The aura is drawn with swords, the smell of gunpowder in the air is strong, and the breath of the two sides has already collided.

At least most of the thirty-three days of God are not in the sixth stage. Originally, the God of Transcendence became the sixth stage, and his heaven's ranking would be greatly improved, but now he has encountered a life and death battle.

As the luck of this era reaches its peak, the gods who do not reach the sixth level will be gradually eliminated.

At this time in the empire.

Achievement in the world of life and death, the power of positive and negative is circulating.

The atmosphere of the war is condensing.

"This time Longzu, Du'er, and Yanshen have broken through the six realms. They wanted to destroy our life and death realms. Although they failed, they will soon come back."

All the powerhouses of the empire gathered around Chu Yuan, awaiting instructions for the next order.

"Grab the sky, start the battle for the sky!"

When the situation has reached this point, it is also necessary to completely start the battle of the heavens. The promotion of the heavens is like a person who has broken through to the sixth stage, which has infinite benefits.

And if the Qi Luck of the era dominates, it is like the same strong person breaking through to the seventh stage.

This is the promotion of the imperial world, the promotion of heaven and earth.

"Yes, it must win the sky!"

The Lord of the Earth calmly said: "Your Majesty, this time crossing E, God Yan, and Dragon God will inevitably unite together and gather the strongest power. They can't just sit and watch us break through the Heaven, they will burst out with a terrifying background!"

There are many masters of Shenwu.

The combination of the Lord of the Earth and the Lord of the Sky is the sixth stage combat power.

Zhang Jing, Sword God, and Lan are all in the Fifth Realm, especially Lan. She controls the huge Worm Nest. In the battle of the big army, her role is even greater than that of the Sixth Realm.

In addition, there are Jiuyou, Fire Ancestor, Great Black Demon King, Grip of God of War, God of War, Lord of Yuanchen, Monument of Prison Guarding and Conferring God, and twelve primitive gods of Human World Heaven.

At the beginning of the sky, the **** tree of the beginning will also condense the energy incarnation, and the Devourer Emperor will participate in the battle.

At the level of the primitive gods, they can crush the heavens.

Even if it is a three-day union, they will never be false.

As for artifacts, Shenwu is also very numerous.

These are where their confidence lies.

"The three-day union will also be broken!"

Chu Yuan's words brought strong self-confidence: "Moreover, in this battle, we are not without helpers. We don't need our invitation. There will be strong people to help us."

"Your Majesty means Ten Thousand Demon Heaven!"

The Lord of the Sky immediately thought: "Because of the Dragon Ancestor, the Dragon Ancestor was the strongest of the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens. If he hadn't wanted to open up his own dragon era and get rid of the influence of the evil spirit on himself, he would have been six realms long ago. In this way, He Wan Yaotian has completely torn his skin. It's not that Long Ancestor is not strong, but that Wan Yaotian has been staring at him, and he has not captured the sky."

"If the dragon ancestor is strong, the first one will take the ten thousand demon heavens to open the sword, the demon will transform the dragon, and the last man will become the dragon. This dragon transformation is the change of blood. It will turn you into a part of the dragon clan. Fortune, the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens will be over. It is even more terrifying than the Conferred God or even other people becoming the master."

The Lord of the Earth also figured out the key.

Yes, because Long Ancestor originally belonged to a part of the demon, although they separated later, the relationship between them was too deep to be completely cut off.

Long Zu understands the essence of the demon, so it is much easier to demonize the dragon

"Everyone prepares, and the armies under each consulate, make the final overall plan for the battle to seize the sky. This battle will win the sky in one fell swoop, and promote the empire to 33 days and fight for this era."

Chu Yuan immediately ordered!

He had long wanted to start the thirty-three-day battle for hegemony, and now the time has finally arrived.

The entire empire is running like a huge and sophisticated war machine.


The horn of war sounded, countless warships were assembled in the multi-star sky, a huge cannon was arranged, and groups of troops wearing cold armor were also gathering.

The black banner of Shen Wu Xuan waved in the universe, representing the killing of a torrent of iron and blood.

The army that is going to fight this time has to be at least immortal. This is only the lowest level soldier.

Facing the coming of the battle of heaven, the powerhouse of Shenwu did not have the slightest fear, but was extremely excited. They had not fought such a earth-shaking battle for a long time.

In the past, the empire was blocked by the three-day powerhouse.

Now, I can finally collide with them head-on.

"Sky, we can finally fight together again!"

The Lord of the Earth commanded the army, looked at the Lord of the Sky beside him, without emotion, remembering the years of fighting together.

"Earth, I want to exhort you."

The Lord of the Sky said: "I know that there is still a human emperor in your heart, but I want to advise you, your majesty is not a human emperor, he is an emperor of martial arts, he has his own infinite ambitions, you must not regard him as a human Regarding the emperor, his methods are much more cruel and domineering than the human emperor. For the sake of eternity, for the emperor, even if billions of trillions of creatures die, he will not blink his eyes. In the empire, the emperor can be regarded as a remembrance, but now you believe in the Shenwu God Emperor!"

He is different from the earth.

After all, he was resurrected by Chu Yuan, and he had existed in Shenwu for so many years under the condition of destiny consciousness, and he saw how Chu Yuan reached the current height in a very short time.

The shock in his heart has long been beyond words, and now he can only look back at it.

The Lord of the Earth was silent for a moment and said: "I understand."

Indeed, in his heart, he has not completely regarded himself as a martial artist.

Chu Yuan also knew this, and he didn't say it clearly. He knew that he wanted to let the world's strongest person fully integrate into the martial arts.

Chu Yuan stepped on the towering wall of the imperial capital, and saw that a large army had gathered, and a powerful figure was making final preparations.

Within the teleportation array.

Lord Yuan Chen also brought his manpower over.

Breathing the vitality of the empire, he took a deep breath and prepared to say that this was the first time he had brought so many powerful people to the empire.

"Go get ready."

Chu Yuan said to him.

For this heaven-staking battle, he took out all the details. The Taiyi Pill Furnace mainly refines all kinds of divine pills that can restore vitality and heal injuries, and launch them on every empire warrior.

Achievement in life and death.

Chu Yuan also resurrected a group of powerful men who had fallen in the Tomb of the Yin Spirit, especially Fang Lei. Once he was resurrected, he attacked Heavenly Dao again, which actually made him succeed.

Things are not humans. Although Shenwu’s combat power can only be regarded as the top level, not the top level, Chu Yuan is still very happy.


Next to Chu Yuan, Jiuyou appeared, and her eyes were also staring at the assembly of the army.

Her face was very cold, but she was actually surprised to see so many powerhouses emerge in the empire.

"This time I launched a battle to capture the sky. You should fight according to your ideas, interspersed in the battlefield."

Chu Yuan allowed Jiuyou to use his strength Jiuyou is already a primitive triple heaven and has an eternal heart. Suitable for her magic weapon.

It can be said.

Every strong man in the empire is armed to the teeth.

He took out all that he got in the path of eternity and sealed up in the earth realm.

"Good." Jiuyou only replied with one good word.

"Lan, how is the Zerg army preparing?"

Chu Yuandao.

Lan cleverly arrived in front of Chu Yuan and said, "Master, you are all ready. Lan can play for the master at any time and follow the instructions of the master."

"it is good!"

Chu Yuan's eyes were long, "The battle to capture the sky, it's time to begin!"

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