The Faceless Man actually reached the Eternal Forbidden Zone.

Moreover, he hunted down primitive gods everywhere, simply taking these supreme beings as prey.

This makes many strong people hate, what is his origin, powerful and strange.

Many people hate him in the face of his threats, but there is nothing to do with him.

He came and went without a trace, there is no way to know his exact whereabouts.

"Oh? The Faceless Man is here too, it's best not to let me meet!"

Chu Yuan didn't have any good feelings for this faceless man. Like many people, he would kill him if he caught them, but it was a pity that it was difficult to calculate his whereabouts.

"It's not surprising that he came. There was a huge movement in the Eternal Forbidden Zone, and many powerful people came. The chaos here is very chaotic. Every time the faceless kills a primitive god, it is to seize their power and grow stronger. Forever, he His strength is like a snowball."

Chu Yuan was also analyzing the faceless man in the previous battle, but it was nothing.

"I really want to uncover his mask and see what kind of face he looks like under his disguise."

Even if Chu Yuan was running Endless Origin, he couldn't know the whereabouts of the Faceless Man.

His gaze penetrated into the Eternal Forbidden Zone. Although he had not yet entered the Forbidden Zone, he also knew that a large number of primitive gods had already arrived in the entire multiverse.

This is not surprising.

The path of eternity is too dangerous. Without strong self-confidence, you will not be able to rush. Even if it is the God of Transcendence and the others, the three powers are united to have the confidence to rush.

And here.

Although it is also dangerous, the intensity is not as intense as the eternal road.

"Sword God, we will also go in, so how can I get through such a feast, I must share in it!"

The Eternal Forbidden Zone is for the strong to compete.

Just before he was about to go in, the sky was overcast, and it turned out to be an army of hell, forming a strong torrent of heaven and earth, and a primitive atmosphere that shook the world.

He saw an extremely tyrannical existence, conveying a wave of depravity, with twelve pairs of black wings growing behind it. When he saw him, it made people fall into the abyss.

"The army of hell, if I see it right, it is the fallen lord among the eighteen lord of hell."

Chu Yuandao.

Every lord of the **** must have the fifth level of strength. In the days of hell, with the blessing of the source of heaven and earth, the mana is comparable to the lord of the day, unimaginably powerful.

And even if they are not in Hell, they will be better than the average fifth realm.

This is the promotion brought to them by the dominance.

How could **** not come to such a big event?

"Your Majesty, I have also seen other **** masters coming, not only that, but also the gods of the gods, the demon lord of the ten thousand demon sky, the demon lord of the ten thousand demon sky, the Taoist of the ten thousand heavens, every day The strong gather."

Dao Shen replied.

"The gods gathered together, all moved by the Fengshen Great Emperor."

Chu Yuan contemplated it carefully, his eyes suddenly sharp: "The Conferred God Convention, that's the case, I understand that the Conferred God Convention has already been held. It is in the Eternal Forbidden Zone. The gods of every day will block the Conferred God Emperor and attack him. Fortunately, he can't stand alone, and a battle against Fengshen Great will erupt in this eternal restricted zone!"

With one day's power to contend against the heavens, and the heavenly powerhouses dare not look down a little, you can see the invincibility of the Fengshen Great Emperor.

The oppression he brought was too great.

"Your Majesty, the Great Emperor Fengshen has a bigger plan." Sword God speculated.

"You are right. The Conferred God Emperor knew that if he suddenly seized the relics of the Heavenly King, it would cause a major change in the Forbidden Area, but he still did it."

Chu Yuan also understood more, "I think his real purpose is to seize and occupy the entire eternal forbidden area. You see, because of the special magnetic field here, along this passage of heaven and earth, there are a lot of things from eternity at every moment. The remains of the road are sucked in."

"What a big ambition to occupy the eternal forbidden area is to have a treasure place!"

The sword **** shouted: "But the strong of every day will not let him succeed. If he does this, he will be the enemy of the heavens, but the Fengshen Great Emperor has become a public enemy, so naturally he will not care about this."

"There will be strong people who will hinder him, we don't need to worry, let these plural heavens become chaotic as possible!"

As Chu Yuan spoke, he had already entered the Eternal Forbidden Zone.


In an instant, he clearly felt a different energy, and his speed of condensing eternal matter turned out to be half faster than in the outside world.

This is also because the breath of the eternal road swept in.

"Cultivating here will be faster than the outside world, and it will be easier for the gods of heaven to become primitive." Chu Yuandao.

His eyes condensed.

Swallow the sky...

Many divine materials were dancing in a wild, Chu Yuan walked all the way and swallowed all the way, just like him in the ancient battlefield, as long as he saw it, he couldn't escape his control.

At this moment, he collected a lot of resources.

"That's Shenwu God Emperor!"

"It's so overbearing, he can collect the gods much faster than us, and there is a vacuum area around him!"

"Yeah, in this short instant, this place was raided, but let's not fight with him. His background makes God Duer not dare to attack him at will!"

"Avoid him, the Wangu restricted area is huge!"

This kind of momentum will definitely attract the attention of many strong people, but those strong people all agree and choose to stay away from Shenwu, not wanting to conflict with him.

Not surprisingly.

Chu Yuan's strength is too strong.

Moreover, that sword **** is a primitive fifth realm.

Strong, really can do whatever you want.

"I first sensed the whereabouts of the Divine Punishment Sword."

Chu Yuan knew that regardless of how much he swallowed, he didn't cherish much. With the induction of the Divine Slayer, he could determine his direction.

Although there have been strong people who have made maps in various ruins in the eternal forbidden area, but the map has no effect, everything is in a very chaotic state.

"Your Majesty, I am here."

Suddenly, there was a voice transmission in Chu Yuan's mind.

It was sent by the Lord of Greed.

"Your Majesty, I and the powerhouse of Wan Motian have also come to the Eternal Forbidden Zone."

The Lord of Greedy.

"Okay, greedy demon, you don't need to come to me, you still act according to your plan. If you encounter a danger that you can't face, I will come as fast as Yuan treats him Tao.

The Lord of Greedy Demon is Chu Yuanbu's dark game in Ten Thousand Demon Days. When he has an explosive effect, Chu Yuan does not need him to expose it. This is likely to bring greater benefits.

And the Lord of Greed...

Chu Yuan did not hesitate to reward him, rewarding him with a Heavenly Origin Divine Pill, and also equipped him with primitive divine tools. Even if he encounters primitive gods, he may escape his life.

"Your Majesty, I know." The Greedy Lord responded.

"Divine Emperor, in the Eternal Forbidden Zone, there will be many ancient unwilling evil thoughts. They are evil thoughts that have fallen on the path of eternity. Some evil thoughts are strong enough to threaten the original gods."

The God of Swordsman held the sword, piercing through thorns and thorns in front, sweeping obstacles for Chu Yuan.

"In the Eternal Forbidden Zone, I will not feel strange that anything weird happens."

Chu Yuan said calmly: "Go there!"

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