"The temple is blown up!"

"Could it be that Shenwu has broken the weirdness of the temple!"

Several **** masters who were waiting outside suddenly saw the destruction of the temple, and a figure walked out, shocked in their hearts, the strangeness of killing Shen Qiu was destroyed?

The strength of this **** emperor is simply unpredictable.

"Divine Emperor, what did you see in it?" A divine master asked politely.

"Yin God, the evil God Di Nian, casts a statue with his own flesh and blood, in order to be unwilling for an era on the day of resurrection."

Chu Yuan only left this sentence to them, and then left.

They are all intelligent and profound existences, and after a little thought, you probably understand what's going on.

"The founder of the God Realm is in the multiverse, even if he explores with the strength of my gods, he will pay the price of the fall of many primordial gods. We have gathered all the information we have obtained and let all the powers of the sky explore."

They are naturally not so kind.

Let everyone understand the weirdness here, and by the end of the exploration, the strongest world can still get the greatest benefits.

"We have reached that part of the eternal path."

At this time, Chu Yuan had already reached the part that was trapped in the eternal power.

The horror and gloomy aura swept through, unconsciously producing a horror in the depths of the soul.

The cold wind of death is always beating on the body, and the power here contains a decay and decay after the end of the era, even the primitive **** has to consume eternal matter to resist it all the time.

Otherwise, the eternal evil thoughts that exist here will cause serious harm to you.

In other words, even some primitive gods cannot stay here for too long.

"This is where the real horror lies. Other places are too safer than here."

Chu Yuan must also be on guard.

At this moment, in this land of death, there are three primitive gods acting together, and it seems that they do not belong to those big heavens, but are the powerful ones who wander away.

"Beware, this place is too weird. This place is already part of the path to eternity, but we are in the tomb and cannot see the path to eternity."

An old man said.

As they moved forward, they saw a solitary grave with raised hills. There was a boundary monument with no words on it, so it was impossible to know the origin.

"A lone grave!"

The three people stopped.

"It is normal that there are lone graves in the tomb of Era. This is the first lone grave we have seen."

The old man solemnly said: "Many strong people have a premonition that they will bury themselves and bury all their treasures before they fall, but it is also possible that there are murderous intent and two possibilities. What do you two think?"

They are friends, and they have signed a contract with each other, otherwise it is impossible to join hands.

"Opening the tomb, we came here to find treasures. It is probably a treasure buried in this era? There are no solitary graves in the outside world. This place is unique, which shows that this solitary grave has an extraordinary origin."

His words were immediately recognized.

"Okay, but be careful, don't get close, bombard with mana from a distance, if weird waves erupt, retreat immediately!"

The three of them were far away, power transmission, and three divine lights exploded on the solitary grave. To their surprise, the solitary grave opened immediately, revealing a dark coffin.

"Coffin? Push it away!"

Have done this step, how can I not push away.

The process of pushing open the coffin was not as difficult as imagined, but rather easy.

There is no strong person buried in the coffin, only a dark magic weapon, like a sword like a knife, carved with weird patterns, blood grooves and serrations, it is a somewhat weird weapon.

"A magic weapon!"

Their gazes were condensed. This is the burial mound, buried their weapons, looked again, and said in shock: "This is a surpassing supreme primitive artifact, even an epic primitive artifact. If we can get this magic weapon, the fifth stage will be Not afraid!"

Although they were greedy in their hearts, they were silent. There was only one magic weapon, who would control it.

"The three of us take control together first."

Just when the old man was speaking, one of them walked out directly and made him shout: "Cheng Feng, what are you going to do, do you want to seize the magic weapon alone!"

The strong man named Cheng Feng moved extremely fast, and Seta grabbed the magic sword and laughed wildly: "My **** soldier, mine, kill, kill, who dares to take my **** soldier, to death!"

"Cheng Feng!"

The faces of these two men were extremely ugly.

Suddenly the old man keenly noticed something was wrong, and shouted: "No, Cheng Feng is not right."

"Are you going to grab my magic weapon?"

Cheng Feng turned around, with a strange expression on his face, even his eyes were green, which was obviously a kind of evil spirit in his body.

"Oops, the evil demon Cheng Feng is in his body. Maybe it's not what he wants. Is it because of that magical soldier? This is very likely a terrifying burial soldier!"

The old man clearly noticed something was wrong.

"Kill kill kill!"

In just an instant, blood-colored lines appeared on Cheng Feng's face, turning into a pattern like that on the body of a sword, and his clothes were stained red with blood.

He roared wildly, treating the two old men as life-long enemies, and directly carried the magic weapon to kill.

"Cheng Feng, you are crazy!"

The other person yelled that their strength was between the two, otherwise they would not join hands.

"He is crazy, he has encountered an ominous situation, and he must not touch him!"

The old man also felt the chill, and said: "Let's go!"

But this Cheng Feng seemed to have soared in strength because he was holding a divine weapon, and he rushed directly in front of one of them. The moment that weapon was cut off brought an unavoidable fluctuation.


The man yelled, a blood stain was cut out on his body, and he slapped Cheng Feng with a palm.

He no longer has his own thinking, is occupied by unknowns, and is incredibly evil. Even in his mouth, he will only shout the sound of killing.

"He won't stop if he doesn't kill us!"

The old man yelled, the three of them were in a complete melee, flooded with huge evil forces, Cheng Feng was completely manipulated by the gods, and his life broke out in battle.

The old man didn't want to fight him hard, but the other side forced them to fight hard.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy!"

They are angry.

The battle was too tragic~www.ltnovel.com~ Cheng Feng, who was unknown, hacked one of them to death, but the old man kept one hand after all. He beheaded the seriously injured Cheng Feng.

He was also bloody, panting, and seriously injured.

"You can't touch things here."

The old man regained his vitality. He didn't want to look at the magic weapon, but there was a special magic power that attracted him. He was uncontrolled and his body resisted strongly, but his consciousness forced him to pass.


This was not what he thought, but the ominous magic was controlling him.



Cheng Feng, who had been beheaded, suddenly opened his eyes. Biyou, he suddenly killed the old man with a sword, pierced his head, and then lost his breath.

The three primitive gods all fell because of the unknown magic power of a magic weapon!

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