"He is too good!"

Seeing that the necromantic knights were defeated by the Shenwu Divine Emperor, those strong men who watched the show from a distance were heartily shocked. If they were replaced by them, it would be nice to barely save their lives.

This is the strength of the strongest.

In the face of Shenwu, no one can think that he is only in the original second realm.

Some people even wanted to step forward and invite the **** emperor to explore together in the tomb of the era, but then I thought, forget it, how powerful such an existence is, how can they walk with them.

"When the heavens are back, who is the one who will rise and fall? When the century is only halfway through, there is still a very long time!"

Many people have this feeling in their hearts.

"The **** emperor has left."

Chu Yuan turned his back to them and walked out of the world's domineering steps, just like God, with only a back view, you can see the majestic, that kind of intense oppression.

But at this time, Chu Yuan went all the way, and the whole world was a huge cemetery. The deeper he walked, the thicker the fog of death in front of him, and it was almost impossible to dissolve.

On the way, some people withdrew, and more powerful players joined.

Although Chu Yuan's strength was peerless, he also realized the difficulties along the way. Ordinary primitive gods must be able to kill at every step, and only the strong ones would have to be vigilant, but they must be vigilant.

"It's about to get close to the part that exists on the path of eternity."

Chu Yuan felt the change in his breath.

In fact, if he walks to that part, it is equivalent to entering the path of eternity, but he is still in the tomb.

And he speculated that the reason why the other half could not completely fall into the multiverse is because that half is the real essence place, containing the greatest danger, and resisting the attack of the strong.

However, half of them are in the multiverse, which actually provides a safer channel for the strong.

"There is something!"

At this moment, Chu Yuan saw a sacred light in the dim fog, magnificent and bright, completely different from the scene here, it was too weird.

He walked through the layers of time and space, looking at the distance, there was an ancient temple covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters.

The sacred light lasses and blends with the weird environment here, but this is definitely not a good thing, after all, it is too unreasonable.

At this time, outside the temple, there have been many powerful men, all the gods of the gods.

Yes, the temple represents danger, but at the same time it also means that they have a better understanding of this era, and after the inside is opened, there may be some peerless treasures.

"I'll go to this temple first."

A divine lord is standing now, his face is extremely dignified, he dare not be careless: "There is always someone going in, and now the second divine lord and they have entered the depths of the tomb of the era, I will fight this pioneer."

"Shen Qiu, okay, let you go in first."

Another divine master said: "You are in the Primitive Second Realm, with strong combat power. If there is a danger of being unable to resist, we will immediately support you. Remember, don't try hard, check first."

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if I fall. I have never fallen. Even if I fall, the second **** will resurrect me, and the cost will not be high."

Shen Qiu said.

He is very confident.

After all, he has a death-free gold medal.

"Remember not to have this kind of mind. The resurrection always has to pay a price."

Another **** is also reminding.

"I'm in, you are waiting."

Shen Qiu's worries are indeed not big. His soul is imprinted on the gods, and he can be resurrected if he really falls. The most important thing is that the first person to eat crabs will always have the greatest gain.

He walked directly into the temple, shadowed by the magnificent divine light.

The other gods did not enter. They didn't know the internal situation. If the power to kill Shen Qiu could burst out in an instant, they would die if they entered.

And if it is a stalemate, they are more able to take action.

With this consideration, there is no risk.

"I don't know what it will look like inside? But with Shenqiu's strength, there should be nothing wrong, we are ready to respond."

A **** dominates.

"This epoch tomb is too dangerous. The great creator of the gods even allowed this thing to enter the pluralism, but if it can be fully explored, it will definitely make our era stronger."

There is a **** who replied.

"Yes, the pursuit of the founder of the God Realm is completely different from ours, and we will first wait for Shen Qiu's news."

They communicated and erupted at the same time, no one dared to care.

"Shen Qiu, why is there no news yet?"

They frowned.

It stands to reason that after entering, they will speak from their souls and tell them the internal situation, but in fact, there is no news, which makes them feel bad.

"Will Shen Qiu have an accident?" There was a terrifying guess from the god.

"will not!"

Another **** slammed the railway: "I believe in Shenqiu's strength, take 10,000 steps, even if something really happens, it won't be so peaceful, there will be no vibration!"


Just as his voice fell, there was a scream in the temple.

"Don't come in, let the second god..."

The scream stopped abruptly before the words were finished.

"Shen Qiu is dead!"

They can sense that Shen Qiu's soul mark disappears.

"What did he encounter inside!"

They were horrified, their scalps were numb, so quickly, they killed a **** master, but what kind of power could kill him?

They tried to look at the temple, but they couldn't see what was inside.

"How was he killed!"

The unknown represents great fear.

If Shen Qiu was beheaded by a certain peerless powerhouse, they wouldn't be afraid. The big deal would be to gather the power of the gods and heaven to destroy them directly.


Those who don't know it will fall, who is not afraid.

And they didn't dare to go in, their strength was about the same as Shen Qiu's, and they were just looking for death and giving away their heads.

"Does he want to say, let the second **** come over?"

Strong as the **** master, she was also a little trembling in the face of this strangeness.

"I don't know, I can't speculate casually. I quickly return to the gods and report to the second **** and let him resurrect Shen Qiu, so that we can know the internal situation in detail."

They dare not care.

And they are also speculating that since Shen Qiu can be killed directly, but there are any fluctuations in the battle, it shows that it is very terrifying ~ www.ltnovel.com~ but perhaps there are some outstanding things hidden.

"No matter how horrible you are, there will be no horror, after all, it has not reached the deepest point!"

They speculated again.

"There is another strong one!"

They saw again that a figure came directly to the temple.

"It's him, Shenwu God Emperor!"

"Does he want to go directly to the temple?"

Chu Yuan is here.

"God emperor, don't go in rashly. There is a big danger inside. Just now we have a divine lord who has fallen."

A divine master kindly reminded that they had no hatred with Chu Yuan.

"I see."

Chu Yuan stared at the temple and walked in one step.

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