Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1557: The dominance of Fengshen the Great

The old man was chopped in half, extremely tragic, his soul and thoughts madly impacted, the remnant body was still struggling, and wanted to reunite.

But Chu Yuan wouldn't give him a chance. With a lightning strike, he killed all consciousness directly on that body, looking at the void with indifferent and domineering eyes.

"Do you want to do it too?"

"He killed a Primitive Second Realm in a short time. How could his combat power be so fierce?"

"Don't be an enemy of him, this person's true combat power is too terrifying, it is comparable to the extraordinary primitive gods, and only the strongest can deal with him!"

The tragic scene and terrible record made people see the power of Chu Yuan.

His **** methods are vivid.

They all knew that the Emperor Shenwu was standing up and warned them not to shoot casually, but others did have this ability.

There are many treasures in the Panshentian, and the strong are scattered. After all, there are only a few who can gather in one place. It is impossible to have so many primitive Four Heavens or even Five Heavens.

Chu Yuan also knew that the shock could only last for a short time.


The Fierce Demon Lord would not have imagined that Chu Yuan would kill one person so quickly and frighten the heroes, but although he was not afraid, he was also entangled by the sword **** and could hardly join the battlefield.

With supreme majesty, Chu Yuan put pressure on him, and the hand of God shook the eye of the divine artifact.

The eyes of this divine tool suddenly opened, and when the world was wiped out, a gray beam of light shot out, with terrifying resentment, and its terrifying power penetrated Cang Ming.

Chu Yuan waved away the **** axe.

This beam is terrifying, but his strength is too strong, and he also has the supreme primitive artifact in his hands.

Dun has two forces to contend, this gray beam can melt everything, but it can't threaten Chu Yuan.

With the power of the landslide and tsunami, Chu Yuan used the world-destroying giant axe to disintegrate the eyeballs of the divine weapon with one hand, and used the power of God's dominance with the other.

Around him, it turned into a vacuum, and the power fell.

The eyeball of the artifact fell into his hands.

As soon as the eyeballs of the divine artifact were captured, many powerful men retreated, and they all knew that to kill this divine weapon, multiple supreme and invincible existences needed to work together.

But many existences are guarding against Fengshentian.

"You will be ruthless this time, you will be careful in the future!"

The fierce demon master made a vicious voice, got rid of the sword god, and did not continue to fight, but he also deeply remembered today's events.

There is a chance, he will teach this Shenwu a vicious lesson.

This demon of him is very fierce and hateful.

Chu Yuan also learned about some fierce demons from the Lord of Greed, and his expression was extremely cold. If this demon really dared to retaliate, he would have to beheaded after killing thousands of demons.

"Your Majesty, you have it!" The sword **** took the knife and stood in front of Chu Yuan.

"Got it."

Chu Yuan's eyes swept across again.

This Panshentian is simply a treasure-gathering place.

He saw a lot of brilliance coming together, such as the Supreme Treasure God Realm. It was also because of the many artifacts that appeared, that distracted his attention here, otherwise it would not be so easy.

"There are more treasures!" Chu Yuan's heart was greatly moved, no one thought there were too many treasures, and he was still not satisfied with the current harvest.

"Even if you can no longer obtain the Supreme Primal Sacred Tool, it is good to take more pieces of the Axe of the Pan God."

Just when Chu Yuan was moving, a bigger change occurred.

The gate of the Conferred God appeared, and the light of God shrouded the Panshen heaven.

"Fengshentian's big move!"

Chu Yuan instantly saw that in the Conferred God Gate, many powerful people gathered together, the breath of the primitive gods, and together they blasted out a ray of Conferred God light.

The light of this **** shook the world.

An incredible scene.

Chu Yuan immediately saw that this disc of God and Heaven was rapidly melting and shattering, disintegrating, and as they swept across the day, many hidden artifacts and treasures appeared and flew out.

"What are they going to do!"

At this time, many powerhouses were shouting: "Could it be that they want to occupy the entire Panshentian and take away all the treasures here like the previous relics of the king of heaven were captured!"

A supreme primitive artifact flew up.

This supreme primitive artifact was originally contested by many powerful players, and the power of the Conferred God made it break through the air and immediately fell into the gate of Conferred God.

"Go away, this belongs to us!"

Many strong people immediately shook the power of conferred gods.

The vast and turbulent Conferred God Light blasted heavily on the body of the powerful group, and some of the weaker ones were vomiting blood, directly seeing that the original artifact had fallen into the Conferred God Gate.

This is a counterattack from many powerful people at the Gate of Conferred Gods.

"What a big handwriting!"

Even Chu Yuan had to marvel at the great actions of the Conferred God Emperor, "It's no wonder that none of them showed up before. They were urging the Conferred God Gate to wipe out all the treasures and not let others survive."

Inside the Gate of Conferred Gods, the powerhouses of Conferred Gods are all inside, and there are also many primitive gods.

Chu Yuan understood that there were not so many primitive gods in Fengshentian, but the power of Fengshen Great has already made many powerful people turn to him, helping him achieve an era and become a minister of Conglong.

"Emperor Fengshen, you are too domineering!"

Many strong people are angry.


Inside the Gate of Conferred Gods, even more terrifying and greater thoughts emerged, and Panshentian collapsed, but at the moment it collapsed, there was an even more surprising scene.

That day disappeared, and a huge body appeared.

There is no flesh and blood on this body, just the skeleton, but the golden light on the skeleton is constantly appearing, it is very crystal clear, and it has the most magnificent breath.

Its head is extremely long, but its body is very broad, with limbs, and it is a very weird behemoth. It is difficult to calculate what it should be based on its bones.

"There is still a giant beast body sealed in the broken continent of Panshentian. Your Majesty, I have noticed that its power is very strong!"

Sword God Road.

"No, it's weird!"

Chu Yuan immediately noticed something was wrong, and his thoughts turned in an instant: "I understand, no wonder there are so many treasures in this land. The bones of this giant beast are like foundations, a cornerstone for suppressing the world."

Not only him, but also many strong people want to understand this.

"Could it be that that behemoth is the sixth stage!"

The sword **** said something amazing.

Because he was in the fifth stage, his dead bones made him feel the pressure just by coercion, and it was impossible to reach the sixth stage. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"You are right, this is the primitive **** of the sixth realm."

In the sixth state, the entire multiverse is very scarce, and Fengshen Great is also in this state, so he has such great power.

The existence of the sixth realm, they possess an epic power, an infinite stalwart.

Chu Yuan guessed that this sixth-level skeleton should have been killed by Panshen Great, sealed in Panshen Day, and used as the foundation of this area to stabilize his world.

Power of Conferred God!

This sixth-level divine bone actually moved, and under the power of the Conferred God Gate, it was about to be taken in.

Even if it's just a skeleton, without flesh and blood, its skeleton already contains a large amount of eternal matter, and there is even the perception of the sixth state.

Its value is greater than the supreme primitive artifact.

It seems that Fengshentian has long known that there is this divine body in heaven and earth, and their real purpose is also for it!

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