The gaze of the second **** pierced through Jiuyou Cangming, and he was locked on the most majestic and mysterious tomb of the gods, like the center of the world, as if the largest golden mountain treasure house was attracting him.

As the sixth stage, he has to set an example to be blessed by the boundless divine power of the gods.

"Second God Lord." The Judgment God Lord said: "The Fengshen Great Emperor has already entered the other direction of the tomb of Jiyuan. According to reports, there are completely different tombs from here, but magnificent temples."

"Sure enough, multiple epochs are buried in the grave of this era!"

The eyes of the second **** flickered: "That is the Yin Temple, flesh and blood, cast the Yin God, turned into the evil God Di Nian, in order to hope to be resurrected, there are different forms of existence, but there are tombs here, there are similarities, just Let them pass and see who can get the most benefit!"

He was also helpless, his own combat power was not as good as the Conferred God Emperor, and he could not stop it at all.

"When we take action, other gods will also take action. They are all thinking about breaking through the sixth realm. There are 33 days of blessing in the multiverse. They will not be afraid of the sixth realm, but they are completely different in the path of eternity. , They must seize the opportunity of being Shijiyuan, sometimes half of the time has passed!"

The second **** is like a torch.

The overwhelming divine glow surging, looking at the tombs densely covered with stars and the corpses of the gods that keep coming.

Suddenly, the tomb of the entire era collapsed indefinitely and was about to split open. He stepped directly over, without fear of these corpses, a hand of God, and obliterated everything.

Bang bang bang!

Each of them exploded, and although they were nourished by infinite life, they were still vulnerable to the absolute Xeon.

The corpse of the gods is also waking up again and again.

"All the gods, take action together to sweep these gods!"

The judge of the gods also shouted, their purpose is also very simple, first flatten the tombs of the outside world, and then blast the real **** tombs.

The divine light is magnificent, and the power of a **** is so vast.

"The Second God Lord has taken action!"

On the other side, the immeasurable **** appeared here, inducing fluctuations, "Well, since you have taken action, then this **** will also help you!"

The immeasurable holy sword slashed out, and immediately split a **** corpse.

"They are all shooting, how can this emperor fall behind!"

Emperor U God is infinitely powerful, and every shot is like the universe.

Around the grave, more powerhouses have taken action!

"To open the tomb of God."

Chu Yuan's eyes were long.

On the battlefield of the second **** master, the gods and heavens and many **** masters attacked, defeating the gods and corpses. Although there are constantly crawling out, they can only retreat in a row in the face of absolute crushing power.


The second **** knows that it is not so easy.

"Let's put these out of the way first!"

A devastating force spread out.

Oh oh oh!

An extremely strange voice fluctuated out, and the second **** master knew that it was a fluctuating evil thought.

It is extremely strange that he can actually know the meaning.

It seems to be talking.

"Who interrupted my deep sleep!"

"Who is going to destroy the eternity of my era!"

"Anyone who destroys the eternity of my era will die. You will use your blood to create the eternity of the era!"

This sound impacted the soul, and it was from the tomb of the god.

"Huh! You can't live forever, and you still want to change your life after death. Your era is over!"

The second **** is not afraid, he also wants to break through the seventh realm and become the same level of existence as the founder of the gods.

Surrounding the tombs of the gods, there are twelve tombs that are smaller, but also more majestic than other tombs.

Obviously, this belongs to the absolute powerhouse of that ancient civilization.

boom! A **** tomb exploded, and an old man appeared, who had fallen, and unwilling grievances existed after his death, filled his **** body, but the power could make the gods fall.

"Sixth Realm!"

When the second divine master drank it, it was no surprise. There is no corpse of the sixth realm that is the biggest strange: "The living sixth realm is not afraid of the original god. Is it still afraid that you will die? See how much power is still hidden in the tomb of the gods!"

He understands that trying to break the tomb of the gods and obtain treasures is by no means such a simple thing, but you have to do it and try out the power here.

Although this sixth-level corpse was dead, it didn't have the magic of being alive, but it was more difficult to deal with, without fear of any pain and blow, and acted entirely on a sense of obsession.

As soon as the second divine master moved, the power rolled like a tide, washing on the divine corpse.

The corpse energy of the **** corpse was ignited, but he was shocked, it was difficult to hinder him, and he rushed directly in front of the second **** master, the power was strange, and the endless death aura was erupting.

The Second God Lord relies on his profound cultivation and is not afraid at all.


A **** tomb exploded, and a middle-aged woman walked out with a pale face, the color of death, but also the sixth state.

"There is no fear of another god!"

The second **** shouted.

Bang bang bang!

It exploded continuously.

The second **** is like stabbing a hornet's nest. The tombs outside are the guardians of the era. The twelve tombs all represent the sixth state, and ten have been exploded in succession.

Ten fallen sixth realm, this is the foundation of the ancient era!

"This **** understands why you can't fully pull into the multiverse, it's because you guardians, once you fall into the multiverse, the eternal rules will destroy your plan to change your life against the sky, and your obsession will no longer exist!"

The Second God Lord felt tremendous pressure.

All around, there were corpses of gods pouring over, which was terrifying.

"Second God Lord!"

When the Dugu God and Demon arrived, his face was also solemn: "I didn't expect that this ancient era would lay so many corpses, and the Lord of their Era is buried in the tomb of the Lord God!"

"If you want to break the tomb of the gods, these **** corpses can't be destroyed!"

The second divine main way.

"The second god, we will also take action."

Strong forces continue to converge, a boundless existence at the level of God, a primitive god.

They all know that if you want to break the tomb of the gods, it is definitely not something that can be done in a day, you must cooperate and cooperate, and they did not talk about how the treasures are divided after the tomb of the gods is broken.

Now that I haven't seen the treasure, it's not stupid to talk about these things.

"All the powerful teamed up to attack the tomb of the gods. It is really Master Hongmeng appeared here. He saw Chu Yuan who had reached the sky and said, "God Emperor, what do you think? "

"I don't think it is that simple."

It’s impossible for Chu Yuan to fail this kind of big action. He looked at the existence shrouded in eternal divine light, "The stars are arching over the moon, and the twelve tombs are guarded. The era dominates."

"I'm not optimistic either."

Palace Master Hongmeng nodded: "The tomb of Epoch Times is too weird. There was an ominous blade before, because it died of several primitive gods and could not be resurrected. What is even more strange is that it disappeared again?"

"Really?" Chu Yuan said indifferently.

Palace Master Hongmeng didn't know that Chu Yuan suppressed Ominousness, otherwise, he would even be surprised and speechless.

"Destroy these corpses and break the tomb of the era gods!"

The second **** speaks, and the infinite light shines out!

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