Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1522: Primordial Tribulation

Chu Yuan suddenly appeared in front of everyone with great power.

His appearance surprised everyone, what is Shenwu Divine Emperor thinking at this time?

"He appeared!"

The Earth Dragon Emperor reminded that as an existence who had fought Chu Yuan many times, he could better appreciate the invincible power of this person, which was stronger than before.

He didn't dare to underestimate this person.

"There must be fried!"

The Lord of Difficulties secretly said, he said forward: "Shenwu, what do you want to fight with us now? It is not an exaggeration to deal with you by any means. You must die, but I can give you a chance, you Self-decision, annihilate all your destiny consciousness, your **** dynasty, everyone's fate can be guaranteed, otherwise the battle will be together, the lives will be destroyed, they will die, and they will not survive!"

Of course he knew that Chu Yuan would not judge himself, this was just a means to strike before the battle.

He wants to show their ferocity, so that those who watch the battle know that the martial arts are bound to die. If you want to share the benefits, then do it!

"Only you?"

Chu Yuan's voice was loud and loud, like a billowing bell ringing through the world, with invincible confidence.

With this kind of existence, no matter what kind of crisis is encountered, there will be no panic.

"Yes, just rely on us!"

Yan Tianxiong was also shouting.

"Since he shows up, there is no need to wait. Yan Shentian will come soon. We will launch an offensive first, and blockade will consume his power. A magic weapon that allows us to use such a large battle, you die without regret. , Your name will be remembered in the epic, but you are a loser!"

Overwhelmed with a loud shout.

Headed by the primitive gods, a large number of powerful people have pushed their power to the limit, and the power that subverts the universe will drown the entire world in an instant.

This is the most positive offense!

In the direction of Shenwu, all kinds of artifacts are running, and there are surging brilliance. The Heavenly Pagoda of Ten Thousand Realms suppresses the secrets, and the Heavenly Map interprets infinite eternal mystery, and the power rolls and spreads around.

This is exactly where Du'ertian has a headache.

Shenwu has too many artifacts, and has gained the ultimate inheritance of the Tianmeng.

"It's time for the primitive state."

Boom! Chu Yuan was full of divine light rushing into the sky, beams of light, the original light shining hundreds of thousands of miles in the universe, his emperor's majesty turned into a storm sweeping the universe, producing a primitive divine calamity

Primitive gods, a promotion of the power of heaven.

This level of power has already touched the eternal mystery and has the qualification to enter the eternal road.

Chu Yuan got the sky map, time accelerated, and Taoism evolved. At this moment, he finally realized his original sky and evolved into a terrifying catastrophe.

This momentary change came quickly.

In just a moment, I saw that the Primitive Great Tribulation had come down, with Chu Yuan as the center, completely shrouded it, and even the powerful attacks were shattered.

This scene is extremely terrifying.

Then every primordial divine light struck down, with the will to exterminate everything, and madly destroyed.

Not to mention the gods of heaven, even some primitive gods are difficult to accept, and they will be smashed to death.

The primitive calamity belonging to Chu Yuan is here, and he wants to become his primitive **** in the eyes of millions of people!

This is also his most critical step.

The original road is the eternal road!

"My way is eternal."

Chu Yuan was bathed in the deprivation of the Primordial Tribulation, with a dazzling light. He overwhelmed the world. He was not afraid of this terrible power. He was not moved. Instead, he madly seized this power to create a primitive divine body.

"He is attacking the realm of primitive gods!"

Not long after Wushang crossed the Tribulation, he was able to understand the fluctuations of this power best, and shouted: "What a powerful power, my calamity is comparable to him, like a pearl of rice. The stronger the person against the sky, the more terrible the calamity we will usher in. !"

Everyone saw this scene with some horror.

The primordial divine catastrophe that the Shenwu God Emperor ushered in was too terrifying, and it was simply going to destroy everything. If everyone was a catastrophe of this power, few people in the universe could survive it.

