How can I be beaten back by a heavenly god!"

The dragon clan's heart is unreliable, not to mention the primitive **** of the earth dragon emperor. His limbs stabilized his body, the mysterious yellow light burst out, the dragon roar shattered the universe, and the dragon shadow took off for nine days.

"Enough to swallow mountains and rivers!"

Chu Yuan made a majestic blow. The emperor patrolled the world and suppressed all the strange beasts. The Earth Dragon Emperor was hit and almost thrown off.

The violent series of shocks swallowing the mountains and rivers, continuous bombardment.

Chu Yuan strode forward and launched a fierce attack that was unstoppable. Although the Earth Dragon Emperor roared again and again, in the face of such a fierce attack, he could only passively endure it as a target.

"The shell is really hard enough."

The king of Chu Yuan came to the world.

Although his attack was fierce just now, the dragon emperor here was at most vigorous and bloody, and he didn't actually suffer any harm.

But this kind of direct attack is the most shocking.

Think about it, the grand dragon king can only be beaten, unable to fight back.

"How long has it passed since he became so strong, how did he cultivate!"

The owner of the disaster could hardly accept Chu Yuan's strength, and immediately shouted: "Let's do it together!"

"Are you going to shoot together!"

The light in Chu Yuan's eyes was immense, and the sun, moon and stars were all surrounding him, suddenly turning into a raging fire, making the world pale.

"Okay, let's go together!"

The Earth Dragon Sovereign finally learned the power of Shenwu, and he also understood why Duertian could not take them so long.

"Earth Dragon Tower!"

The earth dragon emperor walked very steadily every step, the earth dragon power poured out, the dragon head was raised high, and he could swallow the heavens and the stars, and while exhaling, an earth dragon tower flew out.

This earth dragon tower is the original sacred tower he refined, the earth's black and yellow color ~www.ltnovel.com~ has no other special attributes, it is heavy, very heavy.

"Earth Dragon Emperor is extremely defensive, good at ground suppression, let him take the lead, and imprison him, we look for opportunities to hit the Shenwu God Emperor!"

The insidious voice-transmitting plowmaster of the disaster

The three primitive gods joined forces to deal with a **** of heaven. This was already a very embarrassing thing, and the master of the disaster still wanted to play tricks.

But the owner of the disaster didn't care and felt no shame.

The opponent of Shenwu Divine Emperor is too terrifying, and that powerful strength does not make people think that he will be a **** of heaven. There is no way to deal with the whole person.

Immediately under the suppression of the Dragon Tower of the Earth, Chu Yuan moved his hands, and the ten thousand fascinated one magic rune ten thousand dao divine light impacted, and a ten thousand magic figure directly shook the dragon tower.

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