Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1540: Everyone has aspirations

The Lord of Guangyu made a difficult decision.

He decided to disband the Guangyu League and turn to Shenwu. From then on, he was no longer the leader of the alliance, but was a courtier loyal to the empire and obeyed others' orders.

He also wants to understand that he has cooperated with Shenwu many times, and facing the unpredictable situation in the future, it is not the best choice to rely on anyone, there is only one way to the end.

After his words were delivered, it caused a sigh.

"It seems that Coslight Alliance will cease to exist."

A **** of heaven said: "Guangyu, you take refuge in Shenwu, we will not take refuge, this is not in our interests, I also know your purpose, I will go directly to Fengshentian, and take refuge in the Great Emperor."

"Going to Fengshentian might as well stay in Shenwu."

The deputy leader Shui Yun said: "There are too many powerful conferred gods, unless they have the power of the original gods, otherwise they are nothing. I will stay with the leader in Shenwu. How to do it, think about it for yourself. It's useless to say."

"Needless to say, instead of relying on Shenwu whose future is uncertain, it is better to rely on Fengshen Great Emperor, which is safer and more secure."

"Yes, even if you don't go to Fengshentian, you can go to the Gods to take refuge."

The strong people present have different minds.

Some people choose to join Shenwu. After all, Shenwu is a rising comet, and the country needs the help of the strong, and they will have a higher status if they go.

But some people are going to a giant sky like Fengshentian.

Without him, Fengshen Great Emperor can be called the number one power in the heavens, and it is the safest to follow him.

There are also those who have no ambitions just want to live in the great world, take refuge in the gods, and pray that they can survive.

With this choice, most people chose to leave, and there were more than a dozen people who followed the Lord of Guangyu.

The Lord of Guangyu looked at the remaining people, the empty alliance, and sighed: "For many years of hard work, I formed the Guangyu League to face the oppression of Duertian, but now the wind has disappeared from the clouds, and the dissemination has disappeared. Right."


It was Meng Tianhe who appeared, and he said: "If people go, let them go. The emperor will not force them. It is meaningless to force them to stay. Individuals have their own opinions. If this choice is wrong or right, we will Let time prove it, but I firmly believe that following the **** emperor is the most correct."


The Lord of Guangyu nodded: "I watched the power of Shenwu all the way. I believe in the **** emperor, so I am willing to take refuge in him. The **** of heaven does not seem to be weak in cultivation, but when he encounters a great change in the world, he also falls in groups.

He is also very helpless.

Fighting for hegemony every day, the entire multiverse will be a battlefield. Some powerful primitive gods can also run to take refuge in the path of eternity, but the gods of heaven cannot run.

Even if you go to the gods, sometimes the situation becomes uncontrollable, and those gods will forcefully recruit.

"The change of heaven and earth is just when we are waiting for the great cause. Let's go, Guangyu, let's meet the **** emperor."

Mengtian River.

Coslight Alliance has become a thing of the past today.

Every powerful person is taking refuge in Shenwu, and Chu Yuan also saw them one by one. These people came from afar, and they all value the potential of Shenwu and the extraordinary future.

As the emperor, Chu Yuan knew of course that he had just joined and had not yet fully integrated.

He held a national martial arts competition and took this opportunity to let them slowly blend in, thinking that he was a martial artist in his heart.

"Coming to Shenwu again."

Before the nationwide martial arts competition was about to be held, an acquaintance visited, it was the spark of the true sun, he looked at Shenwu, and he was shocked.

The time he retreated and attacked the Primordial God, Shenwu had changed drastically.

He also learned a lot of news from Qing Huo's mouth before.

But when he really saw it, he realized this extraordinary.

"Senior Brother God has a pair of insights. I originally thought that Shenwu also has potential, but now it has become a giant, the original five-stage sword god, the fire ancestor with the strength in the third stage, and the newly breakthrough time-space god. There is the Shenwu Divine Emperor who has the mighty power of the world, and his strength is very powerful."

Xinghuo was also secretly surprised.

He hadn't forgotten that Chu Yuan had just broken through the primitive, and I don't know how strong it would be for a breakthrough in a realm. Moreover, he has already achieved the general trend. Whoever wants to destroy him will have to pay a huge price.

"Xinghuo, you are here too."

Chu Yuan directly condensed the Golden Light Avenue and led the spark into the hall.


Xinghuo came with a smile.

How keenly he perceives, looking at Chu Yuan, this person is extremely tall, his breath is like the universe, he breathes infinite divine light all the time, his every move is like the will of the world, dominating the common people.

He was also a primitive god, but he was certain that once the two played against each other, he would lose instantly.

"Xinghuo, you have also become a primitive god, but I have had a lot of national affairs recently, but I haven't had time to celebrate."

Chu Yuan smiled.

He and Zhenyangtian can be regarded as a very stable alliance.

"Compared to my breakthrough, it's nothing compared to God Emperor."

Xinghuo kept smiling, and said: "This time I came here, I also knew that the **** emperor held a competition and invited strong people from all over the world. I also brought my true sun sky elites for friendly exchanges. If we win, we can get the benefits promised by the **** emperor. ."

He was naturally talking and laughing with Chu Yuan.

"Of course, everything is done according to the rules, whoever wins will get the benefit."

Chu Yuan knew that this was a way for Zhenyangtian to maintain friendship with him. Two days were not thirty-three days. In the next step, he wanted to be promoted for thirty-three days, and they all needed help.

"I learned that the True Sun God and the Hanhai God not long ago had a full-scale advantage. It seems that the True Sun Heaven will be promoted to 33 days and reach the top again.

Chu Yuan was communicating with Xinghuo.

The powerhouses he brought have been arranged in the reception hall with the highest specifications in the empire.

"Achieving an advantage does not mean that you can really defeat Hanhaitian. After all, Hanhai God has the blessing of heaven and earth. Brother God can defeat him, but it is still difficult to break him into the world."

Xinghuo Road.

What he said also revealed that the True Sun God is very powerful.

"The God of True Sun is afraid that he is about to reach the sixth state, an epic state."

Chu Yuan was also a primitive god, and he knew the strength of the primitive **** very well. Without this kind of mana, it would be impossible to completely suppress the Lord of the Sea.

The True Sun God is indeed very powerful.

"I am not very clear about the realm of Brother God."

Xinghuo didn’t say it said: "God, I can see that the opponent you are facing is much harder than us. God of Du'er is very strong. Once he reaches the sixth level, God The emperor is in trouble, and the foundation of crossing the sky is more than that of the sky."

Duertian's data on paper is the bottom, but the world has a very deep foundation, unlike them who have fought with Han Haitian for many years, they have a very good understanding of each other's situation.

"The soldiers will block the water and the earth. I also want to destroy him. Fighting the foundation, I will not fear him, and my strength is also growing, and I will be the ultimate winner."

Chu Yuan was extremely confident.

"Then I will wait for you and I to reach the position of thirty-three days in two days. In the future, I can even join hands to go to the path of eternity and look for greater opportunities."

Xinghuo smiled.

"This day will not be too far away."

Chu Yuan always had some firm confidence: "In half a month, the national martial arts competition will take place. When the time comes, you and me will fight for two days. We will see who is stronger. This is a friendly exchange."

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