A terrifying black hole enveloped the plane, spinning around, causing collapse.

The power that swallows everything and obliterates everything is deeply shocking, what kind of cultivation base can the Great Swallowing Technique be so fierce.

Tianquan Realm's attitude is also very clear.

Neither side will help, and will not enter the water.

You hit yours.

"Rong Cheng, his strength is too strong, we are not his opponents at all, hurry up and wait for the stronger in the abyss!"

The old man was also anxious. According to the information provided by Rong Cheng before, he thought that although he could not suppress this person, he would not be afraid of him, but now he has the strength to kill them.

He is scared!

"Break that black hole!"

Rong Cheng was fierce, burning eternal matter, and the old man turned into two strong divine lights, and huge energy hit them fiercely.

But this black hole swallowed everything, their power rushed into it, and their power was swallowed away, making their faces paler.

Chu Yuan was indifferent and ruthless, striding forward the most lofty pace, mastering Yuntianchi, killing Rongcheng with one foot, the power of the epic artifact was about to blow him up, and all kinds of **** objects splashed.

Yun Tian Chi is an epic artifact that Yun Tianzun has cultivated in twenty-nine epochs, plus Chu Yuan's own strength, it is even more powerful.

In an instant, Chu Yuan again took a few feet, continuously pumping on Rong Cheng, hitting him to collapse, and there was no good place.

"I can't die here!"

Rong Cheng was terrified, dragging his broken divine body, Chu Yuan caused too much damage to him, and the eternal matter couldn't immediately repair it.

"Fight with him!"

The old man is going crazy too, the other party's intention is obvious, it is to kill them, will not give them a way, the power is violent, at any cost, just to make a way to survive.

Facing their desperation, Chu Yuan did not waver, he controlled everything, and every move possessed the supreme combat effectiveness.

He stepped on, like God's feet, on Rong Cheng's chest, and all the substances in his body were crushed by him.

"You dare to kill me! Kill me, Yuanjie will not let you go, and will chase you to the end of the world!"

When Rong Cheng shouted these words, he was desperate and unassuming.

Chu Yuan didn't care about his threat, and kicked him again, causing him to fall apart. The piece of flesh was still squirming, desperately trying to reunite, but the swallowing force directly swallowed him in.

The most cruel swallow, not even leaving him with scum.

The old man was so frightened, he regretted why he had to listen to Rong Cheng's words to issue a kill order to want this person, and put himself into a crisis.

Telling Yuan Jie honestly is not good, even if he disappears, it doesn't matter to him.

Resurrection is not omnipotent. He has survived several eternal calamities, and it is not that he cannot be resurrected, but when resurrected, the power of eternal calamity will explode, and Yuanzhu will also bear the eternal calamity for him.

This cost is very high, and it is difficult to resurrect the eternal catastrophe unless it is truly of great value.

The old man also knew that even if he begged for mercy with this person, he would not let him go.

"I shouldn't have made a mistake and hate it forever!"

The old man roared wildly.

Without Rong Cheng, Chu Yuan could gather the strongest power to kill the old man. His power, with rumbling slaying, made the old man crushed and could only scream again and again.


He pulled out Yun Tianchi and directly smashed the old man's head.

Then he grabbed it with a big hand, and the headless body was grasped by his palm, and a raging fire burned on the old man's body. Infinite vitality refining poured into Chu Yuan's own divine body.

His cultivation became more and more vast and more terrifying.

The entire plane was completely swallowed by him, and none of the creatures in it were left.

He swept across his eyes coldly, knowing that he had stunned them, leaving no words, and destroyed this stronghold, disappeared directly, and no one followed.

"All the people in the deep realm have been killed. I heard that they brought a lot of eternal crystals to participate in the auction this time, and they are now his!"

"This method is too brutal and domineering. The loss of the Eternal Crystal is small, but I am embarrassed and slapped. With the dominance of the abyss, how can I swallow this breath!"

"He comes from the multiverse. What if Yuan is angry again? Even if this century is over, this person is very likely to be an incredible state."

"Anyway, Yuan Jie doesn't have much to do with him now."

"It's gone, don't talk too much, otherwise the strong in the deep world will be angry, and there will be no one to vent, and we will settle accounts."


This group of people dispersed, they were not Chu Yuan, they were backed by the multiverse, and they were not afraid of the vengeance of the abyss.

"Liu Mingzi, don't follow me." Chu Yuan did not return to Liu Mingzi's plane.

Liu Mingzi knew that this emperor could return to the multiverse, but he could not. The goal of this emperor now is not the eternal road, but to fight for the luck of the century.

Don't look at it, the multiverse powerhouse does not have as many eternal paths, but it is very important and represents a kind of luck.

Time passed quickly, but it is strange that not many people talked about such a shocking battle, and they seemed to have forgotten them.

No one dared to mention it.

"The auction is about to open."

Chu Yuan was still within the realm of Tianquan, and those people knew that he was there, but his location had become taboo, and no one dared to approach him casually.

Through his understanding, he knew that at this auction, Tianquan Realm would come up with some treasures under the pressure box, some of which he would be excited about.

"Go inside the interface."

Chu Yuan stepped forward and entered the Tianquan realm.

The Tianquan realm is vast and huge, with abundant vitality, and there are many living beings. However, if other powerful people from the outside enter, it is impossible to let them rush in casually.

Tianquan Realm has long opened up a channel to lead.

And the moment Chu Yuan entered, he felt the outline of the Tianquan realm. Although it was opened by the seventh realm, it felt that it was not as good as the gods, even if there were multiple eras.

In other words, the strength of the ancestor of Tianquan is even far inferior to the founder of the gods.

The power of the founder of the gods is also extremely strong in the eternal path. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"The founder of the God Realm is the strongest **** in the multiverse. He is planning a big thing."

Chu Yuandao, at this time, he had seen a huge palace, and many powerful people had already entered, and he even felt a few epic breaths of the sixth realm.

"This person is the Divine Martial Emperor!"

"He still dares to come to the auction. This is because he has confidence in his own strength. Isn't he afraid of people from the deep world coming over?"

"Don't worry about him, stay away from him. This time Tianquan Realm has brought out many epic gods for auction, and there is also a peerless god. It is also because of this eternal **** that attracted several six-level existence. "

"We definitely don't have the right to get this kind of fetish. The Golden Temple will be opened in a few decades. I just want to get some body protection so that I can gain something in the eternal killing array."

These strong men have all entered the auction floor.

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