Taking away this Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword, Chu Yuan did not stop his footsteps.

He went to find the next sword he sensed.

Soon, Chu Yuan found a gloomy ancient tomb and opened the ancient tomb directly. He was not afraid of all kinds of dangers, and did not find any bones buried.

But a sword was sealed and stood beside it.

"This is a burial mound left by an ancient strong man, and the God Slayer is used as a funerary."

Chu Yuan took the sword away again, there was no disturbance.

In fact, if you encounter other strong people in the Wangu Forbidden Zone, the probability of a big battle is very small. After all, this place is too big, unless it is some special relics.

The seven Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords have shocking killing intent, and the controller needs to have firm will and strong strength, otherwise they will be backlashed by this killing intent.

Chu Yuan controlled seven of them, and he could feel the murderous will. I really didn't know how much majesty could burst out after the ninety-nine ones gathered.

But it is too difficult to gather all ninety-nine.

Fortunately, those scattered in all realms of the universe are afraid that some will be collected by the ancient powerhouses, suppressed in their world, and difficult to obtain.

Of course, it is not impossible.

The more Heaven-Slaying Divine Swords you get, it will produce a magnetic field-like induction, and you can forcibly summon them with the sword in your hand, gather across the air, and finally become one.

No one can really refining the Divine Zhutian Sword, unless your cultivation strength is stronger than that of Emperor Zhutian, you can obliterate that will.

But when Emperor Zhutian was alive, he was the strongest on the path of eternity.

Putting away these thoughts, Chu Yuan sensed the whereabouts of a Divine Slaying Sword. He walked along the way, looking for the sword, actually determining a direction.

He looked up at the highest sky.

The storm was more fierce, but the treasures that came down were scarce, and it seemed that a behemoth would finally come.

"Let's go in that direction."

Just as he was about to set off, his heart suddenly moved, an urgent call for help from the Lord of Greed.

"Your Majesty, save me, there is a primitive **** chasing me, I can't stop it!"

"Huh? The lord of greedy demons is looking for rescue. With the protective treasure I gave him, the weaker primitive **** is hard to kill him, and he can send out a cry for help, which means that he is running for his life, and no one will kill him. His methods, but his situation is extremely dangerous!"

Chu Yuan said: "Sword God, go, let's save the greed."

Greedy demon is his subordinate, and when he asks for help, Chu Yuan naturally wants to save him.

Eternal Forbidden Zone!

An icy cold palm with boundless magic power encompasses the world, and that power envelops a person in order to sink him forever and die under his mighty power.

The man was slapped directly, his body flickered, he spit out blood suddenly, his breath languished instantly, but he did not die.

"Don't go too far!"

This person is the greedy demon, he swallowed a handful of **** pill, recovered his injuries, glared at the person who was chasing him, and made a roaring sound.

"Greek, hand over the treasure, maybe this seat can go around you without dying."

Like an extremely cold underworld, a cold and stern voice blew a bitter wind, tearing the sky, and a tall old man appeared, the Lord of Greed, humble and insignificant under his power.

The original divine power, the splendor of eternal matter.

This is the Qihan Demon God of Wanmotian.

Wan Motian is too big, too strong, the group of demons dance.

Although both Greedy Demon and Qihan Demon God came from Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, fighting each other between the Demon Gods was a common thing, not as united as in other days.

This time, the lord of greedy demons accidentally discovered the throne of a primitive **** and obtained several primitive artifacts, which was discovered by Qihan Demon God and started to hunt him down.

Pursuing and killing the God of Heaven was a shame for the Primordial God, but the Demon God Qi Han didn't care.

"Bah, you want to be beautiful and want treasures, it is impossible!"

The lord of greedy demons flees frantically, he has already issued a distress order to the **** emperor, and until there is no way, he will not ask for help.

"Then you die!"

Qi Han Demon God refers to the heaven and the earth. He has a murderous heart. He is the strongest demon **** in the world. Every force of bombardment can bring about the destruction of the world.

Killed directly on the Lord of Greed, but he had the brilliance of the original divine tool, and most of his power was removed.

But the counter-shock force still made him vomit blood.

"There are primitive artifacts!"

Seeing this scene, Qi Han Demon God was a little surprised, but then he was filled with greedy joy. Just now he saw that the Lord of Greed had used an attacking artifact, and now he was defending against the artifact.

Two primitive artifacts, even him, are very heartwarming.

"Unexpectedly, you little heavenly god, there are so many primitive artifacts in your body, no wonder you are so arrogant in front of this seat, it is a pity that everyone is innocent, and you are guilty of crimes. This is your sin."

Qi Han Demon God seems to be talking nonsense with the Lord of Greed, but he uses soul means to shake the soul of Lord of Greed.

"Haha, give me all the treasures and become my slave, otherwise there is only one dead end!"

Demon Lord Qi Han's eyes were bright and he was laughing.

The power of the demon god, like a mountain like a sea, also came down, shaking the lord of the greedy demon trembling, and the Qihan demon **** in front of him was the cultivation base of the original second stage. If the first stage, he could just run away.

"What kind of thing are you, you want me to submit to you!"

The Lord of Greedy Demon is very disdainful, behind him is a greater Shenwu God Emperor!

"Fleeing and fleeing, according to the national fate induction given by the **** emperor, flee towards the direction of the **** emperor, as long as the **** emperor comes, I will be safe!"

The Lord of Greedy ran away frantically.

When Qihan Demon God heard his words, he didn't get angry, only if he was the last wailing, like an ant roaring at you, you would just ignore him.

With a force of his strength, he pierced directly into the heart of the Lord of Greed with a cold spear, and although there was a divine light shelter, the difference in cultivation level was too big.

"How could I be killed by you!"

The lord of greedy demons went mad. He raised his head and drank a bottle of healing potion. The serious injury healed in an instant, and then he burned his strength and ran faster.

"Healed instantly, what did he drunk just now? What kind of magical medicine is that? It can make a **** in the fifth stage of Heavenly Dao rejuvenate, good things, grab them, you must grab them!

The Demon God Qihan couldn't recognize the healing potion, but he knew that there were too many good things in the Lord of Greed.

"You can't run! All the adventures you get will belong to me!"

When a primitive **** is desperate to chase and kill with all his strength, only the most heaven-defying **** can run away.

He gave another fatal blow to the Lord of Greed, and the Lord of Greed drank another bottle of healing potion~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yuan knew that he would be very dangerous in the days of ten thousand demons, so he gave him several bottles. I don't want any accidents in the dark chess I set.

"You are violently sending a heavenly thing, you are violent, **** it!"

Qi Han Demon God roared in anger.

The Lord of Greedy Demons was not reluctant yet, but the Demon God Qihan was reluctant first. He didn't know that what the Lord of Greedy drank could only save the God of Heaven, thinking it would have an effect on the original gods.

"Your Majesty, why don't you come? If you don't come, I won't be able to hold it!"

The Lord of Greed also felt bitter.

"Greek, even if this seat consumes the original source this time, the eternal matter must kill you!"

Qihan Demon God knows that he is reluctant to let his children not catch the wolf.

Therefore, he burned eternal matter and exploded with the strongest destructive blow!

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