Although there is a gathering of generals in the Eternal Pure Land, there will be a terrifying battle at any time, but the battle has not yet been fully opened, there is a period of empty window, but some people use this time to seize the opportunity as much as possible.

Of course, Chu Yuan is also.

Confronting Fengshentian prematurely does not benefit him much. The most troublesome thing is the existence of the second god, the prison level.

An eternal sacred tree, with its branches and leaves spread out, is actually ten thousand meters wide, and each leaf is crystal clear as jade, which has absorbed too much eternal breath, and has produced a large number of fist-sized golden fruits on it.

Eternal fruit on the eternal tree!

This is a kind of eternal sacred tree unique in the Eternal Pure Land, and there is no other place outside the Pure Land.

Its existence has attracted many powerful people to gather.

"That is all eternal fruits, each fruit is eternal material transformation, even for us, it is also a divine fruit, the supreme divine treasure, eating one cultivation base will grow!"

Several powerful men appeared together, they were yin and yang people.

"All kinds of eternal gods are everywhere in the Pure Land. It would be great if we could take this tree away and transplant it into my Yin and Yang days."

This group of strong people said.

"Impossible. The flowers, plants and trees here cannot grow when they are brought back. Only the soil and environment in the Eternal Pure Land can nurture the eternal sacred tree. When it reaches the outside world, it becomes a material and loses its charm. We do not have so much eternal breath. to cultivate."

An old man, with the sun, moon and stars in his eyes, has a very high cultivation base, and he is the right arm of the God of Yin and Yang.

However, this time the Yin and Yang God did not come to the eternal pure land, and he did not know what he was doing.

"What a pity."

They all shook their heads, yes, without the soil of the eternal pure land, it is impossible to feed the eternal sacred tree.

Someone said: "Even if I bring it back, I can't grow eternal fruits, but the whole tree is actually a supreme treasure, a large amount of eternal matter, and it is incredible to get it, and it will nurture a lot of strong people for me. ."

"I cherish it very much, hurry up, once the winner is decided, it will be difficult to win, and make a bombardment!"

Old man!

While they were talking, they were also taking the eternal divine fruit with their strength, but there was an eternal light surging on it, and it would be difficult to take away all of their power at once.

"The Conferred God Emperor gathers his troops, the Second God Lord and other strong men are also gathering people and there will be a big battle, and we will seize this opportunity and seize a lot. It is a good time!"

Yin and Yang Tian strong said.

"They are not that stupid. When they are about to gather their soldiers and horses, if we don’t go, the war will spread to the pure land, we will be bombarded and implicated in it. If you don’t want to fight, you will passively participate in the war because of the situation. This time will not very long."

The old man sees through everything.

Like a secular war, the two forces are fighting each other, and it is impossible to give a third party the opportunity to watch the fire from the other side, fish in troubled waters, and even beat you at the same time.

At this time, there are many strong people around this eternal sacred tree.

They were extremely violent.

Since they cannot grow outside the Pure Land, they will be destroyed.

Suddenly, a wave of force bombarded, not only the fruit, but also the branches and even the tree trunks were blown up and divided away.

Suddenly a huge black hole swept over, and it was Chu Yuan who also noticed the strong aura here. This eternal power that condenses the essence of heaven and earth has the greatest effect on the accumulation of his cultivation.

The black hole is horrible, swallowing endlessly, and the eternal divine light that surging up is directly swallowed.

In just an instant, a large number of eternal divine fruits were taken away by him, and many branches were also taken away in an instant, all refined in an instant, and became his eternal substance.

"It's that Shenwu God Emperor!"

"Damn it, Big Swallowing technique. I knew he would use Big Swallowing technique for a long time, but I didn't expect to reach this level of depth. I think in front of him, there is no energy that cannot be swallowed!"

"Hurry up and take away all the eternal divine fruit here, and the divine tree will also explode. Fight with him for time!"

Seeing that Chu Yuan swept over with the swallowing black hole, these powerhouses were not calm, the speed of the Shenwu swallowing was too fast, and it had reached an incredible level.

And they didn't have the idea of ​​going to a battle with Chu Yuan, they were all thinking about buying time, take it here, and rush to the next location as soon as possible.

A greater swallowing force came in motion.

Every time Chu Yuan swallowed a wave of eternal matter, the cultivation base would be higher and deeper.

In the end, the divine fruit on the eternal divine tree was plucked out, and the tree body was shattered.

too crazy.

The strong who enters the Eternal Pure Land are like locusts crossing the border. They simply want to destroy everything, as long as they can be taken away in front of them, they will not be let go.

After all, no one knows when the Eternal Pure Land will disappear.

"I need more eternal matter to break the barrier!"

Chu Yuan was madly accumulating strength, and the breakthrough of the second realm required a surge of energy like a scourge.

He skimmed the eternal pure land, flowers, trees, and even mountains, rocks and rivers, all of them were swallowed directly by him and turned into eternal matter.

"I don't know how big the complete Eternal Pure Land is. According to what Yi Tianzun said before, this place is just a corner, it's so vast!"

Chu Yuan swallowed too fast.

He rejoiced in his heart.

If it were not in the Eternal Pure Land, how could the outside world accumulate so much energy so quickly.

After the True Dragon Lord came to the Eternal Pure Land, he was actually chasing Chu Yuan all the time. They knew that a huge black hole was sweeping, but the speed was too fast to catch him at all.

Chu Yuan at this time, UU reading www. is also not interested in fighting with them. Once they are stronger, they can shoot to death.

At this moment.

Chu Yuan came to the side of a mountain wall, a lofty mountain, and the cliff wall was as straight as a blade. He looked at it, and there was a vine climbing along the cliff.

On that vine, there were actually nine purple-gold gourds hanging.

This purple-golden gourd is the size of a palm, it is extraordinary, it is all condensed by eternal matter, and it has a misty purple gas.

Chu Yuan shook slightly, and inside it, there was a sound of liquid swaying, extremely pure.

"Divine Emperor, if this gourd is worn on the body, it can gather the energy of the heavens and the earth faster, release a force that makes the soul ethereal, perceive the avenue at all times, and seal the pure energy inside, which can burst out ultimate moves."

The sword **** is also observing.

"Yes, this purple gold gourd is born with the power to gather spirits. This spirit is an eternal substance. Although it is weak, it can accumulate day by day. The sand gathers into a tower, which has a great effect on cultivation."

Chu Yuan also found out its role.

"If it is directly swallowed by me, it would be a pity that I can't make me a second stage. Nine gourds are just right. Bring them back. I have great use."

Chu Yuan hadn't swallowed it, this kind of strange treasure was directly turned into energy, which was a violent move of heavenly objects.

Together with the vines, he put away the nine purple and gold gourds.

Time is getting more and more pressing. The army of the Fengshen Great Emperor, the Second Divine Lord and their combined army are all gathering their troops in two directions, and they will soon collide and swept over along the way.

The corner of the eternal pure land that appears is not without limits.

At the extreme position, there is a surging eternal divine light covering, so that the primitive gods dare not break in casually.

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