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Chu Yuan's eyes were deep and long, sweeping across the place where the eternal pure land appeared.

Not long after this place was opened, there were so many treasures, and many strong men were racing against time to take away the ones that were easy to take away first.

His divine eyes suddenly fell on a huge eternal divine tree, which was also full of fruit, but it was not golden, but a chaotic color, as if every fruit contained a world.

He leaped one step at a time, and his momentum shook the ages.

"Shenwu God Emperor!"

This momentum was too fierce, and when someone saw him, they were shocked.

"What is he going to do?" Someone wondered.

They anticipated that this time Shenwu fear would not be as simple as simply grabbing some fruits.


Chu Yuan condensed the original divine body, his body was tall, and he was comparable to the eternal divine tree. He was brilliant and dazzling.

"He actually wants to cut this eternal tree and take away all the fruits!"

"His ambition is too great!"

"The eternal sacred tree absorbs eternal energy and is almost indestructible. It is extremely difficult to cut it off. Can he really do it?"

Seeing Chu Yuan's horrifying behavior, many powerful men also made incredible voices. It was hard for them to believe that someone could really cut the eternal tree.

The sword **** stepped on the side and swept around with sharp sword energy.


Chu Yuan was holding a giant axe in his hand, unimaginably mighty, the heaven and earth aura gathered on him, burning eternal matter, divine light and brilliant, erupting the power of eternity.

When his axe cut on the eternal **** tree, he immediately felt a strong obstruction. The eternal divine light was surging and prevented his axe from cutting in.

"Destroy the world... swallow..."

Chu Yuan turned into a black hole of eternity, and the surging eternal energy was swallowed by him, and the power of the giant axe was blessed to the strongest, and it clicked directly into the trunk.

Boom boom!

The eternal sacred tree shook frantically and was about to be cut off.

"He really wants to cut off an eternal sacred tree!"

There are not many eternal sacred trees full of fruit in the eternal pure land, and each one represents amazing wealth.

Some people want to stop, but don't say that there is a sword **** by the side, just the momentum of the Shenwu God Emperor slashing the Shenmu is terrifying.

The time he chose is also very good.

At this time, the Fengshen Great Emperor and Yi Tianjun were already facing each other, and they had no time to get too much into the matter here, even some strong men should consider whether they should take action.


Chu Yuan clenched the giant axe tightly, this eternal sacred tree could no longer resist his felling, and it broke.

His palm directly took away the severed eternal sacred tree.

In fact, Chu Yuan also knew that the value of uprooting the eternal sacred tree is the greatest. It can take root in the pure land and the rhizome is extremely powerful.

Of course he can do it, but the situation here is complicated and it is impossible for him to slowly pull the wood out.

Now, the only way to cut it directly and shorten the time is the right way.

After Chu Yuan cut the eternal sacred tree, time and space spanned and disappeared in front of them.

"He really cut it off, that great axe, the best of the supreme primitive artifacts, is almost as powerful as an epic artifact!"

"The giant axe is strong, but the emperor's own strength is the most terrifying. Even if you give you the giant axe, can you cut it off?"

"He is so terrible, rising up into the sky like a comet. I understand why Duertian fears him so much. His strength is almost impossible to contain!"

"No, he has to cut more eternal trees!"

Suddenly, they saw Chu Yuan move quickly, to another eternal sacred tree.

There are also many fruits on this sacred tree, all of which are blue-gold fruits, extremely bright.


Chu Yuan also held a giant axe and slashed at the sacred tree. With the previous experience, he slashed faster, and the entire sacred tree fell tumblingly.

Without staying at all, he specifically looked for this eternal sacred tree full of fruits.

He knows deeply.

Now he can kill with peace of mind, it is the Conferred God Emperor and they have just entered the eternal pure land, and the pattern is unstable.

No matter who won after this battle, Chu Yuan would never have such a good opportunity again. Therefore, he had to take a lot of it at the best moment of this time.

These eternal sacred trees are brought back to the empire, that is the supreme wealth, how many masters will be cultivated for him.

"Three trees, he has already cut off the three eternal sacred trees, those thousands of fruits contain eternal essence!"

"He's crazy. Is this going to harvest a wave before the battle is determined?"

"He can only do this with a great axe that breaks the ground. That great axe is too sharp!"

"Just now he took away all the sacred trees, flowers and plants in a mountain forest. Although that mountain forest has no fruits, they are all eternal sacred trees, all eternal sacred treasures!"


Chu Yuan's actions were too crazy, and these strong men could hardly calm down.

"That Shenwu God Emperor is cutting down the Eternal God Tree, frantically plundering the resources in the Eternal Pure Land!"

The real dragon lord and other strong men are also chasing Chu Yuan, and the constant news along the way makes their hearts dull and their faces become very ugly.

"His strength is stronger based on the fluctuations in the feedback. It seems that he has broken through the realm and reached the original second realm!"

Yanshentian powerhouse said. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Originally wanted to cut off his path of opportunity in the Eternal Pure Land, but the more he fought, the stronger, that earth-shaking power reached a realm that they could not even imagine.

"It's hard to stop!"

The Lord of True Dragon felt that it would be difficult to win Shenwu with his own shots, so he said: "Change strategy, we will follow him, but it will drag us down. The battle between Fengshen Great and the most powerful of the heavens is about to start, and the Shenwu God Emperor will not be able to collect it for long. Let us also plunder resources and strengthen our own strength!"

"The only way to do that."

I was very unwilling in my heart, watching my arch enemy quickly become stronger, but I could only watch.

This is a battle for time. If the three major gods can return from the path of eternity faster and achieve the six realms, they can directly destroy the martial arts.

The great axe was roaring, exploding with the power of destroying the world, striking out chaos and destruction.

At this time, Chu Yuan was standing in front of a mountain forest, with sacred trees towering upright, with few fruits.

But it is also very good material.

After all, there are not many eternal sacred trees full of fruits in the pure land. Chu Yuan didn't dislike this mountain forest, he swept across with a giant axe.

He wants to collect more eternal treasures, and build an eternal temple in his dynasty, as the pure land of his dynasty.

Shenmu cut, even if it is a mountain, it will be flattened in front of Chu Yuan's power.

"It's crazier."

Chu Yuandao.

Also because of his frenzied capture, those strong men were not to be left behind, and they seized the time to use even crazier methods.

After all, there are so many gods and things in the Eternal Pure Land, and it is better to open them yourself if you waste time and seize them.

At this moment, Chu Yuan was holding a giant axe in his hand, and he came to a giant mountain, with various crystal lights flickering, making all his attention fall here.

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