In this auction, Chu Yuan did not sit in the VIP box, but in the auction room of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, surrounded by several principals.

   This kind of treatment makes other dynasties dare not even think about it.

For the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, Chu Yuan is not only as simple as a customer, but also the largest supplier of spiritual rice, a supplier of sacred pills, and even these tubes of intermediate healing potions, otherwise this auction will definitely not Let unlimited chambers of commerce give up holding auctions.

   How can the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce dare to slack off such a sweet potato.

   The relationship between them is more like a cooperative relationship.

   Chu Yuan used the channel of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, and the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce needed his goods.

"The role of the intermediate healing potion can instantly recover from any injury in the Yunshen Realm. As for the truth and falsehood, there is not much to say. The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. The starting price is millions of spiritual stones. The healing potion auction only requires spiritual stones, not common stones. ."

   Fajing is also Fanshi.

   Ten thousand magic crystals can only be one spiritual stone.

   The starting bid of a million Lingshi is tens of billions of crystals.

"What? No magic crystals. This time I prepared so many magic crystals just to auction this healing potion. They didn't want it, **** it, spiritual stones, such treasures, are used to cultivate from the gods. Cherish, the few spirit stone veins in the suspended airspace are mostly in the hands of the Four-Star Dynasty."

   Some people heard that the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce does not want magic crystals. As long as the spirit stones, their complexion suddenly changes. This condition alone prevents more than 90% of people from participating in the auction.

   "If it is as true as the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce said, it does have such an effect, a million spiritual stones are not expensive, after all, if you have cultivated to Yunshen, how can a few spirit stones be able to measure life, the emperor believes in the credibility of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce."

   An old voice came from a box, "The emperor is willing to spend thousands of spiritual stones to buy this intermediate healing potion."

   "Ten million spiritual stones!"

   Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

   Ten thousand spirit stones are hundreds of billions of magic crystals, and some large-scale magic crystals are only hundreds of billions.

   "Twenty million spiritual stones."

   is another strong man from the four-star dynasty.

   Although no one has heard of any potion that has such effects, the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce has a reputation, and many people are willing to believe them.

   "Lingshi is one hundred million."

   That old voice didn't even think about it.

   As soon as the price of a Yilingshi came out, the whole auction fell silent.

   You must know that a superb **** pill is only tens of thousands of spiritual stones. The transaction price of top-grade artifacts in previous years is about this figure, which is comparable to the annual finale.

   "Since the Emperor Dachang is so bound to win, then the healing potion will be given to you."

   The number of one Yilingshi is too large. For healing potions that have not been really tested, no one dared to follow the price without authorization. Let the Emperor Dachang be the first to eat crabs.

   "Master, the emperor has a request, can the emperor drink this potion in front of all of you?"

   The Emperor Dachang walked out of the box and came to everyone.

This is an old man in a crimson robe, his hair is withered, and although there is a majestic temperament all over his body, everyone can feel his weakness, and his eyes have lost the sharp look of the past, as if dying. Old man.

   Dachang Dynasty, one of more than a dozen four-star dynasties in the airspace.

   Emperor Dachang, with ten levels of accumulation of gods, almost opened up a powerhouse of half a god.

But he got something wrong in his cultivation, failed to break through the position of God, lost his mind, and hurt the origin of his soul. Although he survived the catastrophe, he survived, but his soul was also seriously damaged. For these years he has been using the **** pill to continue his life, and it has reached the end of the life. The lights are dry and continue to be unsustainable.

   If he dies, the Dachang Dynasty will inevitably lose its national power. Other masters alone cannot suppress the place, and neighboring countries will come to divide the empire.

  It's only one hundred million. It's worth saving his life.

   He didn't come this time to enter the suspended forbidden land, but hope that he can find the magic medicine that can delay his life in several major chambers of commerce.

   "Of course you can, Lord Dachang, if you take it in front of everyone, you can also test the authenticity of this potion, otherwise some people will think that my Qiankun Chamber of Commerce is amplifying the talk, just to attract attention, please."

   The lord asked Chu Yuan's opinion in advance, then nodded, and handed the healing potion to Emperor Dachang.

   "If it is really effective, your Universe Chamber of Commerce is the emperor's lifesaver!"

   The Emperor Dachang did not hesitate to open the potion seal and drank it in one go.

  The eyes of countless people gathered on him.

   Boom! Suddenly an emerald aura burst out!

  Emperor Dachang has the vitality of resuscitation and treatment in every pore. His originally pale hair has returned to the rich darkness at this moment, and the awe-inspiring look in his eyes once again shot out a shock.

   The tenth level of the gods, the power that is extremely close to the god's position burst out, and the space is shaking.

   "The emperor has recovered? My strength is stronger than before!"

   The Emperor Dachang felt his own changes and lost his voice in horror.

"Intermediate healing medicine is effective. Even Emperor Dachang can recover from such a serious injury. Moreover, his cultivation strength is stronger than before. In the future, he will break through the position of God and add hope. A big deal."

   "God! Such a heaven-defying potion, whoever has one tube will have a second life!"

   "The Qiankun Chamber of Commerce sincerely does not deceive me!"


   The whole auction was a sensation.

Many people used to watch the excitement, thinking that even if the healing potion is effective, it will not be so immediate, but the change of the Emperor Dachang has completely dispelled their concerns~www.mtlnovel. com~ Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, this time it's a big game.

   "Everyone, two tubes of healing potions will be released in this auction. Now other treasure auctions are on, and we have prepared a large number of **** pill treasures this time."

   Although Sikongtu's face is smiling, his heart is also laughing wildly.

   Although they don't draw any commission for the healing potion, their reputation has already gone out, suppressing the Unlimited Chamber of Commerce so that they don't even recognize it.

The word    fame is a big profit.

  The people of the Infinite Chamber of Commerce have always looked very ugly. If it weren't for the idiots like Elder Chen, they would have the right to auction the healing potion.

   The chief executive can't wait to press Elder Chen's face on the ground and rub it hard.

   The second tube of healing potion was placed in the middle of the auction, and the price was as high as 500 million spiritual stones. This is also the genius of Sikongtu, which kept the atmosphere of the auction at its peak.

   The third tube of healing potion was put to the end, and was shot away by the Hanging Dynasty with a billion spirit stones.

   In this auction, with three healing potions, Chu Yuan received a total of 1.6 billion spiritual stones, and he also provided a large amount of magic pills to the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, and once again received hundreds of millions of spiritual stones.

   It can be said that the biggest winner this time is him.

  Of course, the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce is not at a loss. They have carefully prepared a century of auction items and sold them at high prices, grabbing all the business that originally belonged to the Infinite Chamber of Commerce, and also received a large number of orders.

   Mutual help and win-win.

   Qiankun Chamber of Commerce and Chu Yuan both achieved their goals.

   "Everyone, this Chamber of Commerce may have an auction before the forbidden land opens, but the auction date is uncertain."

   At the end of the auction, Sikongtu released another sentence that made the Infinite Chamber of Commerce almost faint.

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