From the side, I also realized that the evil spirit of the Shenwu God Emperor.

And seeing this kind of calamity, those onlookers even dare not take advantage of the fire.

Everything depends on whether Shenwu Divine Emperor can succeed.

"God Emperor Crossing Tribulation!"

Fire Ancestor also shouted loudly,

Within that divine calamity, countless kinds of calamity appeared at this time, and various forces were staged continuously, all of which were smashed and killed in a single brain, creating a scene that is not in the world.

It even makes people wonder whether there has been such a powerful fate in the history of the multiverse?

Chu Yuan's body formed an absolutely forbidden realm, and any power that reached his side collapsed into a vital energy, poured into his body, and became a must for primitive promotion.

"Damn it, he wants to make himself a primitive **** by the way of transcending the calamity to deal with our attack. If he really survives the calamity, then we will attack Shenwu this time, I am afraid there will be big changes!"

The owner of the disaster was also shocked, the power of this thunder tribulation was too terrifying, beyond his imagination.

"Don't be afraid of his calamity, we rushed in and hindered him as much as possible. His original divine calamity is too powerful, maybe we can use the power of the multiverse divine calamity to kill him!"

Earth Dragon Emperor Road.

"Yes, although we will have to bear great pressure when we go in, he is under even greater pressure than us, one word spell! Spell it until he finally falls, and see who can have the last laugh!"

The master crossing the sea also made a hideous voice.

Chu Yuan stepped on the sky above the gods, king over the world, and the sky map under his feet, evolving an eternal path. He stood still, his eyes cold, "I am waiting for you!"

In him, the power of the entire empire world has been blessed to him.

Sincerely, the people did not directly participate in the war, but they are also contributing their own strength.

"The dragons have no leader!"

The four dragon gods in the primitive realm roared, and they jointly killed the terrifying dragon god's big move. The group of dragons has no leader, meaning that they want to kill the opponent's head, that is, Chu Yuan.

Suddenly, I saw that four pairs of huge dragon claws shook through the divine calamity and smashed in the air.

Chu Yuan's power was shocked, and he exploded with a terrifying power in the divine calamity. UU read www.uukanshu. com crackled, and the power of dragon claws exploded continuously around him, interpreting the scene of destroying the world.

But Chu Yuan remained motionless.

The Zhutian Divine Sword slashed in the air, directly slaying the Earth Dragon Emperor, and his dragon body was cut and flew out.

"Yu Shenjie can still exert such a terrifying power, really terrifying!" The earth dragon emperor ignored his dragon body dripping blood.

"And our strength!"

They also killed the troubled master.

With so many primitive gods attacking Chu Yuan together, and the interference of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, if Chu Yuan can survive, it would be the first person to create an unprecedented record.

The mana was rolling, and they united their power, like the wheels of heaven and earth, rolling towards Chu Yuan.

They don't believe that they all joined forces in this way, this person can still guard the sky.

Chu Yuan was still not afraid, and the Wanbao River surrounded him. Because of their joint efforts, the artifacts were bursting, but they were buying time for him.

Boom! An extremely large emperor appeared, this is the gathering of the gods and martial arts, and it is bombarding the front!

"Kill me!"

The Lord of Du'e roared, their original power gathered, and they hit Chu Yuan in one shot.

At this moment, the power of the divine calamity in the sky is more fierce, and the world is surging, making people tremble.

"Swallow, vacuum..."

Chu Yuan displayed his supernatural power, and the great swallowing technique actually swept away the aura of the divine calamity. He was the most terrifying master of swallowing the sky, and the continuous spreading spread would even swallow the universe.

"Sky Map, Eternal Road!"

As soon as Chu Yuan waved his hand, he burned the stars gathered by the original gods, inputting vast energy, and a simulated eternal path appeared, transforming the time and space outside Shenwu into a battlefield of heaven and earth.

He wants to forge his own field and create the greatest advantage for himself.

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