Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1623: Black Gold King Snake Beast

The moment Chu Yuan turned and left, everyone was left with the emperor's back, vague and majestic, and he could only look up.

"He directly killed the two brothers of the Qian family!"

The horror scene shocked people's hearts. The two brothers of the Qian family were beheaded within the bounds of the Yuhai Realm, and none of the plane developers appeared to stop it. This was his behavior in tacit agreement.

"The strong from the multiverse."

In the plane, a strong man wearing a dark blue robe appeared, his eyes were long, and he saw through the eternal era: "It is amazing. His combat power is beyond imagination, far more terrifying than his realm. This is an emperor in the century. Emperor."

He is the Lord of Imperial Sea, the giant of the sixth realm!


Zhuo Qing respectfully said: "I didn't expect his strength to be so strong. I reminded him to be careful before, but he didn't care at all, but after all, he killed the two brothers of the Qian family within my plane. ."

"If you cut it, you will cut it."

The Lord of Yuhai didn't care about Tao.

If an ordinary strong man dared to make trouble within his plane, he would definitely take action and directly suppress it, but Chu Yuan would not take action.

This is bullying and fearing hardship, not necessary, and he doesn't want to take action.

"If you make a move, can you keep him?" Zhuo Qing said.

"I can't keep him."

The Lord of the Royal Sea was silent for a moment, "When Shijiyuan was indeed a strong man like a cloud, many great beings were born. The founder of the gods, the gods, the ancestors, the demon ancestors, the demon ancestors, the human emperor, which one is put in the eternal Lu is the overlord of the giants. I heard that there is another big battle in the multiverse. The Fengshen Great may be in the seventh realm again. It is so bright and the era is rare."

In the era of his existence, there were not so many strong people at all.

"Yes, strength beyond our imagination." Zhuo Qing said.

"When Shijiyuan has passed halfway, the road to eternity will be unstable again."

The Lord of the Royal Sea shook his head.

"The closer to the end of the century, there will also be a big fight in the Eternal Road. I heard that several giants are about to reach the limit. The next eternal calamity is likely to be unsurpassed. They will be very crazy, and beheaded. Who plunder eternal matter."

Zhuo Qing has also lived for a long time. He knows that at the end of each era, there will be such a giant facing the limit.


Although the Lord of the Royal Sea is still far away from the limit, he knows that sooner or later it will come, "Zhuo Qing, you and I have five eras."

"Hey, I'm only 50% sure of the next eternal catastrophe. I don't know how long I can follow you."

Zhuo Qing sighed.

"Although the road to eternity is vast and boundless, countless lives have been born and contain eternal hope, but it is a huge cage. If you don't find eternity, you can only fight in this cage. I don't know what is after eternity?"

The Lord of the Royal Sea murmured, his eyes vicissitudes of life.

At this moment, Chu Yuan had already left Yuhai Realm and headed towards the depths of the eternal road.

His goal is the Nine Layers of Abyss Realm.

Passing by Yuhai Realm, let him know the distribution of some forces on the path of eternity.

"There is no real infinity in the world."

Chu Yuan also passed through multiple planes, and encountered many groups of robbers on the way, but he directly beheaded them.

The realm he swallowed up all the time expanded. Around him, the eternal breath was extremely strong, condensed into the eternal **** crystal. Since the empire is not familiar with the path of eternity, he will fill the epic.


In the domain where he gathered and swallowed the eternal breath, suddenly a behemoth rushed directly into his domain. It turned out to be a huge snake with a body exceeding ten thousand feet.

This giant snake is black and gold all over, with sarcoma on its head, like a crown.

When this giant snake appeared, he was about to swallow Chu Yuan, treating him as a tonic.

"The Black Gold King Snake Beast, the alien beast condensed with eternal aura!"

With a direct wave of his hand, Chu Yuan recognized the origin of the giant snake. It was the black gold king snake beast recorded by Hongmeng Academy, and the crown on its head was their most eye-catching symbol.

This kind of beast, the multiverse no longer exists.

And if they break through to the sixth stage, the crown on their head will turn into a crown, becoming a black gold emperor snake beast.

Eternal breath, nurturing everything.

Just like the demon ancestors of the multiverse, they were also nurtured by eternal power, and the dragon ancestors were also nurtured by eternal power, but they belonged to the original century.

The Black Gold King Snake Beast rushed towards him, Chu Yuan covered the sky with one hand, and grabbed it with one palm. The King Snake's power collapsed.

Just when Chu Yuan wanted to kill it directly, he finally made a weird move.

Most of its body is hovering into a circle, its long neck is low, and the crown is bowed down. This is what it means to surrender.

"Oh? Surrender to me."

Even the king must yield in front of the emperor.

"I have suffered a very serious injury, so it's no wonder that I will attack me because I am attracted by the eternal aura I have gathered."

This black gold king snake beast is very powerful, but Chu Yuan can see that it has several eternal shackles on its body.

Chu Yuan gave it a bottle of primordial healing potion, which instantly repaired its injury.

The Black Gold King Snake Beast's mouth kept making weird noises. Chu Yuan understood that it was an ancient language, but it was very partial, and it sounded very uncomfortable.

He directly taught it the lingua franca of the multiverse through the mind of the soul. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


The Black Gold King Snake Beast said in an extremely respectful tone. Although it is arrogant, it can only lower its head when encountering a stronger existence, and said: "Thank you, the emperor, for healing me. I was calculated by a group of sinister crocodiles. , Occupying my lair, taking away the treasure that I have guarded for half an era!"

Its lair is a place similar to the eye of the sea on the Eternal Road, where the gathering force is, where the eternal breath is particularly strong.

But not long ago, another alien crocodile beast occupied its nest and wanted to kill it. If it weren't for the Black Gold King Snake Beast ran out with its tyrannical strength, it would be eaten on the spot.

The eternal road is definitely not a good place, but a more majestic place.

"In your nest, there is an eternal fetish."

Chu Yuan's expression moved.

Eternal breath can nurture all things and is the mother breath of all energy.

It has boundless and mysterious power, not only can nurture living beings, but also many mysterious and extraordinary substances. For example, there are eternal gods.

The eternal gods are not refined by the strong themselves, but they have extraordinary powers and can be used incredible.

According to the rumors, Panshen’s axe itself is an extremely tyrannical and rare eternal fetish. It incorporates his power and is the key to his becoming the strongest on the path of eternity.

"Okay, I will go with you to kill the group of crocodiles and take away the eternal divine object."

Chu Yuan was very interested.

The Black Gold King Snake Beast didn't know what the eternal divine object was. It had no ability to take it away, but it built its nest there and drew its power to cultivate to its current strength.

And it can survive several eternal catastrophes, and it is precisely with the power of eternal gods.


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