"The God-Transforming Curse has no effect on him!"

It is difficult for God to accept this result.

His long-planned God-Transforming Curse had no effect on this person, what kind of character he was, so invincible.

Looking at this emperor's majestic and invincible body, he was calm, and he felt a sense of powerlessness at this time.

"You lost."

The divine light rolled, Chu Yuan controlled the invincible authority, he stared at God Foul, and chased him in front of him in an instant, a wave of his palm brought an absolute darkness.

In the darkness, God Du'e could not see anything.

Afterwards, he was greeted by Absolute Light, and the whole person let out a painful scream, a palm had been slapped on his body, and the bright fire suddenly burned his whole body.

"Long Shenbing!"

Long Zu was also roaring, his huge dragon body turned into a divine weapon, and he pierced straight, knowing that God Du'e could not be defeated and he could not be made a god.


The invincibility of Shenwu, Chu Yuan grabbed the Shenwu sword, the mana turned, the powerful force, the imperial weapon directly slashed on the dragon ancestor, and the dragon blood flowed out like a spring.

The physical pain is second, the greatest pain comes from the soul.

What a proud existence of his dragon ancestor, did not win this person.

"Kill, kill Du'er!"

The battle of the army also reached the most tragic moment. Chu Yuan forcefully crushed Long Zu and crossed E. This glorious scene also brought a powerful morale boost to the army.

For the three-day powerhouse, Dragon God is the strongest, Yanshentian is second, and Duertian is the weakest.

The turbulent artillery fire continued to bombard the opponent's front line, the original warships interspersed the battlefield, the sword **** looked at the entire battle, besieged the dragon ancestor, and specifically killed the two-day powerhouse Duer and Yanshen.


The lord of crossing the sea was blown up, and the candle's shadow was blown up.

After all, they are nothing in the primitive gods.

Although Taichu Tian didn't have too many powerhouses, the power incarnation of the Taichu God Tree brought the Taichu Divine Sword, the divine weapon built by the Taichu Tiandi, to cheer the empire.

At this moment.

Chu Yuan's eyes flickered, and a boundless thunder was created in a single thought, and the giant thunder hand once again severely tore on God's body, causing his fragile body to collapse.

In the midst of this heavy shock, the other party finally collapsed.

Long Zu wanted to save the collapse of the battle and swooped over, but Chu Yuan turned around and hit him with a powerful punch, piercing his dragon body and directly punched a big hole.

The Lord Du'e roared, dragging his broken flesh, and casting spells in succession.

However, Chu Yuan was not afraid. He also used stronger Dao magic spells, a tall and majestic divine body, and his strength was rolling and oppressing, damaging all Dao magic, and there was a storm with a wave of his hand.

"Kill kill kill!"

The army advances, and the three-day powerhouse keeps retreating. God cannot decide the situation of the battle. Instead, they are at stake, and they are about to collapse.

The Blade God seized the opportunity and slammed into the enemy's formation, and the Lord of True Dragon could not stop him.

"Break them out!"

And Zhang Jing, as a strong man in the original fifth realm of the empire, holding a light and dark mirror, a **** of heaven protection was killed by him.

Lan was no longer in the mother's nest of the Zerg race, she shot straight out, that beautiful face, graceful posture, came barefoot, the light and rain were colorful, like the most beautiful and sacred existence in the world.

In the past, the Zerg mother emperor liked to stay in the insect shelter to fight, just because she was worried that the strongest would deal with her.

But when the war reached this point, the Zerg mother emperor had no such worries.

"Earth, you block the Yanshen God, the sky, you go to help the sword god."

Chu Yuan's order was issued.

"it is good!"

The Lord of the Sky left the battlefield immediately.

The Lord of the Earth is the pinnacle of the fifth realm. In this realm, he is also an absolute king. Although he is unlikely to be the opponent of the God of Yan, his defense is too strong, and the God of Yan can not make a spike.


Yan God God is angry.

This is a kind of contempt for him.

He saw the Lord of the Earth use the power of the earth to transform himself into an ancient sacred mountain, like a nail, staring at him firmly.

Originally, it was difficult for the Lord of the Sky to join the battle, but Chu Yuan gained an absolute advantage, overwhelming the two powerhouses.

As soon as he joined the battle, there was a chain reaction, and the opponent's primitive gods could not stop him.

"It was defeated!"

Looking at the situation that was completely defeated, Long Ancestor also let out a roar, and there was no way to continue fighting. The Lord of the Sky's shot had completely destroyed them.

This is a defeat. If it weren't for Longzu to stabilize the battle, I don't know how many people will die.

"Three days of head-on combat and defeated!"

The hidden powerhouse looked at the battle and made a shocked voice: "The Shenwu God Dynasty is too powerful, the emperor's mana is invincible, and there are many powerhouses such as the sky and the earth. Even the ancestor of the Phoenix has come forward to support them!"

Although it is said that the ancestor of the Phoenix came out because of the Dragon God, more people know it better that if there is no Dragon ancestor, they will lose faster.

A new era has arrived.

In particular, I know that the divine emperor is so powerful that he has the power to overwhelm the epic without an epic.

"Your Majesty, they have returned to Duertian in defeat!"

The Lord of the Sky and the Lord of the Earth came to Chu Yuan.

"For the chase, the army will directly chase and kill, and the order will be passed on, and the recovery will be carried out in the chase. Don't worry about the consumption of resources. This time, you can't give them a chance to breathe!"

Chu Yuan ordered directly.

Of course he knew that the other party was not reconciled yet, and he retreated to Duertian. He wanted to use the advantage of heaven and earth to once again fight against Chu Yuan, using a local decisive battle, a desperate tactic by UU Reading www.uukanshu.com.

But the more this happened, the less Chu Yuan could let them achieve their goals.

This time it must win the sky.


The ancestor of the Phoenix arrived in front of Chu Yuan and said, "Although the Divine Emperor Empire has gained all-round advantages in the Battle of Time and Space, it must be careful to overcome the emperor's background. I can see that there is a stronger and more hidden force in this day. Terrible background, but to be urged, it needs the power of heaven and earth to support, but I will also go to the heaven with the **** emperor."

It is very difficult for her to obtain the peak of luck in this era, but it does not matter, Long Zu must lose.

"I know."

Chu Yuan said: "Thousands of men, enlightenment, and the severely wounded soldiers of the empire are transferred back to the empire, the sky, the earth, you and the empire's warriors will go through the heaven with me in full oppression and win the sky!"

"The empire is eternal!"


Countless warships flew up, Chu Yuan holding the Shenwu sword, leading the empire's army, quickly marching towards the crossing of the sky, it is a real battle.

Cross the day.

At this moment, the origin of heaven and earth is burning.


The God of Du'er is not willing to give up, does not want to give up, burns the strongest strength, desperately, to make the last fight!

"Did you lose? I didn't lose!" God Du'e's expression was sullen: "You have to pay the price if you want to destroy my world, the price of blood!"

Long Zu is also here.

He knew even better that if Trans'ertian collapsed completely, it would be difficult for him to continue to gain a foothold in the multiverse.

The army of Shenwu also arrived soon, the army was pressing the border, the battleship stopped outside the world of Duertian, and the giant artillery was deployed again and aimed at Duertian.


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