Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1639: Destruction of Tianquan

Tianquan Realm is preparing the last finale, a divine object that is more precious than Eternal Heart for auction.

But suddenly it was hit, and the whole day was shaken.

The aurora pierced through the sky like a pillar of heaven, which was a form of sealing the sky, blocking them.

The plane of the outside world has been wiped out, it seems that some forces are attacking the ancient spring world.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter, who is taking action against Guquan Realm!"

"No, the Heavenly Spring Realm has been sealed off, and a furnace is coming down to destroy the Heavenly Spring Realm!"

Many people were shocked, and the auction could not go on, because the force of terror had come down, causing destruction and destruction in the Heaven Spring Realm.

Chu Yuan just wanted to pay the Eternal God Crystal, his plane also exploded, and the aftermath swept away frantically.

Although the Tianquan Realm is not considered the most powerful force in the Eternal Path, there is also a seventh realm. Who has the courage to destroy the sky?

The world collapsed, the plane split, and countless people screamed.

It's not that Tianquan Realm does not have powerful restrictions, but it has no resistance under the attack of this force.

"Who is going to attack my Tianquan Realm!"

The three ancestors of the Tianquan Realm boiled with anger. They saw the instantaneously destroyed interface and rose into the sky, and they saw multiple murderous figures appearing outside the world, swinging butcher knives at them.

"The Heaven Spring Realm should disappear."

A strong man has a cold and stern breath, like a sword of murder, his will to kill comes from him. Although he is not in the seventh state, he already has a trace of the majesty of the seventh state.

The forces of the three ancestors of the Tianquan Realm contended at the same time, but only then, with a bang, their power was broken, and they shot backwards.

In other words, the three ancestors are not the opponent of this man, the gap is too big.

"You are a great **** dynasty, a strong man under the command of the great emperor, Jiang Kun!"

The wise old man recognized the origin of this person and sternly shouted: "I have no grievances between you in Tianquan Realm and you, so why do you want to act against us!"

With such a posture, the opponent sent the force to crush the Tianquan Realm, making it clear that they were going to destroy them.

"Extreme Taoism!"

When some people heard it, their hearts were trembling. The Great Emperor was the strongest on the path of eternity. His existence was longer than Yuan, and he had competed with Emperor Zhutian.

"Does the Jidao God Dynasty want to destroy Tianquan today!"

Many people are terrified.

"There is no reason, either you die or I live on the road to eternity."

Jiang Kun was indifferent, and it was true. The struggle on the eternal road didn't need a reason, it was all to live through more eras.

"It is not so easy to take advantage of Tianquan Ancestor to destroy us in the depths of eternity!"

The burly man yelled.

"The ancestor of Tianquan is dead, and it's your turn next." Jiang Kun said.

"What? How could the ancestor die?"

The old man couldn't believe it, that was the origin of the seventh realm, standing at the pinnacle of the eternal road.

"Don't believe it?"

With a wave of Jiang Kun's palm, a scene was created. An extremely invincible existence used the most terrifying means to take off an old man's head, completely kill, shatter and refine his power.

It was Tianquan ancestor who was killed!


The facts are in front of them, and they can't help but believe that it was the Great Emperor who beheaded the ancestor Tianquan on the path of eternity, making the third ancestor's eyes red and indignation.

They are unwilling to accept this fact, but it is true.

And Jiang Kun's interpretation of such a picture is to make the minds of the strong in Tianquan world collapse, and the faith in their hearts collapses.

Kill the heart.

"It is rumored that the next eternal catastrophe of the Great Dao is extremely fierce, and he cannot become the strongest. It is very likely that he will fall. The Great Dao is crazy. He wants to destroy a strong, devour their power, and save the strongest. Strength, in order to live to the next era!"

Some strong think of the state of Emperor Ji Dao, and the soul is also shaken.

The Great Emperor Jidao wanted to reap the powerhouses on the path of eternity, and use their blood to extend his life. As the strongest, he didn't want to fall, so he could only do this.

Destroying the seventh realm is precisely to seize their eternal life matter.

This kind of thing is very common on the path of eternity. The sixth realm reaps the fifth realm, the seventh realm will also reap the sixth realm, and the strongest will reap the seventh realm.

This is a very cruel thing.

The ancestor of Tianquan has fallen, the Tianquan realm does not have the greatest support, and destruction is inevitable.

The timing of the choice this time was also very good. Tianquan World held an auction, and many strong people came from all over the world.

"Extreme Dao God Dynasty, you want to destroy the Heaven Spring Realm, it has nothing to do with us, please let us leave."

I came to the sixth stage, and I was swearing in my heart. How could I encounter such a thing? If I knew that they would not come.

"You are the one who killed you, still want to leave? All are dead!"

Jiang Kun was disdainful, if it was enough to destroy the Heavenly Spring Realm, they wanted to kill more powerhouses and make up more energy for the Great Emperor, the more the better.

The strong are angry, but there is no way to refute it.

Yes, whoever is strong is the overlord and the boss.

What are they in front of the Great Emperor, and the people of the Great God Dynasty have regarded them as crops and want to harvest them.

"Ji Dao Shen Chao, don't go too far!"

These strong men were forced to unite.

"The ancestor has fallen, it is inevitable that the Tianquan realm will be destroyed, the second brother, the younger sister, there is no way, we can only escape, I will not be able to survive this eternal catastrophe, I will burn my life and let you Escape!"

The old man said.

It was already difficult for him to live this time, and he didn't plan to go out alive, so he fought against Ji Dao Shen Chao.

"Brother, we're fighting with him with you!" said the burly man.

"Naughty, I'm alive soon, and you can still live for multiple epochs. It is very worthwhile to replace your lives with my life. Even if this epoch has passed by the Great Emperor, what will happen to him in the next epoch? Spend it!"

The old man stared, and he shouted: "Everyone, don't think they will let you go. The Great Emperor is already crazy, begging is useless. Only by uniting with us can we be alive!"

The weak eat the strong, the eternal law.

"Well, UU reading we are willing to fight with you!"

The strong guys who came here to participate in the auction only felt that they had lost their lives for eight years, and there was no other way. They had to fight, and there was still a chance to get out.

They could all see the situation clearly, the Great Emperor Ji Dao wouldn't care about their anger.

"Desperate fight!"

The strong on the scene shouted.

"I want to guard against the sky, it's impossible!"

In order to allow the Great Emperor to live through this era, the entire Jidao God Dynasty has set off a series of wars on the path of eternity, and all the strong have fought. The resistance that will erupt in the Tianquan Realm today has long been calculated.

An extremely powerful magic weapon appeared in Jiang Kun's hand, so powerful that he urged him to explode with extremely magical light.

boom! This force directly exploded on the core of the Tianquan Eye of the Tianquan Realm. In an instant, the entire plane was torn apart, and countless creatures were swept away by the aftermath, and died on the spot!

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