Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1568: Promise Heaven, Lu Yuan

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The Fierce Demon Lord now broke the plan that Chu Yuan had prepared.

Originally, Chu Yuan intended to attack the three-day powerhouse with an eternal warrior suddenly, and then burst out the craziness of the scarlet existence, and forcibly sealed a primitive **** with the technique of sealing.

But the arrival of the Fierce Demon Lord made Chu Yuan no chance.

"I said that my belly is very small and I will be in big trouble if I offend it."

The Fierce Demon Lord smiled faintly, and his eyes were exposed.

There was no other reason. He was looking for trouble with this person, and he saw that this person was about to explode a killer move, so he interrupted his plan.

The demon in the Ten Thousand Demon days are profound and extremely complex.

His eyes have extreme light piercing like a sharp sword.

A mirror of time and space appeared in front of Chu Yuan, and the concentration of time and space power instantly reflected the light of the extreme path.

The fierce demon's face was startled.

"Okay, Fierce Demon Lord, you also have enemies with this Shenwu, why don't we join forces and attack him, so that he can't run wild and let him look good!"

Du can hardly see the evil demon Lord coming, his face is overjoyed, and he hastened to invite him. The more people this person offends, the better.

"You can drink and drink when you act in this seat?"

The fierce evil demon master looked fierce, and directly scolded the trouble, but said lightly: "But to deal with him is something I want to do."

Du Nan looked embarrassed, but in order to deal with Shenwu's plan, he also endured it.

"Fatal Demon Lord, you just arrived, we will work together to deal with him!"

The true dragon lord spoke, his strength was stronger than the fierce demon lord.

"no problem."

The evil demon master has a very small mind and is extremely vicious. Whoever dares to offend him will violently retaliate, and he is not afraid of revenge from Chu Yuan at all.

His own strength is the Primitive Five Realms, even if Shenwu is stronger in the future? In Ten Thousand Demon Days, who can get him.

"Come on all."

Chu Yuan stepped on the sky and controlled the boundless power with both hands.

"You are so bold." Fierce Demon Lord also shouted coldly.

In the ordinary second stage, if you encounter this lineup, you can only turn around and run away, but the Shenwu Divine Emperor dares to underestimate his power.

At this moment, Chu Yuan was brilliant and dazzling, and the supreme glory gathered on him. His eyes were dazzling, and his unparalleled power shook the world.

A big battle is about to unfold.

"Dare to underestimate this seat!"


With the huge explosion, the fierce demon master rushed, and the extremely fierce power interprets the unknown in the world. When he shot, the terrifying aura surged, and boundless evil swept through.

Emperor Chu Yuanguang swept through the ages, his domineering emperor's body shattered and fierce, the great and tall, like a giant, stepped out forcefully, even resisting the extremely fierce attack from the fierce demon master.


The Fierce Demon Lord snorted coldly, his heart was small, and his heart became even more uncomfortable.

"Ferocious Demon Lord, dignified and primitive fifth stage, so narrow-minded, are you shameless?"

Suddenly another person walked out in the void and looked at the fierce demon lord, with a strong disdain for mockery.

This is a woman, but she doesn't have the slightest sense of weakness. On the contrary, she is heroic and has extremely sharp eyes. It feels like a Valkyrie.

But her cultivation level is also extremely terrifying, the original fifth realm.

"The demon still needs your pointers to do things!"

The Fierce Demon Lord was very upset when he heard the woman's voice.

"I don't point you, only teach you."

The woman was direct, the weapon was a knife, and she slashed. Although the fierce demon lord resisted, the strength of the woman severely shook him back.

"Am I eligible?"

The power of women's innocence is above the fierce demon master.

"Wuji Tian, ​​Lord Tian Yuan, Lu Yuan!"

The fierce demon master gritted his teeth, and after the woman's fierce aura dissipated, he finally recognized the origin of this person.

"Hallmaster of Promise Heaven!"

The three-day powerhouse was suddenly shocked.

"Oh? Wujitian, Lu Yuan."

How could Chu Yuan not understand this kind of strong man who has been famous for a long time.

This Promise Heaven was originally the mighty heaven dominating the heavens and the earth, but in the top ten, God is even the sixth realm of existence.

But after a major change, the God of Promise went to the Eternal Path to find an ancient opportunity, but the end is never going back, it is said that he has fallen.

But even if the Wuji God fell, the Wuji Heaven still did not fall to the 33rd Heaven.

They have five main hall masters, and each hall master is a primitive existence of the five heavens, and they are in charge of them together.

Wuji Tian is also a very special day. They don't have a God, and several hall masters want to succeed God, but they can check each other and can only control together.

Regardless of Wujitian's internal situation, Chu Yuan and Lu Yuan didn't know each other, she was indeed a little surprised to come forward.

But there is no good for no reason in this world, and Lu Yuan's appearance must have her purpose.

"Hall Master Tianyuan, do you want to help Shenwu and be right with us?" Yanshen Tianqiang said coldly.

"I have no interest in your fighting methods."

Lu Yuan said indifferently: "You hit you, but don't mix up with the evil demon lord. I'm here to find him."

"What do you want to do?" Fierce Demon Lord also said angrily: "Hall of Heavenly Fate, I don't seem to have any grudges with you."

"Seeing you are upset, I want to trouble you."

Lu Yuan said directly.

Her words are so arrogant. Seeing you are upset, just ask for trouble. When the Fierce Demon Lord heard it, he was furious.

What kind of person is more fierce than him.

But she does have strength.


He could only snorted coldly, knowing that he was not as strong as Lu Yuan. Although the opponent was not a god, the special circumstances of Wuji Tian also allowed her to control a part of the origin of heaven and earth.

The situation is back to the previous situation.

Only relying on these powerhouses for three days can not suppress Chu Yuan, and he will even behead several people in the melee.

When Chu Yuan came, he stared directly at the crowd with indifferent eyes. His ultimate move had been condensing. Suddenly his movements stopped and his eyes looked far away.

There is the battlefield of Fengshen Great Emperor.

The fierce battle is raging, and the wave of eternity is played, and the sixth state is sacred and swept crazy.

"The Fengshen Great Emperor has to decide the winner!"

The power is too great, anyone can feel it.

Chu Yuan didn't make a move anymore, but confronted the three-day powerhouse, watching the decisive battle of the Fengshen Great Emperor, and comprehending the sixth realm, the primitive power possessed by the epic of heaven and earth.

The situation over there stopped them from fighting.

"Heaven and Earth Conferred God!"

On the side of Fengshen Great Emperor, the fighting situation was really tragic.

He grabbed it with a big hand, and the second divine lord retreated madly, his divine power was being madly deprived, and his power was rapidly weakening, as if his power was taken away and he was about to become an ordinary person.

The Great Emperor Fengshen wanted to enshrine the gods by himself. With one word, he could make mortals become gods, and he could make mortals become gods.

His power is too domineering, he is more frightening than the humane emperor's kindness, after all, if he is allowed to dominate an era, then the gods of the world will be canonized by him, and he will be suppressed miserably.

But the Great Emperor Fengshen was also too strong. He shook the second divine lord with one palm, and pushed the Dugu God and Demon back with one punch. A divine light could smash the arrow of Yi Tianjun.

"Fengshen Great Emperor, are you going to win?"

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