"Thirty years are still long?"

Liu Mingzi was taken aback.

For him, thirty years is not enough to even close the door, and the emperor in front of him even dislikes being too long.

Every time the Golden Temple appears, there must be a cluster of visions. In fact, it is telling everyone that the temple is about to appear, and after a period of distance, more people will come.

There is no benefit for no reason, the strongest person must have his purpose in doing this.

Chu Yuan didn't plan to go.

Thirty years is like a blink of an eye towards the eternal road.

But for the multiverse and the changing situation, great changes may happen every day, and he can't waste time waiting here. The empire is the foundation he has spent so much effort to build.

When the century is Yuan, it represents the luck of the current period of time and cannot be given up.

"It seems that I have to give up the Golden Temple this time."

Liu Mingzi thought about the pros and cons.

Originally saw Chu Yuan, he deliberately invited this person to explore together. He didn't want to get the most benefit. He only hoped that he could get some resources to survive the next eternal disaster.

However, he also considered and understood that the Golden Temple was not something he could meddle with. The existence of the killing array made him feel painful and gave up this idea.

"Divine Emperor, are you leaving the Eternal Killing Array?" Liu Mingzi said.

Chu Yuan never answered more, just left in one step.

"God emperor, go all the way through the eternal killing array, and you will reach the Heaven Spring Realm, and the Heaven Spring Realm is holding a trade fair on a grand scale, and many good things will appear, such as the Origin God Blood of the Seventh Realm. , Various gods, and even epic gods."

Liu Mingzi followed.

Because the Golden Temple is about to be born, the killing array fluctuates more frequently. In the past, a safe place would not know what killing intent appeared. It is safest to leave with him.

"Tianquan Realm."

Chu Yuan appeared on a map, passing through the Tianquan realm. On this ancient road, after passing through a few huge planes, you would reach the Nine Abyss, which was on the same route.

"The blood of the origin god."

He also changed slightly.

In the empire, he still has a divine egg, forcibly suppressing it to survive, Chu Yuan's goal is to cultivate a freak, a monster that he can't even imagine.

Seeing that Chu Yuan's footsteps were slow, Liu Mingzi said: "The Tianquan realm was opened by the ancestors of Tianquan. The seventh realm is very prosperous, and it is also very famous on the road to eternity."

"You can go."

If Tianquan Realm needs a long journey around, Chu Yuan will never go there. Since he is on his way, then go and take a look.

Suddenly the wind was surging, and he rolled Liu Mingzi, and it was empty.

"Ok... so fast!"

Liu Mingzi was shocked.

If it were him, he wouldn't even be able to see Chu Yuan's back in an instant, and at such a speed, every step was completely condensing the avenue of time and space, creating a path of time and space with incredible mana.

In Chu Yuan's time and space, Liu Mingzi has even lost the concept of time. "Heaven Spring Realm is here."

Chu Yuan dispersed into the space-time realm, staying outside.


Seeing the familiar scene in front of him, Liu Mingzi suddenly said: "It is indeed in the realm of Tianquan, I will lead the way for the emperor."

He knew that Chu Yuan brought him here and wanted him to be a guide.

"The plane opened up by the origin of the seventh realm." Chu Yuan looked into the distance, a stalwart power, the power of the origin of heaven and earth shocked incomparably.

Before, he had been to Yuhai Realm, but compared with Tianquan Realm, it was like the gap between a small town and a prosperous imperial capital, showing the powerful strength of Tianquan ancestors.

An origin-like divine light, comparable to the size of thirty-three days a day, inside is a huge universe, occupying the world of nothingness, within the eternal path.

"The emperor, there is the Tianquan realm, there have been more than 20 eras, extremely prosperous, and it is a small center on the path of eternity."

Liu Mingzi’s respectful introduction: "Every plane created by the Origin God gathers a large number of powerful people. You see, there are also many creatures within that plane, but those who are not the original God cannot leave the plane. Those who shelter can only stay inside."

Chu Yuan's gaze mainly fell within the realm of Tianquan.

The Tianquan realm itself is like a huge formation, Chu Yuan vaguely saw it, like a huge spring eye, as the center of a realm, piercing a huge energy vortex.

The incomparable tremendous power swallows the eternal breath, transforming it into energy that ordinary people can absorb.

The larger the plane, the more eternal aura it will bear, and at the same time it also requires stronger refining. "In the world of Tianquan, in addition to the strongest Tianquan ancestor, there are three sixth-level followers."

Liu Mingzi said: "Originally, there were five sixth states in the Tianquan realm, but the other two fell in the eternal calamity one after another. Alas, one calamity is more fierce than one, even I don't know that I can resist several calamities. , I don’t wish for eternity, I only wish to live through a few eternal catastrophes too much."

Each epoch represents an eternal catastrophe.

This seems to be the meaning of the epoch cycle.

Although the seventh realm cannot be truly eternal, it means that they can live longer, and can live more than 30 eternal calamities casually.

But it still cannot be eternal.

Looking at Tianquan Realm, Chu Yuan understood more that eternity is a road that continues to grow stronger.

And surrounding the most prosperous Tianquan Realm, the surroundings are spreading, and there are thousands of smaller planes, and the stars are like a moon. "Emperor, this has been gathered over a long period of time. Some have been abandoned. Those who opened up planes outside generally do not belong to the Tianquan realm. For example, I also opened up a small plane outside and sometimes come back."

Liu Mingzi said.

Chu Yuan is clear.

The Eternal Road is too dangerous, and it is too dangerous to open up a plane alone, but if you are attached to a stronger force and settle outside, it will be much safer. "Divine Emperor, although the ancestor Tianquan allowed you to open up outside the interface, if you want his protection, it is impossible. You do not belong to the Tianquan realm, and it is impossible to protect you, unless you join the Tianquan realm and belong to They, but not everyone will join, such as me, because I know that joining is much safer, but at the same time they are subject to greater restrictions."

Liu Mingzi said.


There is no shelter for no reason. If you don't become his subordinate, how can others shelter you?

Liu Mingzi also wanted to find a safer place~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yuan also saw through the purpose of the ancestor of Tianquan. Allowing others to open up the plane outside is to increase the prosperity of the world, which can make a lot of Divine objects communicate with each other and get many secrets.

The ancestor Tianquan exists like this, as long as he doesn't sin against him, he will not attack you for no reason.

However, if the pioneers of the small planes fall, the Heavenly Spring Realm will absorb these planes and increase their strength.

Gather the sand into a tower, gather less into more.

"Divine Emperor, do you go to Tianquan Realm first, or go to my plane to rest and wait."

Liu Mingzi said.

"Go to your plane."

Chu Yuan had supernatural powers to cultivate, and in Tianquan Realm, it was a world dominated by others, and powerful fluctuations would be spied on by others.

But just as he passed through many planes, a glance unexpectedly saw him.

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