Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1591: The whereabouts of Taiyi Tianzun

Rong Cheng also knew that if he continued to fight, he would not be able to deal with the sacred tree of the early days, and the opponent was already well-established.

The main responsibility for this failure did not lie with him, but the Emperor Taichu. Even if the main Yuan was angry, it had nothing to do with him, and let Qin Song take the main responsibility for this battle.

The brothers also settled accounts clearly and fought for a little profit.

What's more, in the abyss, they have nine earth-shaking abyss masters, a hegemon on the path of eternity, and the fights between their respective factions are also very fierce.

He doesn't care about Qin Song.


The emperor had never thought of failure in the early days. He was ambitious, but the facts poured cold water on him severely. Rongcheng retreated, making him understand that he was unable to return to the sky, and he would never be able to restore the defeated battle.

He sprouted to retreat.

Under the oppression of the universe at the beginning, if he does not retreat, he is likely to be suppressed by the other party and fall into a miserable ending.

The destruction of his empire was a foregone conclusion, and he could only abandon it mercilessly.


The emperor of the early primordial emperor and other powerful people shouted, their power broke the blockade of heaven and earth, traversed the passage of time and space, jumped suddenly, and was about to leave this world.

"The sacred tree in the early days, leave him, I want to search for his soul, maybe I can learn some secrets!"

Chu Yuan focused on the cold man with a glance.

"No, they have to deal with me!"

The ruthless man was trembling in his heart, how could he dare to procrastinate.


Fire Ancestor and the others swept the vast power over, and at the same time, Chu Yuan released the Heavenly Emperor's ship, urging a wild force to attack them.

The ruthless man retreated quickly, but just when he was about to leave the world of the primordial beginning, the branches like chains of order crackled and shot over, forming a huge prison, suppressing him with the origin of heaven and earth, and it was entangled with him.

"help me!"

The cruel man called in despair.


Rong Cheng was holding a magic weapon and was about to turn around to rescue the cold man.

boom! Chu Yuan was like God, pointing to the chaos, and immediately shook him back.

After that, Chu Yuan stepped on, holding a giant axe in his hand, and with every blow he opened the world, cutting out the boundless chaos and immortal sacred majesty.


Rong Cheng was furious: "Qin Song, don't hurry up!"

Boom! The coercion of the entire world came even more terribly, forming a prison.

"It can't be saved."

Taichu Huang said indifferently, he was already very upset in his heart. This cold man had ridiculed him before, and as soon as the words fell, he was also involved in the divine tree of Taichu and was suppressed.

"you guys!"

Rong Cheng's anger burned across the sky: "Kill! The Abyss will definitely issue a lore order to you, unless you never enter the path of eternity!"

The anger resounded, and they had already left Taichutian.


The powerhouses of the God Realm in the early days were sighing that they had been entangled with the Emperor in the early days, and have continued to the present, and now it is finally time to draw an end.

"It's far from over, it's just the beginning."

Chu Yuandao.

"The **** emperor, the person you wanted has been captured for you. They dealt with me in this way. They must have a great purpose. Please also ask the **** emperor to search for the soul and see what happened?"

God tree road in the beginning.

"Okay, I will search for souls."

Chu Yuan grabbed the cold man's head, and the power of the great soul technique rushed into his mind.


But just after he searched for his soul, the man's soul burst open.

"There is a restriction in the soul!"

A person with the appearance of a middle-aged man appeared in front of Chu Yuan. This was the mana incarnation of the **** tree in the early days. He could not always talk to Chu Yuan with the appearance of a tree.

"The deep realm is mysterious, the more powerful the existence knows more secrets, and many powerful people will take the initiative to impose restrictions on their souls to prevent someone from searching for them."

At the beginning, the tree said coldly.

"Yes, there is indeed a strong restriction. It should be in the sixth state, otherwise I won't explode as soon as I search for the soul."

Chu Yuan threw the man's body aside, no accident.

"God emperor, how about it?" The God Tree of Taichu also asked anxiously: "Do you know any important news? Why do they never forget about me."

"Although his soul was destroyed, in an instant, I also caught some news by means of supreme origin."

Chu Yuan said: "The sixth state, suppression, the treasure, the beginning."

"Huh? Very piecemeal news."

The primordial sacred tree solemnly said: "The effect should be that the abyss has suppressed the existence of the sixth realm. If you want to get his treasure, then this primordial primordial may be my primordial heaven!"

"Very piecemeal news, but I have calculated a possibility."

Chu Yuan inferred: "The Taichu Tiandi, Taihong Tianjun has fallen, and only Taiyi Tianzun does not know the life or death, so the sixth stage of suppression is very likely Taiyi Tianzun, there is a treasure that makes them extremely excited, they want The reason for the purpose of occupying Taichu is to use Taichu Tian to calculate a way to deal with Taiyi Tianzun, and only this one explanation is the most reasonable."

"In other words, Taiyi Tianzun is very likely not dead yet!"

At the beginning, the tree was extremely excited.

It is a **** from the beginning, created by the three ancient beings, just like its father god.

It originally thought that the three ancestors had fallen, but suddenly learned that Taiyi Tianzun might still be alive!

"It's just a Yuandao.

"Whether it is true or not, Taiyi Tianzun's extremely ancient battle has appeared once, and it has never reappeared, and doubts have also been revealed. Tianzun should have achieved the sixth stage after the extremely ancient, and may be found by the abyss and be suppressed. Can't leave!"

At the beginning, the **** tree said anxiously: "What should I do? Although I don't know what power it is, if it is true, Tianzun must be in a very bad situation."

"Don't worry."

Chu Yuan asked him to calm down: "If the speculation is true, it means that although Taiyi Tianzun is in serious trouble, Yuan Jie has not directly killed him, otherwise he will not be deliberate. Before Taichutian, it will be difficult for them to work out a method to deal with Taiyi Tianzun."

"Yes, the **** emperor is right, it is messed up if I care!"

At the beginning of the sacred tree once again restored the appearance of wisdom: "If I guard the beginning of the sky, it will be difficult for them to obtain the **** of heaven. This is what I should do."

"I'm afraid now. They jumped the wall in a hurry, and would rather destroy the Taiyi Tianzun if they didn't get the Supreme Heaven. This might not be impossible.

Chu Yuan had no choice now.

If you don't hold onto the early days, it will be worse if you really study it out.

And now, it is impossible to contact Taiyi Tianzun.

Chu Yuan was grateful to Taiyi Tianzun. Although Taiyi Pill Furnace was rewarded by the system, he helped him too much during the weak period of the empire, and laid the foundation for his development.

"There is no other way, I can only hope that Taiyi Tianzun can survive, and can wait until the day I save him, but the final result depends on his own good fortune."

Chu Yuandao.

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