More messy.

Yi Tianjun now, as an opponent who had fought against the Fengshen Great Emperor, although he had lost once, he returned again and his mana was even stronger.

Many strong people want to seize this opportunity.

"The Emperor accepts your challenge!"

Emperor Fengshen is majestic and majestic.

He wants the age to be a god, and he will not be afraid of any opponents. He will defeat all the strong in front of him, leaving no opponents in this world.

To do this, you must have invincible power, in his time, no one is respected.

The powerhouses of every day are gathering, looking at Yi Tianjun, with different thoughts, and now the situation is chaotic, they are also willing to cooperate with Yi Tianjun to launch an attack on the enemy.

They all knew that the Fengshen Great Emperor was very strong, but it was difficult to know how strong it was.

Yi Tianjun is also strong, but the threat of Fengshen Great is even greater.

A big battle seems inevitable.

At this moment, Chu Yuan's eyes also saw a large number of powerful men, such as the Lord of True Dragons, who had gathered together, and a strong murderous intent broke out. Both sides wanted to kill each other very much.

"Don't move rashly yet."

The Lord of True Dragon knew that it was a decisive battle that belonged to Fengshen Great, and said: "Yi Tianjun and Fengshen Great will have a peerless battle, we can't move."

They calmly restrained themselves.


Yi Tianjun has already raised his divine bow.


The sound trembles forever, and the mist shrouded in that mysterious corner is now dispersing, and there is eternal divine light coming out brightly, blasting the sky and the earth, like pushing away the clouds and mist to see the blue sky, finally seeing the picture in the mysterious corner.

The battle between Yitianjun and Fengshen Great was also terminated.

"The mysterious corner opens, what is hidden inside?"

"Wait, it's about to appear!"


The war was forced to end, even if Fengshen Great Emperor and Yi Tianjun were watching inside, the mist was dissipated, and bright colors were rolling.

I saw it, and finally saw the scene inside!

There is a dazzling, eternal light dense, ancient scenery, there are mountains, rivers, land, rugged trees, and eternal rivers running through.

"What is it in there? How come I have seen the real eternity, is it the place of eternity!"

The strong screamed.

"Could it be that this is the corner of eternity, you can get real eternity after entering!"

The strong on the scene were all excited, and the scene inside was too mysterious, like eternity in the legend. Looking at that picture, the eternal matter in the body was throbbing, attracting them to rush in.

However, those who can cultivate to the Primordial God have extremely high self-control, even if it is guessed that it is the eternal land, they dare not rush into it.

"Your Majesty, is there eternity in there?" Dao Shendao.

"In my opinion, it is not true eternity. In all the world, eternal era, not to mention the future, but from ancient times to the present, no one has obtained eternity."

Chu Yuan calmly said.

"It should be at the end of eternity, how can it appear here."

With a puzzling voice, Yi Tianzun came. He seemed to simulate the wheel of heaven, with endless runes flickering, calculating the secrets in the mysterious corner.

"Yi Tianzun."

The Fengshen Great Emperor is as sharp as a torch. Although he is invincible, he also knows that he is far inferior to Yi Tianzun in terms of heavenly calculations. This person can calculate the future.

"Yi Tianzun, what do you see?"

Someone asked Yi Tianzun.

"Eternal Pure Land, a pure land in ancient legends, very mysterious."

Yi Tianzun said.

Eternal Pure Land!

Some powerhouses have not heard of it, but the Fengshen Great Emperor and Yi Tianjun are obviously shocked.

"The Eternal Pure Land is rumored to be in the deepest part of the Eternal Road, an extremely mysterious place. In the Pure Land, there is the power of eternity. You can survive more eternal catastrophes. Will the Eternal Pure Land appear here?"

Stronger than the Conferred God Emperor, he didn't understand why the Eternal Pure Land appeared here.

"I don't know, I can't figure it out, and this is just a corner of the eternal pure land that appears. Perhaps there will be major changes in the eternal road."

After all, Yi Tianzun is not the true **** of destiny, just through a special method, it is impossible to calculate everything.

The second **** asked Xiang Yi Tianzun, and said: "Yi Tianzun, tell me everything you know, all of us are very interested in Eternal Pure Land."

"You can go in, the Eternal Pure Land itself is not dangerous, the danger comes from yourself."

Yi Tianzun's meaning is clear. It doesn't matter if you enter the Eternal Pure Land, but inside, **** battles will inevitably erupt for various purposes, and it will be a **** feast.

"This time the emergence of the Eternal Pure Land is also an opportunity. The road sees eternity, and the eternal substance can be added to it. I don't know why the Eternal Pure Land appears on the hopeless eternal road."

Yi Tianzun always calculates and corrects hidden dangers that may occur.

"what should I be aware of?"

These powerhouses still respect Yi Tianzun.

"Although you can enter the Eternal Pure Land, remember that if the Pure Land is illusory, you must leave, or you will stay in it forever and become a dead land."

"There is eternal matter in the Eternal Pure Land. In it, it will be easier to obtain the gods in the Pure Land. It will be easier to achieve primitiveness. Its existence, I think, should make people walk into eternity."

"The ancestor of ten thousand ways has said that there are only four or nine ways of heaven. The one that is lost is a glimmer of life. There is also a saying in the world that it is a beacon in the dark."

"The eternal pure land here is just a corner, not a complete, very small part."

Yi Tianzun said: "I have said everything that should be said."

When he said this, he remained silent.

"Whoever wants to deal with this emperor, a battle in the Eternal Pure Land, all challenges, this emperor will take over!"

The Fengshen Great Emperor is domineering and unparalleled, he also saw the mystery of some eternal pure land, his eyes swept across the strong, and he was the first to take his own door to the eternal pure land.

The mist has dispersed, and there is no obstacle to entering the eternal pure land.

He will put this battle in the eternal pure land to fight.

As soon as he entered, Yi Tianjun also entered immediately.

" Great Emperor, if you want to fight in the Eternal Pure Land, we will meet your requirements. If you want to be alone, you are not qualified, we will not agree!"

The Emperor Fengshen entered, and they had no reason not to enter.

Yi Tianzun also said that the Eternal Pure Land can be entered, and there is no threat in itself. As a powerful man, although there is no method of calculation by Yi Tianzun, he can also see the clues.

This pure land is indeed accessible.

At this time, all the strong are enthusiastic, and there will be peerless opportunities in the eternal pure land, and they can even break through the higher primitive realm inside.

Many existences, with their divine power, turned into a billowing torrent, rushing into the eternal pure land.

"The danger of the Eternal Pure Land is not in itself, but in these people. This time the appearance of the Pure Land is a blessing or a curse. It can only be proved by time. Although the appearance of the Pure Land will give birth to more and stronger primitive gods, it will also It shows that this battle will be more cruel, and the strong will be destined to be bloody."

Looking at the Eternal Pure Land, Yi Tianzun seemed to see a corner of the future.

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