"There are primitive gods!"

The appearance of Zhang Jing gave them an extreme shock, and the powerhouses appeared one after another, so that they did not know where the limit of Shenwu was.

"Who are you!"

Overcoming the disaster stared at Zhang Jing.

"A person who is loyal to His Majesty the Emperor."

Zhang Jing's white light was like a sea, and the torrents and tides swept over him one by one. Suddenly, he punched out, and the most dazzling light made the face of the difficulties tremble.

When he reacted, Zhang Jing hit him with a blow.


Overcoming difficulties and shooting back, he already knew that Zhang Jing was at the pinnacle level of the third realm, and his mana was even more unpredictable than him.

"To deal with him together!"

The earth dragon emperor shouted.

Several primitive gods immediately besieged up.

Zhang Jing didn't tremble. In his Shenzhou, a galaxy-like ribbon swept over, waves of divine power burst out, and there was a supreme primitive artifact as the eye.

The energy transmission of the empire caused the Wanbao River to burst out extremely fierce energy.

With Wanbao's long river and Zhang Jing's strength, he was not afraid to besiege.

This long river of treasures greatly enhanced Zhang Jing's strength.

At this moment, Zhang Jing waved his palm, and suddenly a space-time opened, and the sea of ​​billions of trillions of worms rushed out, and they rushed wildly on the fortress.

Like a locust crossing the border, the fortress was actually eaten!

"Chonghai? What, that is the Zerg brood!"

The whole body was shocked: "How come there is such a thing, it's wrong, did that Shenwu surrender a Zerg mother emperor!"

The sea of ​​worms swept over like the ocean, wantonly hitting the fortress in the sky,

The sacred fighter was prepared for a long time, and immediately propped up the protective mask, and at the same time slowly withdrew from the battlefield under the cover of the stronger command.

"They want to retreat!" The Earth Dragon Emperor shouted.

"Hateful and hateful!" The Difficulty yelled: "There are too many seas of these insects. They are gathered together, and their strength is one. Each is insignificant, but the attack of billions of trillions can trap the Primordial God!"

"Exterminate the sea of ​​insects first!"

The primitive gods attacked in all directions, and waves of worms turned to ashes.

The sword **** smashed back the Heaven Protector Magic God with a single blow, and at the same time caused the Worm Nest to spray a few waves of the insect sea again, which consumed about two tenths of the amount, making people sound the horn of retreat.

The place of battle is the starry sky outside Shenwu, too close, they are at ease.

"Finally all these bugs are killed!"

It didn't take too long to kill the insect sea, but after a wave of surprise attacks by Shenwu's army, they had already withdrawn to their territory.

The outside fortress is built as something that can be abandoned at any time, and the sword **** is not stupid to stick to it here.

"If you dare to attack our country, you have to think about paying a huge price."

The battle spirit collapsed, and the sword **** was stimulating the indestructible sword energy all over his body, and the time and space god, Zhang Jing, and the Prison Guard Seal God monument gathered around him.

Inside the Zerg brood, a large sea of ​​worms appeared, which could erupt again at any time.

An emperor who condensed the national fortune was looking at the world, holding the magical sword of the national fortune artifact, aimed at them.

This fearless aura instead suffocated them. He knew deeply that the sword **** just slammed a wave to shock them with his strength. Some battles were not necessarily inevitable and did not want to be put into the civil war of the empire.

But if they kill the empire, they are not afraid to fight with them.

In or not in?

Originally, they were murderous and wanted to enter directly. It was nothing more than thinking that Shenwu only had the **** of swords and the **** of time and space, and could not stop so many primitive gods, so it would inevitably cause a blow to them.

Zhang Jing, the appearance of the Prison Guarding God Stele and the appearance of the Zerg brood made them hesitate.

"Should we go in?" The Earth Dragon Emperor also hesitated: "The other party is so confident and fearless. The Emperor doesn't know whether they still have the foundation, or are they bravado or stubborn."

"A big kill in their territory, with the protection of infinite national destiny, the origin of heaven and earth, our strength will be greatly suppressed."

The Yanshentian powerhouse also hesitated: "The sword **** is too strong. If his strength is suppressed and he turns the world into a prison, he will most likely be killed!"

"They actually don't want to fight us in the empire. After all, the primordial gods will fight and destroy the world. The empire will inevitably be greatly destroyed, and we are bound to pay a heavy price."

Hailonghuang calmly analyzed.

Shenwu's background burst out one after another, people dare not ignore it.

Inside that insect nest, there is a great possibility that there will be a mother emperor who gathers into a large formation of insect sea, which is enough to kill the primitive god.

I don't know the details of the other party and dare not directly enter.

Too early days.

The war is the most intense time.

The huge primordial sky was collapsing and disintegrating everywhere, and many places were turned into chaos. If it hadn't been for the foundation of 33 days, it would have been torn apart and lost in the universe.

But even so, the damage was extremely serious.

The original divine calamity of the sacred tree in the early days has become more and more fierce, and it has reached the most severe moment, and the most critical blow will come at any time.

In the cracked earth, you can see a long river of radiant energy like diamonds, converging towards it.

It is the spirit of the primordial sky, a tree-like existence in the world.

"My forcible control of the Primordial Origin of Heaven has dropped by more than half!"

Taichu Huang's face was extremely gloomy, he and Chu Yuan had been fighting for several days, but this person was like a monument of eternal immortality, and neither of them had any means to win.

"With me, you are not afraid."

Chu Yuan said this to the **** tree in the early days.

In the beginning, the best response of the **** tree was to try hard to overcome the catastrophe.

"You really have to stop this emperor, the abyss behind me!"

Can’t get it for a long time, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com has made Taichu Huang's heart irritable, and he let out an angry shout.

"I've already hit this point, don't you think that is stupid and naive?"

Chu Yuan scolded mercilessly.

He stepped out again, attacking with the vast emperor's might, punching Lang Lang light with one punch, and creating eternal darkness with one punch. The explosion of light and dark forces forced the Emperor of the Beginning to be unable to approach the sacred tree of the Beginning.

"You are cruel!"

Except for these roars, the Emperor Taichu didn't know what words to use to explain his inner shock.

"Your Majesty, he is too powerful!"

The Great Black Sky Demon was shocked again and again.

"Great Dark Demon King, do things for your majesty, dare to move your mind, you will not end well."

Fire Ancestor Road.

"You don't need to remind me, I know." The Great Black Sky Demon snorted coldly.

"Great. Looking at the current situation, it is true that the Emperor of the Beginning is fiercely counterattack, but there is the God Emperor, he can't get close to the Tree of the Beginning, there is no interference, the Tree of the Beginning will become a primitive god!"

The mountain giant rejoiced.

Taichu Haidao: "If the Taichu Divine Tree is successful, and it is dominated by it, the Divine Realm will be able to evolve again, and at that time we can also break through to the primitive."

"Don't be careless, it's not the moment of success yet."

Devour the emperor's way.

When the Great Black Sky Demon heard their conversation, he laughed and said: "Haha, don't worry, the Emperor of the Beginning cannot break through his majesty's obstruction, unless there is a strong coming!"

But his mouth seemed to be a crow's mouth.

As soon as his words fell, woo woo woo, in the sky above the primordial sky, there was a strong force breaking through the air, a huge vortex was transmitted across the boundary, and the boundless force was about to press on the body of the primordial sacred tree.

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