The duration of this battle was not very long, but the results achieved were impressive.

The strength of Yan Tianxiong's drawing was completely destroyed.

Although the primitive gods were not killed this time, they also stunned a large number of people, telling some powerful people not to intervene in the war of Shenwu casually, which is not good for them.

Fire Ancestor also knows.

There are a group of people who will give up their eager hearts, but a group of people will still attack Shenwu, after all, the situation facing Shenwu is still precarious.

But the strategic goal has been achieved.

Those people must consider the consequences when they take action, whether they can really destroy Shenwu, otherwise they will suffer cruel retaliation from Shenwu in the future.

At least, let people know that Shenwu was not as easy to deal with as they thought.

"Unfortunately, if Yan Tianxiong does not have the supreme primitive artifact, we have the opportunity to suppress him this time, seal it and bring it back to the gods, and hand it over to your Majesty for disposal."

Huo Ancestor said regretfully.

"Yan Tianxiong has left, but he will not give up and will still take action."

Qing Huo nodded: "We went back. The goal has been achieved. As for the next thing, it depends on whether your **** emperor can survive this catastrophe. If he can become a primitive, the crisis can be resolved."

"it is good."

The army withdrew to Shenwu.

With the deliberate spread of the news, many powerful people quickly learned about it, and many people retreated.

And in the day of Ferry.

"Yan Tianxiong's trash, arrogantly called a hero, pulled a force, and was destroyed by Shenwu Battle. Not only did it not help, but it helped them increase their momentum, trash, a bunch of trash!"

It's not nice to cross the Eternal Heaven, the Dragon God and the strong.

Indeed, Yan Tianxiong's fiasco made many people faintly afraid of Shenwu.

Some people are also calculating in their hearts, how much they can get from attacking Shenwu, and how much they have to pay. If it is not cost-effective, they will not intervene in this matter.

"It's not all bad things." The calm Earth Dragon Sovereign said: "At least we know, Zhenyangtian also sent the strong to help Shenwu."

"True sun, what are they going to do!"

Difficulty and calmly said: "If you don't fight the war between him and Han Haitian well, and still intervene here, does the true sun **** think that Shenwu will not be defeated and can win this battle? Come and give charcoal in the snow!"

"True Sun God is very powerful, more terrifying than we thought."

This group of arrogant Dragon God Emperors also had to admit the power of True Sun God.

Sea Dragon Emperor said: "He is stronger than the fallen old God of True Sun, and his strength is unfathomable. Although he is not a 33-day God, his power, even the lower-ranked God, is not his opponent. If Zhenyangtian is successfully promoted, his power will be even more unpredictable. He is expected to become the original sixth realm, and Fengshen Great Emperor is also in this realm!"

"Originally, I was still waiting for Yan Tianxiong to bring his group of people, but now it seems I can't count on it."

Du Nan continued: "How long will Yan Shentian arrive?"

"It will probably take another three months." Wu Shang said: "According to their distance, it is speculated that their primordial gods are constantly moving, and it will take three months. The multiverse is too big."

"Three months is too long, no one knows what accidents will happen!"

The lord of the disaster can hardly wait for almost a day.

"The Lord of Difficulties, God Emperor Shenwu is attacking the primitive realm with all his strength. You should know how difficult it will be to bring him to that realm. This is our best opportunity. This time it is not successful, and it will be more difficult in the future. ."

Earth Dragon Emperor said: "The other Dragon God Emperors of our Dragon God Heaven will arrive within this month, but you should also understand that our Dragon God Heaven must guard against the raids of the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, and the strong ones that can be sent are limited, so you They need to be more powerful and not give them any chance."

"I know."

The owner of the disaster nodded, and it is better to rely on yourself than on others.

His ranking in the 33 days has always been the tail of the crane in the 33rd day, very behind, because their primitive gods are so few, far inferior to those really strong 33 days.

There is no way.

Crossing the Heavens was only achieved after the Great Ancient War, which was achieved by seizing the luck. Compared with some worlds that have existed for a long time, they have inherent shortcomings.

Such as the Dragon God Heaven, although it was not thirty-three days, they were developing in the age of the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Demon Gods, and afterwards they separated from the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven and also developed for an extremely long time.

"I naturally have stronger strength when I cross the sky!"

The Lord of Difficulty pronounced a spell.

In the depths of the heavens and the earth, a cloud of black light was erupting, and there was a skeleton man walking out. The bones were tall, and the bones on his body burst out with an extremely tyrannical aura.

A strong force came, and flesh and blood grew from the body on this skeleton, and he gradually became a middle-aged man in control of majestic power.

This middle-aged man stood quietly in place, but the power he spread should not be underestimated.

"Strong stronger than me!"

The Earth Dragon Emperor felt the strength of the middle-aged man and was also surprised.

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly opened, so that there were two divine lights lasing out, causing an endless starry sky to appear in front of them, and a world-wide existence possessed boundless power.

"Already dead. When he is alive, his mana must reach the Primitive Fifth Realm. Even if he dies, he will possess the ancient power!"

The earth dragon emperor saw the background of crossing the sky.

"This is my God of Heaven Protector who crosses the Evil Heaven."

The troublemaker said: "The ancient civilization obtained by God is more precious than the Heavenly Alliance. If only a few primitive gods like us, can we maintain the position of thirty-three days?"

The earth dragon emperor clicked a huge dragon head.

He was surprised but not surprised.

Du'er Tian has strength. In the very ancient war, the heavens collapsed. Many people staring at the position of the 33 days but were captured by Du'er God.

At that time, Du'ertian was not considered a very powerful force to outsiders.

"If I'm not mistaken, this Heaven Protector is strong, but it is a dead body after all. Every actuation costs a huge price, even the origin of heaven and earth condenses the flesh and blood for him."

The Sea Dragon Emperor spoke.

"Yes, this is also the disadvantage of the God of Heaven Protector. If it were not for the threat of Shenwu, we would not spend the origin of heaven and earth to urge God of Heaven Protector."

The troublemaker did not hide his flaws.

"Although there are flaws, they can't hide his strength."

The Earth Dragon Sovereign nodded: "You only have one **** of heaven protection?"

"Of course, how can there be only one God of Heaven Protector."

The troublemaker gave him a mysterious smile and asked him to guess for himself, but he didn't give a specific answer.


The Emperor of Earth Dragon secretly said that every day should not be underestimated, just as the backbone of Shenwu is the Emperor of Shenwu, and the one who overcomes the heaven is the God who overcomes the evil.

This person must be in control of more heritage.

"There is one more thing. I can tell you that there is a greater foundation in my crossing days, in a deep sleep, once my heaven encounters the crisis of extinction, it will wake up and kill the enemy."

The Lord of the Difficulties speaks vaguely, but he is always revealing the power of his passage.

"I'm afraid that the so-called ancient powerhouse will cost too much to wake up once and cannot be used."

The Earth Dragon Emperor said in his heart.

Regarding the strength of a day, you can never look at the data on the surface of them, and behind it there must be power that you can't imagine.

"This time for Shenwu, I will come up with more details!"

The Lord of Difficulties said viciously.

Suddenly his expression changed, and he smiled: "It is Yan Tianxiong who is here. He wants to find us."

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