It turned out that Qinghuo and Xinghuo of Zhenyangtian arrived at Shenwu at this time.

They are also old friends of Chu Yuan.

Not yet entered.

In the outside world, seeing the movement of the world of life and death, the anger under the eternal condemnation, they also felt fear in their hearts, and felt that with their own cultivation base, they would undoubtedly die under such a bombardment.

"This Shenwu!"

Qing Huo felt as if it were a lifetime away.

Last time I came, I still failed to achieve primitiveness in Chu Yuan.

But at this moment, the world turned upside down, the brilliance of Shenwu, that invincible power was too strong, especially knowing that he actually controlled the Human Emperor Sword and fought against the Conferred God.

What happened to this era? Surprisingly, there has been such a heaven-defying existence of Shenwu.

"We see the **** emperor first."

Xinghuo Road.

"Friends of Zhenyangtian, what can you do with me?"

Chu Yuan opened the passage between heaven and earth, and said peacefully: "This time, what kind of help the True Sun God needs from me. I will not decline if I can."

"I have seen the emperor."

Goodbye Chu Yuan, the majesty of the world made Qinghuo and Xinghuo afraid to snoop.

Dunqinghuo said: "There is a major event that urgently needs the **** emperor to take action. The **** emperor also knows that my god, the god, fell during the ancient war. He belongs to the human emperor. If the world changes again today, the **** decides to resurrect the old god. Let him reappear!"

"Resurrect the old God."

Chu Yuan had an accident.

The true sun, the old God, fell more thoroughly than the Lord of the sky, and the cost of resurrecting him would be even greater.

After all, the old true sun **** did not reach the sixth stage, but after all, as the lord of the day, the stronger the cultivation base, the more difficult it will be to resurrect, and he will suffer a great backlash from eternal rules.

Another point was that Chu Yuan was surprised.

Although the resurrection of the old God will bring an extremely powerful force to True Sun Heaven, it will also bring other problems.

Once resurrected, who will take the position of God?

However, when the true sun **** does this, he really doesn't care about this problem, and it can also be seen that the relationship between this person and the old **** is so good.

This kind of person is affectionate and righteous, which makes people sigh.

For the first emperor of Shenwu.

Although Chu Yuan had never seen the founding emperor, and the tomb was buried in a burial mound. Even the current foundation was also shot down by him, but he did not think about resurrection.

It's not that he doesn't want to resurrect the founding emperor, but that he really has no choice.

The first emperor’s cultivation base was too weak. At that time, he was still in the Divine Passage Realm. Even the gods in the Sky Divine Realm were not counted as gods. There was no sense of destiny at all. At that time, there was no such thing as a tomb of Yin Ling to hold his soul.

There is nowhere to be powerful, and there is no way to resurrect. Unless you control the rules of eternity, you can decompose the long-dead soul from eternity.

"So the true sun **** needs me to protect him." Chu Yuan said.

"Exactly, God desperately needs the help of the God Emperor."

Qing Huo said eagerly: "The resurrection of the old God will cost God too much, and his strength will be weak. He is not afraid of Han Haitian to make trouble, he is afraid of unexpected accidents. If there is a **** emperor, he will be safe."

Xinghuo also said: "We need the help of the emperor."

"No problem, I will let you go to Zhenyang Heaven this time."

Chu Yuan did not refuse.

The True Sun God has also helped him before, and the True Sun Heaven is not so far away from Shenwu. They will also become firm ally on their side after winning the sky.

"Go, I will go with you now."

Chu Yuan's power swept the green fire, and it moved in an instant, and the surrounding time and space changed. Qing Huo felt that it hadn't been long before he actually returned to the true sun day.

"Is this here?" He was also astonished.

"Shenwu God Emperor, please come into my true sun heaven!"

In the Heavenly Court of True Sun, a strong man above the Heavenly God of True Sun, gathered outside the Heavenly Court to present the grandest ceremony to personally welcome Chu Yuan's arrival, expressing grandeur.

Fen Xu brought back the potion last time and saved Jiao Tu, allowing Jiao Tu to become the God of Heaven, and now the two are also in the welcoming team.

"Fen Xu, Chu...the **** emperor is here."

Jiao Tu didn't dare to call Brother Chu, even if others didn't say it, they still had to respect the huge gap in status and strength.

Those years of fighting together in Han Haitian are worthy of their lifetime memories.

"The power of the emperor spreads the universe."

Fen Xu said in awe: "Big Brother, even though we have become a **** of heaven, we are different in front of the emperor."

"God needs the help of the emperor, and he personally greets him." Jiao Tu said.

"God Emperor, you are here."

The God of True Sun appeared, just outside the heavenly court, he saw Chu Yuan, the two eyes met, not a collision of power, but the game of will is like a long river of time.

He also exclaimed.

At the beginning, Chu Yuan also came to Zhenyangtian and fought through Hanhaitian with his army. Now he has become an existence at the same level.

No, this person is more mysterious and stronger than him.

"The sixth place."

Chu Yuan saw that the true sun **** was in the sixth state, very against the sky, and stronger than the old god, no wonder he had the confidence to resurrect the old god.

"The arrival of the **** emperor makes my true sunny sky brighter."

The True Sun God was not a polite remark, but Chu Yuan's domineering aura made him feel the pressure.

"I have been to the True Sun Heaven many times, and the True Sun God has not been to our empire. I welcome the arrival of the True Sun God."

Chu Yuan smiled lightly.

"After the **** emperor seizes the sky, Zhen Yang will definitely visit him."

The God of True Sun knew what Chu Yuan was such an ambitious emperor, what the Lord of Seizing the Day was to him, his purpose was to win the luck of an era, and even the power of the Emperor was controlled by him.

He used to look away.

"When Zhenyangtian is promoted for 33 days, I will also prepare generous gifts."

Chu Yuan said, "I'm short of time, True Sun God, how can I help you?"

"Actually, in the war against Hanhaitian, Wotian has already gained a comprehensive advantage, and the Lord of Hanhaitian has been suppressed by me so that I cannot raise his head. I originally planned to resurrect the Master after the sky has been captured, but I foresee that the situation seems to have changed."

True Sun God Road.

"You think that Han Haitian is desperate and may have taken refuge in Fengshen Great Emperor."

Chu Yuandao.


True Sun God explained the situation: "Han Haitian I am not worried about them, but I am afraid of this."

Chu Yuan believed that the true sun god’s worries were justified. Facing the oppression of the sixth realm powerhouse, if it were not for the thirty-three days of luck, the vast sea **** would have been beheaded.

But even so, it is just lingering, unable to contend.

For his own status his own life, his only way out is to seek refuge in Fengshentian, otherwise his end will be a dead end.

Take advantage of the power of the gods to resist the true sun.

"I understand, I know your situation." Chu Yuan said.

"Master was very close to the sixth realm back then. He was resurrected this time. At that time, the era's luck was shaken, and he was likely to make a breakthrough. At that time, I will fully help the **** emperor and compete for the luck of this era. !"

True Sun God also has ambitions, but he also knows his abilities.

"When I resurrect the Master, the energy of the true sun will be reduced to a freezing point, and I will also pay the price of weakness. If there is no danger, it is better, but if there is a change, I need the help of the **** emperor."

The true sun **** said sincerely.

The master treats him like a son, and he must resurrect the old God.

"I will help you." Chu Yuan gave him an affirmative answer.

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