
Boom, these eternal warriors exploded with extremely arrogant thoughts.

Although Panshen the Great was dead, they still fought endlessly. They did not forget the great wish of the Great, and they blazed an eternal road, treating Chu Yuan and the sword **** as enemies on the eternal road.

Each of these eternal warriors is powerful, and each is comparable to the mighty heavenly gods.

And their body is special, made of eternal **** stone, personally tempered by the Great Emperor Pan, engraved with secret patterns.

Although there is no God's Taoist artifact, but with their bodies, it is impossible to break their bodies without holding the original artifact.

In front of the hundreds of united, weak and primitive gods like crossing the sea will flee in panic.

This is only the eternal samurai of heaven.

If it were the primitive eternal warrior, if they shot together, the primitive gods would be directly destroyed by them.

At that time, Panshen Great was a nightmare in the eternal road.


The Sword God yelled, and he wanted to kill them, but Chu Yuan immediately ordered: "Sword God, don't destroy them. It is of great use to keep them. I have to study and study the experience of Emperor Panshen in refining eternal warriors. Learning from the experience of others and using your own wisdom, you may be able to create a warrior of our gods."

"I understand!"

The sword light shrouded.

Although these eternal warriors are powerful, they are only composed of the gods of the heavens, and they are immediately trapped by the sword array of the sword god, and the swords are smashed on them.

When the knife formation rotates, they will be sealed in one fell swoop.

Ho Ho Ho!

But all of a sudden, they roared to the sky, an ancient language, seeming to be summoning Panshen the Great.

Their strength gathered and united, and suddenly a supreme imperial might, an ancient existence that looked down on sentient beings, was shrouded in chaos.

This existence, the eyes are like the sun and the moon, and there is divine power at every turn.

Panshen Great's will exist in their bodies!

The Pan God Emperor seemed to have raised a giant axe, and he cut it off with a single blow, and the sword god's sword array was shaking crazily, but after all, the eternal samurai was too low-level and was suppressed by the sword god.

Chu Yuan waved his hand again, and the sealing door was directly pulled down, sealing them up.

There are countless wisdom running in his eyes, in-depth research, and he feels the existence of a huge idea. Refining the eternal warrior is definitely not a success with a large number of materials.

Otherwise, the Panshen Great would be too underestimated.

"Sure enough, even I can refine the weak and eternal warrior, but this kind of **** can be made as powerful as the **** of heaven, but don't worry, after all, Panshen Great was the strongest on the path of eternity back then. I can Experiments are perfected again and again."

Chu Yuan knew that the Wangu Forbidden Area was not a good place for research.

Although these eternal warriors have been sealed, they always think about rebellion.

Although Chu Yuan possessed great strength, he couldn't let the eternal warrior listen to him. As long as he was released, he would still attack and kill him.

The main thing is that the will of Panshen Great has penetrated into every part of their bodies, like blood.

Unless this will is forcibly erased.

Not to mention whether it can be done, it is done, and without that will, they will become dead.

"It would be great if I could get a primitive eternal warrior."

Chu Yuan thought.

He didn't stay long, and after he urged the Heaven-Slaying Divine Sword, he was very close to there.

About a few hours later, he stopped abruptly and looked forward, where a huge object resembling a star appeared in a pitch black color.

This star is by no means a kind of kind. There are holes in it, dense, like a honeycomb.

"There is a God-Zhuking Sword in this thing!"

Chu Yuan had already sensed it.

His gaze penetrated into this thing, which was vast and every hole represented a time and space, and he also sensed the breath of a lot of life.

"Huh? There is life, not a dead thing."

This feeling is very vague.

"This should be a bug house!"

Chu Yuan suddenly woke up.

There is no such thing in the multiverse, it is something in the path of eternity.

The so-called insect shelter is the nest of insects, the place where countless insects are born, it is very terrifying, and when it appears, it is the insect sea battle book, which is flooded like an ocean.

He knew that it was because the insect sea broke out in the multiverse, which caused a huge disaster, and was later destroyed by the strongest.

"Those insects are hideous and terrifying, but it is said that in each insect enclosure, there is a Zerg mother emperor, each one is enchanting and controls the insect sea, and I actually saw this thing today."

Chu Yuan was also very curious.

"Your Majesty, there must be a large sea of ​​insects in the insect shelter, I feel it."

The sword **** also probed and said: "And in this insect shelter, it seems that some strong people have already entered!"

what! what! what!

Suddenly a stern cry came.

"Retreat, retreat, hateful, how can there be so many worms in this insect shelter, you can't fight them!"

There was a sound of anger from the strong.

Chu Yuan saw that there were countless seas of insects, and their personality was easy. Some were half-human-sized mosquitoes, flies-like insects, and giant beetle-like insects.

There are others with very hideous appearances and strange shapes that swept over people and swallowed them in no time.

The mana of several primitive gods blocked the sea of ​​insects, but it was too much, and every time a wave was killed, more sea of ​​insects emerged from the hole.

If it is consumed, even the primitive gods may fall.

After paying a certain amount of casualties, they finally retreated. After seeing these people leave, the Chonghai did not pursue them, but went back.

"Oh? The strong from Yin Yang Tian."

This is also the ancient Qiangtian, the Lord of the Day, the Lord of Yin and Yang, and it is very likely that the original sixth realm exists.

Powerful people on this day practice great onmyoji. They most like the spells of yin and yang, such as water and fire, chaos and order, light and darkness, etc.

This day is very strong ~www.ltnovel.com~ but very low-key.

Their breath is easily recognizable, with a smell of yin and yang.

"We still underestimated the power of the insect shelter and thought it could be collected, but there are too many insect seas inside, and even we can't take it away."

The primordial **** of Yin and Yang sky had a gloomy face.

Not to mention the insect sea in the insect shelter, the insect shelter itself is also made of extremely precious materials, and in that insect shelter, there are also a large number of collected artifacts.

"Underestimated, but also a big loss."

Another primordial **** said: "Unless the supreme existence of the five heavens comes, or it has special means, it cannot be collected, and if the sea of ​​worms inside is wiped out, the value will be greatly reduced. It seems that in a short time we Can't take it away."

"Does it waste time staying here?"

"Go first, there will be some time for the strong to come here in the day, and if there are, we can't resist the strong who can take away the insects. There is no need to waste time here."

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