"Earth, look, the statue of Lord of the Sky has changed!"

Suddenly a primitive **** yelled loudly.

"It is the Lord of the Sky's destiny consciousness that is fluctuating, and it is transmitted to the statue. How can it fluctuate at this time? What happened to the Lord of the Sky?"

The Lord of the Earth was also surprised.

"Fengshentian can find my realm, will it be that they have found the city of the sky to infer my location."

In order not to be discovered by others, the Lord of the Earth did not dare to contact him, nor did he know anything in the universe, but his relationship with the Lord of the Sky was not Zhang Jing and Gu Song. He could really sacrifice himself for each other.

"Since the location has been discovered, then I will sacrifice to the Lord of the Sky!"

A raging power burned onto the statue, and it suddenly seemed to be resurrected. The Lord of the Sky said: "Earth!"

"Sky, have you been discovered by Fengshentian!" The Lord of the Earth said.

"No, through the statue, I know that your situation is very bad at this time, but don't worry, I am already on the way to save you with the **** emperor, and I will be here soon. You just need to protect yourself."

The Lord of the Sky.

"Divine Emperor, who is it?" The Lord of the Earth asked doubtfully.

"The **** emperor controls the human emperor sword. He is not the emperor of humanity. He is the emperor of Shenwu. He is a strong man in Shiji Yuan, but he is our allegiance. When the emperor arrives, you will know everything."

The Lord of the Sky.

"Okay, I get it!"

The Lord of the Earth will not have any doubt about the words of the Lord of the Sky.

And this time.

"Something seems to be wrong."

The Conferred God God frowned. He felt that something was wrong with the fluctuations. Facing their shots, the Lord of the Earth was too calm.

"Could this Lord of the Earth still have someone to rescue him?"

"No, in this multiverse, who will come to save him? Could it be the hidden sixth realm, but it's impossible. They know our act of enshrining the gods at all."

A strong person guesses.

"No matter what, only the fastest way to break through the land boundary!"

Conferred God God Road.

Waves of power are more fierce, and the divine light is vertical and horizontal, and the earth boundary will be completely torn apart, continuously shattering.

"finally come..."

Suddenly, a voice came from the extremely distant sky, and a person carrying infinite emperor might walked over from time and space. The power was too fierce and annihilated the fluctuation of attack power.

"There are strong ones!"

The Conferred God God's eyes condensed and looked at the man.

"Lord of the Earth, I am here to help you out of danger."

Chu Yuan appeared.

"It's you!"

One person is incredible. It is Yang Hai who is also here, violently shouting: "Shenwu Empire, Shenwu God Emperor!"


The face of the Conferred God also has surprises. It is very incredible that he does not understand that this person will come. How can he not know the reputation of this person? He is also a strong man in the world.

"Shenwu, do you want to intervene too!" Fengshen God said: "We have not settled accounts with you for the day we seized the Tianzun inheritance!"

"God, he came just right, huh, don't put my Fengshentian in his eyes, just behead him here!"

Yang Hai is fierce. He has fought with Chu Yuan. He is extremely powerful, but can he fight for glory with the sixth stage?

That is impossible.

Originally, Fengshentian was too far away from Shenwu, and there were more enemies, and it was difficult to free his hands to deal with him. Now that it appears, it is the best time to kill him and clean him up.

"He is the **** emperor that the sky said!"

The Lord of the Earth also saw Chu Yuan, and the waves of imperial prestige swept out, and he even suffocated.

Watching time and space continue to come, the Conferred God's epic power rushed past, opening the eternal void, and killing directly.

Boom! The power was like a sea, but Chu Yuan was unmoved by this wave of fluctuations, he walked out directly, the human emperor sword appeared, the light was billions, the humanity was supreme, and the infinite emperor's majesty spread out.

The divine light of the human emperor sword set off Chu Yuan, he was the emperor in the myth.

"Human Sword!"

The Lord of the Earth and the God of God also screamed.

This is the Human Sword that gathers all living beings to believe in, and represents the glory of all living beings. Now it actually appears here.

Chu Yuan urged the power of the human emperor sword to the strongest, with the intense light, all the storms were radiated by the light to stop.

At this time, he is the emperor who all beings must submit to their faith!

"How could the Human Emperor Sword be here!"

The Conferred God God also couldn't figure it out. He thought that the Human Emperor Sword should follow the human emperor in the human world, but the power of this sword was so real that it appeared in front of him.

"The Emperor!"

The Lord of the Earth and the last strong man in Jietian appeared in front of Chu Yuan.

The look of the Lord of the Earth was excited, "Are you the Emperor of Humanity!"

Can't be wrong, this is the power of the Human Emperor Sword, he is too familiar with it.

Although this emperor is not the human emperor of the human world, but he controls the human emperor sword, then he is the human emperor of the world.

"I am not the emperor." Chu Yuan said.

He is the great emperor of Shenwu, not the human emperor in their hearts, humanity is just a kind of power he controls, and his character is not as kind as the human emperor, and is more ruthless and cruel.

"Humanity is glorious, immortal and immortal. Since you have an emperor sword, you have been recognized by the humane force. It is because of you that the lord of the sky emits fluctuations, and the earth is willing to fight for the emperor!"

The Lord of the Earth was so excited.

The emperor turned to Tao, he felt that there was darkness in front of him, and there was no hope. If the emperor hadn't said that the humane force was immortal, he would have been unable to hold on, and now he finally saw the light.

He is willing to fight for the new emperor!

"Human Sword will be in your hands!"

The Conferred God God was indifferent before, and his eyes fixed on Chu Yuan, "If it weren't for today's attack on the earth realm, I'm afraid we wouldn't know that you are here, what you have hidden is deep enough!"

He is in a very bad mood, extremely bad.

Originally, the power of humanity is unowned, which represents a path to the eternal and strongest. As long as the human emperor realm is opened, the Fengshen Great Emperor can seize this power, even stronger than the human emperor.

But now, it represents that this force has a master.

At this moment, he looked at Chu Yuan, and there was chaos in front of him, and he couldn't even see the details of this emperor.

"Are you surprised?" Chu Yuan was indifferent.

"Shenwu, hand over the Human Emperor Sword!"

Yang Hai shouted.

Chu Yuan's gaze fell on Yang Hai, and the cold murderous intent turned into the power of soul shock. When he saw it, Yang Hai suddenly retreated out of the seven orifices.

"His strength!"

Yang Hai's face was pale, and he could no longer compete with this person.

"Awesome, you are more terrifying than I thought. I didn't expect you to be a great enemy!"

Although the expression of the Conferred God God did not change, he hurt Yang Hai when he saw his way of moving the soul, knowing that his strength was stronger than what he had revealed on the surface.

"When Shijiyuan's luck was in the air, everyone had to fight for it. With me here, the earth is safe."

Every word of Chu Yuan's words was full of domineering majesty and shocking!

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