Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1596: Reincarnation Cave, Suiyue Cave

The goddess Yanran left again, leaving behind the word God, which contained endless mystery.

The eternal road, the multiverse is a god, what does this mean?

But there is a certain big connection with eternity.

Chu Yuan couldn't understand it yet.

But even though she was gone, Chu Yuan realized some of the mystery of reincarnation magic. By operating this technique, he could have a wonderful connection with Yanran, which was used to communicate and determine her position.

However, Chu Yuan could only communicate passively. If she really wanted to determine her position, Yanran needed to respond actively.

"Reincarnation, I have a new understanding."

Chu Yuan returned to the empire.

As soon as he returned to the empire, there was an extra sacred mountain in the empire, which was cast from the rocks that Chu Yuan obtained in the Eternal Pure Land, and was used as a place for him to practice reincarnation.

The reincarnation divine light permeates, forming a mixed light, which is extremely strange.

"The meaning of reincarnation is vast and vast. There are a variety of people raised by rice. Everyone has a different understanding of reincarnation."

Chu Yuan's original mana was spreading, and a cave appeared on this sacred mountain with a shining light. Looking outside, the light was a passage of reincarnation, and a road of reincarnation was constructed.

The goddess Yanran exists in epochs with the power of reincarnation, immortal and immortal.

Of course Chu Yuan could not do this, and he did not intend to learn this way.

But he has his own plans.

"Is that the power of reincarnation?"

The powerhouses of the empire are all looking at this sacred mountain of reincarnation, and the mood that exudes is too mysterious.

"Samsara Cave, Suiyue Cave."

Chu Yuan said: "One life and one reincarnation, ten thousand lives, reincarnation cave, inside the time cave."

With his understanding and comprehension of the power of reincarnation of the goddess Yanran, he created the cave of reincarnation, the cave of years.

"The road of reincarnation, the journey of refining the mind." Chu Yuan's ideas spread with the national fortune.

"His Majesty."

The God of War came to Chu Yuan.

"God of War." Chu Yuan looked at him, knowing his purpose.

"Your Majesty has realized the magic of reincarnation and created the cave of reincarnation and the cave of years. The minister is willing to be the first to go in and experience the reincarnation of years, so as to perfect His Majesty's way.

God of War's face was firm.

"Do you really want to go in?"

Chu Yuan asked him.

"The minister has thought about it, and enter the cave of reincarnation."

God of War did not hesitate.

His realm is stuck in the fifth realm of the Heavenly Dao, and it is difficult to reach the primitive god. His talent is extraordinary. However, the empire develops too fast and cannot become the pillar of the empire without being primitive.

"I have just enlightened reincarnation, and the laws in the cave of reincarnation are not yet perfect. After you enter, you will experience all ages under my leadership and enjoy life for all ages. One life is a reincarnation for you, and each life will have a different perception of you. "

Chu Yuan explained carefully: "My power structure is a great dream for me, but for you, it is a real life. In the reincarnation of all ages, your soul memory will be greatly affected. You may even forget yourself and cultivate your mind. You should know the consequences of not having a real memory. The cave of reincarnation is not perfect, and I don’t have much understanding of reincarnation. You need to get out of it by yourself. Do you want to go in?"

"The minister knows." God of War said.

"Go in, I will pay attention to you, the more you fall into reincarnation, the harder it is to get out."

Chu Yuan opened the Reincarnation Cave and let the God of War enter.

The God of War also knows that if your Majesty wants to perfect the Samsara Cave, someone needs to go and experience it. He is willing to be the first to eat crabs.

The God of War entered and was immediately immersed in the world Chu Yuan had created for him. His identity was changed and he became an ordinary hunter in the world, struggling in a troubled world.

"Wanshi, to me, you have had a million dreams."

Chu Yuan specially constructed dreams for the God of War.

Although everything the God of War experienced was false, it was too real and lifelike, and it was impossible to tell whether it was real or dreamy.

But such an opportunity is rare.

Think about the great opportunity of tempering forever. Although there are powerful forces that can be replaced by fantasy, there is no mystery built by the power of reincarnation.

Chu Yuan knew that this was just an application of reincarnation magic.

It is said that if you cultivate to the seventh realm, you can comprehend the power of origin. Therefore, the powerhouses of this realm can also be called the origin of heaven and earth. They are no longer simple creations.

It can create birth spirits.

If you are in this situation and run the magic of reincarnation, then these creatures will fall into the world of reincarnation, the reincarnation of one life, the memory of the whole life, the memory of the whole life, and the real world.

At this point, the hair is terrifying and terrifying.

Of course, Chu Yuan couldn't do it yet.

The God of War has been in the Samsara Cave for many lives.

Sometimes he is an ordinary person in the world, a trafficker and a pawn, sometimes a high-ranking official, and sometimes a very strong person in the world of cultivation, controlling the strongest power.

He thinks this is true, but in fact it is all false.


In the Tomb of Yin Ling.

The Lord of the Sky could also see the reincarnation hole in the distance, and was shocked: "This is the method of reincarnation. He practices reincarnation and can open the cycle of eternity for others, but he does not enter the cycle of reincarnation. He only cultivates the world. He is the master of reincarnation! "

It is true that Chu Yuan cultivates ten thousand methods, and he only regards reincarnation magic as a means to strengthen him.

Now, God of War voluntarily became his guinea pig and fell into his reincarnation.

Watching the reincarnation of the God of War was also a very good experience for Chu Yuan. The imperfections in it were gradually improved after the God of War experienced the reincarnation for one lifetime.

Existences that are too powerful will not enter well, and the imperfect reincarnation hole will be impacted after the primitive **** enters.

It's too weak and can't produce sentiment echo.

God of War went in like this. He was tenacious and determined, so he would be the first to come after Chu Yuan passed the news of the cave of reincarnation.

Wanshi experienced time and time again, some were calm and some were bloody. On several occasions, the God of War was too real, and he was about to be feathered.

But fortunately, he remembered himself and started the next life.

This pair of God of War was too long to calculate, but it was too short in front of Chu Yuan, it seemed that it didn't take long before God of War came out.

The God of War had black hair like a waterfall, his face was vicissitudes of life, and he was very tired. Although his breath was strong, his eyes were dull and hazy.


Chu Yuan shouted sharply.


The God of War woke up suddenly, the memories of all ages gathered into a stronger force, like the reincarnation flower blooming, and the real memory appeared in an instant.

His eyes bloomed with divine light: "I am the **** of war and martial arts. I am walking through the cave of reincarnation and refining my mind. Now I have finally come out. The dream will last forever. What year is this eve?"

"Awake from the dream, it's time to return to reality."

Chu Yuan looked at him with a smile.

"Too real, there are laughs and tears, bitterness and sweetness. Those shadows linger in my mind. Those memories are indelible. Your Majesty, I would even suspect that this is false and again. I live for a lifetime, and I haven't come out yet."

The memory of God of War is very trance.

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