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This will be a peak showdown, where the strongest existence in the multiverse will start a shocking battle.

"Emperor Fengshen, you want to seal the gods and create your rules, but this **** will not let your age of the sealed gods succeed, take your luck and blend into the mystery of the gods, I will seal the gods for you!"

The second divine lord looked at Fengshen Great, the divine light was extremely bright.

"You can have today's power only by relying on the founder of the God Realm. Your eternal way has been affected by him, and you want to go out of your own way. It is impossible. Your limit stops here."

The Emperor Fengshen was unparalleled, and said majesticly: "You are not the opponent of this emperor!"

The second divine lord snorted coldly, unable to refute, the Fengshen Great Emperor was right, he was the second divine lord.

But he said: "Yes, the way of the founder of the God Realm is too great, I can't walk out, but the founder is for eternity, the **** becomes stronger, strengthens his divine way, and the future will strike the eternal road, which is also a kind of eternity! "

He must follow the path of the founder of the God Realm.

Such as the dragon ancestor, breaking away from the demon clan and walking in the age of dragons, is out of its own way.

"Second God Lord, don't talk nonsense with him!"

Hell heaven's **** appeared, he was gloomy, his domain expanded, he was a prison, the cold of the boundless hell.

The Conferred God Emperor was unmoved. He watched a powerful person descend and said indifferently: "Let’s do it together, Monarch Yi Tian, ​​you should also do it with them. If you want to have a god, you must first sweep all obstacles. then!"

His tone is very arrogant.

But he does have this confidence.

Yi Tianjun frowned and clenched his golden bow.

He wanted to have an epic duel with Fengshen Great, but the Second God Lord would not let him do that.

Then, he said: "As you wish."

"As expected to be the Conferred God Emperor, I really feel confident."


A figure strode forward, and his body was sometimes dazzling, sometimes devilish, like a **** but not a god, like a demon but not a devil, fusing the power of the gods and the devil.

One thought becomes a god.

One thought becomes a devil.

He is a **** and a demon.

"Wan Motian, the lone **** and demon!"

This is also a very terrifying existence, not weaker than the second divine lord, hell, and is also the number two person in the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, a universal existence who has cultivated to the sixth stage.

He cultivated the way of gods and demons, and wanted to walk his own way.

"The ancestor of the Phoenix of Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, hasn't the old way of Ten Thousand Daotian come?"

The Fengshen Great Emperor swept across his eyes, and said, "Isn't it enough for you to fight against this emperor? Plus you Yitianjun, it's not enough."

"Really? How strong you are then!"


The second divine master was extremely confident. He was holding a sharp gun, majestic and unstoppable, and immediately shot, a divine epic slammed down and swept directly.

Not only did he take action, but he also took action.

In order to win, they can do whatever it takes.

They have no enmity with the Emperor Fengshen, but everyone on the Eternal Road can be an enemy. Once the Emperor Fengshen achieves the age, and his luck gathers in him, he is really unable to shake him.

"Come on all!"

The Emperor Fengshen gathered mighty force together.

The Fengshen Great Emperor of course also knew that this time he faced a lot of enemies, which was his key battle, so when he shot his power, he shocked the sky and shocked others not to act rashly.


The Conferred God God is also unparalleled in power. It is not the sixth realm, but it is very close to this realm. He can't stop the sixth realm, but he can shock the primitive gods under the sixth realm.

Inside the Conferred God Gate, a primordial **** is also stepping out, the number is more than expected, more than expected.

"That is the ancestor of the ancient world of Fuluo, in the fifth primitive stage, he is also in the camp of Fengshentian!"

"During the Great Ancient War, the ancestor of Fuluo also wanted to be promoted to the 33rd God. Although he failed, the ancient world of Fuluo was also the strongest power after the 33rd."

"The ancestor of the Xi people, Xi, the peak of the original fifth realm!"

"Wind Thunder God Sect, Feng Lei Patriarch!"


This powerful person walked out of the gate of the Conferred God, his breath shook the world, and he was a famous powerful person.

They all chose to join the Fengshen Great Emperor's camp to help him confer God.

There is much help.

Like the emperor of the time, with his temperament, a large number of strong men followed him.

These powerhouses knew that, like today's geography, they couldn't break it with their strength, and it would be too difficult to advance to 33 days in peaceful years.

And if they join the Conferred God camp, follow him to sweep the world and destroy some days, they will vacate their positions and get the help of Conferred God, they will have a chance to succeed.

The strongest contend for the dominance of an era.

And they fight for the status of God for one day.

This is also where God’s worries lies in many weak heavens. Every time heaven and earth change dramatically and the universe is turbulent, it is a time when heaven and earth change.

Like the vast sea and the sky, isn't it also achieved by seizing the opportunity in the ancient war?

"Kill, fight them!"

The eyes of the Conferred Gods are extremely cold, and they must play their power in this battle.

"Slay the Conferred God Heavenly Expert!"

Although many forces have chosen to help the Conferred God Emperor, they are more enemies. The **** masters of the gods, some masters of the **** sky, and the demon masters of the ten thousand demons are not easy to provoke.

This is a big battle.

After Fengshen Great and several of the strongest men went to war, they also quickly collided together.

The era of turmoil in the world is really deadly, and many powerful people will die, but those who can cultivate to a very high level don't have much fear.

Chaos also represents an opportunity. Although a large number of strong people will fall each time, some people seize the opportunity.

There were many strong men who participated in the war ~www.ltnovel.com~ but some people also discovered that most of the primitive gods who had collided for the first time were primitive gods who had never fallen.

The second **** and so on Xeon have promised.

After they fell, they would use the power of heaven and earth to resurrect them without asking for any price.

The price paid for the first resurrection was not high, and they could bear it.

Therefore, too many of this group of powerful people dare to kill, especially those in the primitive one or two realms, seize the opportunity, fight to the death, gain the insight of life and death, and break through!

"War starts."

Chu Yuan was in the Eternal Pure Land. He watched this world war and watched calmly. There were many fighting powerhouses, and there were also many primitive gods.

A little bit of blood, dyeing the eternal pure land red.

He watched the battle, there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he didn't try to blend into their battlefield. It didn't matter to him. In the Pure Land, he had his opponent.

"It's time to teach them a lesson." Chu Yuan held the bow.

One place on the battlefield.

The true dragon masters appeared, feeling the fluctuations in the battlefield, and said: "The battle is on."

"Hmph, it has nothing to do with us, our opponent is the Shenwu Divine Emperor!"

At this time of the disaster, I carefully put away an ancient tree that was tall and filled with spiritual energy, and its value was not inferior to the golden tree that Chu Yuan had obtained before.

There are so many gods in the Eternal Pure Land, and they have also benefited a lot.


When it comes to Shenwu, their faces change.

I didn't chase him in the Eternal Pure Land, but they all knew that he had received the shocking benefits. After returning, he would become stronger and more difficult to deal with.

"There will be a way to deal with him, he is not truly invincible!"

As they were talking, the true dragon lord suddenly shouted, "No!"

A beam of arrows converges with eternal matter, travels through time and space, and shoots quickly, murderous and deadly!

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