This competition is highly anticipated.

Even if it is held again in the future, there will not be today's sensation. His Majesty is afraid that he will not host it personally, let alone give such a generous reward to everyone.

Due to the large number of people, it is extremely cumbersome to fight.

No, Chu Yuan has capable men.

He gave these troublesome things to the Book of Spirit Enlightenment to do, and he arranged it in an orderly manner with his wisdom.

The strong of the gods are maintaining order. After all, it is a friendly competition. It is not a battle with external forces. The strong will keep an eye on each battle so that no one will fall in the competition.

The vast Wushen Square is like a huge prismatic mirror with countless faces in the inner part, and each face is a world of competition.

Chu Yuan sent the battle scenes to every part of the empire.

Also because of the impact of external forces, not only the internal battles between the empires, but all those who participated in the war are full of fighting spirit, and they are holding back their energy and want to perform well in front of your majesty.

Chu Yuan looked at and nodded.

He can see many truly outstanding people from the competition, and the stage for them to show their strength will be remembered by the imperial ministers, selected into the army that suits them, and give them better training.

"Your Majesty, the people of the Kingdom of God are all brave and good at fighting."

The Bull Demon Demon Lord looked into the competition field, his eyes burning, and he even hoped to fight the legendary Shenwu God Emperor, but the other party gave him unfathomable feelings.

"The powerhouse of Wan Yaotian is also very powerful."

Chu Yuan laughed and talked about the wind, controlling the world in his tone.

Although the fight is fierce, it is just a scene for them, and it doesn't matter who wins or loses.

"You should also let the real strong go to Bibi." The Greed Wolf demon said: "Silver Wolf, you go ask for advice."

This is a huge silver wolf. The fur color of his whole body emits dazzling silver light, and there is a golden thread on his back, like an eternal substance.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate eternal matter without being primitive.

"Lord of Silver Wolf!"

Mingyue Island Master also came, and he was very familiar with seeing the Lord of Silver Wolf. He was also a strong man on the list of Heavenly Dao Gods. He fought against him. At that time, the two were evenly divided.

"Mingyue Island Master!"

When the Lord of Silver Wolf saw the Lord of Silver Wolf, his breath fluctuated violently, and the opponent had become a primitive god, and he was qualified to be in a circle with the greatest Lord of Greedy Wolf in his wolf clan.

"Who can fight me?"

The main way of Silver Wolf.

"My true sun, Yuelan, will fight you."

A woman in a red dress walked out.

She is the fifth realm of True Sun Heaven, a personal disciple of True Sun God, and she is very strong.

Chu Yuan's power of time and space swept out, and in an instant, a world of martial arts was formed. With his support, it could resist the impact of the power of the gods of heaven.

"One thought of time and space, instant creation!"

Seeing Chu Yuan's methods, Xinghuo and the Four Great Demon Lords were surprised and said: "Awesome, he is proficient in the way of time and space, and can also use the great chaos technique. In that time and space, he is afraid that he can resist the power of the primitive gods, and he deserves it!

With this hand, it showed the power of Shenwu Divine Emperor.

At the same time, Yue Lan and the Lord of Silver Wolf had already fought together.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce. The sky was full of flames, and the Sky Wolf Xiaoyue fought tens of thousands of moves. In the end, the Lord of the Silver Wolf stood proudly in the field and defeated Yue Lan.

"I lost!"

Yue Lan's face was ugly, and he quit the battlefield.

Of course she still has a big trick to press the bottom of the box, but she also knows that this is not a battle of life and death, but a contest between several major forces.

"Haha, Silver Wolf, I will challenge you!"

It is a strong man from the clan of cattle and demons.

Ten thousand demons gather, there are too many races of demons, and they compete fiercely with each other. It is often either you die or I live. The real natural selection and the law of the jungle are staged.

Of course, it's different when it comes to the level of primitive gods.

However, the powerful Niu Mozu came to power and became a foil.

The Lord of the Silver Wolf repeatedly defeated his opponents, and the Lord of Shenwu Guangyu also came on the field. He was not his opponent in a fierce battle with the Lord of the Silver Wolf, and soon defeated.

If the God of Time and Space is not primitive, he can still fight him.

"If no one can defeat the original artifact of the silver wolf lord of my clan, the **** emperor, I will be disrespectful and take it away."

The Lord of Greedy Wolf smiled.


Chu Yuan said: "Whoever gets first, who gets the reward, this is my rule. Whether or not my people, we must follow the rule. You have no joking. If no one can beat the Lord of Silver Wolf, a treasure. To him."

Jun has no jokes.

This is the temperament of the emperor.

He can be cruel, cruel, and ruthless, but there is no joke and no change in what he says.

"I come."

An indifferent voice came. It turned out to be Jiuyou. She walked out of the sky map, and under her feet, there was a vaguely primitive road condensed.

The pupils of the Lord of Silver Wolf shrank suddenly.

He can feel that Jiuyou is very strong and has embarked on the original path, but he has no fear. The stronger the opponent can inspire his fierceness.

"Restore mana to its peak." The wolf-greedy master said.

When the Lord of Silver Wolf recovered to the peak, the battle between him and Jiuyou began.



The lord of the huge silver wolf, Jiuyou is like an ant in front of him.

With an extremely fierce aura, a silver Sirius seemed to roar the moon in the sky, and Silver Wolf took the initiative to use his extremely powerful magical powers to lock Jiuyou, and the wolf claws tore her away.

With this claw, power can penetrate hundreds of millions of time and space.

Seeing this attack from Silver Wolf, the Demon Lord Greedy Wolf nodded secretly, making him very satisfied, but his gaze then fell on Jiuyou again, not knowing what means she would use to counter it.

Jiuyou looked indifferent and ignored all beings.

She is superbly graceful, just like a peerless empress, she also has infinite domineering, her light is obscured by Chu Yuan, but at this moment her light is shown.

The power of Jiuyou has changed into a time and space, and the interior is dark and gloomy, with a ray of dark golden light.

This claw of the Lord of Silver Wolf penetrated into the Nine Nether Space-Time, as if immediately trapped in the swamp, so that his ferocious blow would be directly resolved without any effect.

"not good."

The Lord of Silver Wolf was surprised.

The realm of Jiuyou expanded and enveloped him, a wave of peerless power was in the vertical and horizontal directions, and his huge silver wolf body was continuously In the realm of Jiuyou, Silver Wolf The Lord clearly felt that his power was disappearing quickly, he was deprived.

She is the only one in charge of heaven, earth, time and space!

Jiu You lifted a palm, this palm was like the impact of the multiverse, directly hitting the wolf's body, and immediately blasted him out of the battlefield.

"I lost."

The Lord of Silver Wolf is still very unwilling.

However, it was just a contest, he couldn't fight Jiuyou hard.

"Peerless elegance, feminine style."

Looking at Jiuyou, these primitive gods are not stingy with their admiration.

He even had a hunch that this woman named Jiuyou could embark on the original path in the future.

While Jiuyou defeated the Lord of Silver Wolf this time, Chu Yuan knew very well that this was her first step on the path of heaven, and through repeated tempering, she achieved her originality.

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