The Lord Hanhai is unwilling, angry, and helpless.

He had no other way but to choose to destroy Han Haitian himself. He didn't want to leave the whole world to True Sun Heaven. He immediately saw Han Haitian creating a scene of the universe's destruction, shattered into dust and disappeared completely.

He also knows.

If you don't destroy Hanhaitian by yourself, all people will die. The True Sun God will definitely go up and down, slaughter them clean, and will not leave them any life.

Beimingfeng promised that he could bring the Lord of the Sea back to the God Heaven, but he could not protect the Heaven of the Sea.

Han Haitian died out, and everyone also left with Beimingfeng at this moment.

"He destroyed Han Haitian himself."

True Sun God’s face was cold, but in his heart he was very dissatisfied with this result, but the power to destroy himself in one day was too strong, and he could not stop it.

It can only be seen that the other party leaves under the cover of self-destruction of the world.

"He is very decisive, we can only force him to destroy the world."

The old God of Zhenyang said: "Disciple, the power of Shenwu is here."


The Lord of the Sky and the Lord of the Earth appeared at the same time.

"Sky, earth."

The old God is very familiar with the two of them and said suddenly.

"True Yang, you are resurrected."

The Lord of the Sky nodded.

"Yeah, I am resurrected, and a new era has begun. The world is turbulent, and the strongest struggle for hegemony."

The old God said with emotion: "This time I can destroy Han Haitian and regain the position of 33 days. I also want to thank Shenwu for his help."

Although the sky and the others did not have time to take action, but also because of their oppression, they forced Han Hai to give up the position of God, otherwise the battle would have to be fought.

"True Sun Heaven is going to return to the position of 33 days. The reincarnation of history, the True Sun God, and the empire's first destruction and transcendence, there are still many things to deal with. The earth and I must return to the empire immediately."

As soon as the Lord of the Sky saw that the matter was over, he left immediately, and the True Sun God was enough to handle the matter here.

"I will never forget the help of the empire to my true sun sky. The **** emperor wants to conquer pluralism, and my true sun sky will also look forward and obey the orders of the **** emperor."

True Sun God Road.

Seeing the sky and they leave, the old **** said: "The pattern of heaven and earth will undergo a huge change from this moment. My True Sun Heaven is too close to Shenwu. I can only follow their orders, otherwise the end will only be destroyed."

True Sun God said: "I understand that although I also have ambitions, I know better where my limits are."

There was a shuffle in the thirty-three day pattern, but this was just the beginning.

Their power can only choose one party to join, nothing more.

"The sky, the earth, the God of Destruction has just set off. I have already sent an order to let him wait for you. You and him will go to Yanshentian and receive Yanshentian."

Chu Yuan ordered.

Yanshentian is so large in size and rich in aura that it is far above Du'ertian. After all, this day exists for a longer time.

However, within the entire Yanshen days, at this moment, it was plunged into the doomsday. God fell, a large number of primitive gods died in battle, and they had fallen into the world.

Countless people are fleeing.

And some people are waiting for the end.

"Destroy the gods, the God of Yanshen has been beheaded by your majesty. Our mission to Yanshentian this time is to take the origin of the heavens and the earth and take away all the resources of Yanshen. Your majesty will create another day around the empire."

The Lord of the Sky.

He looked at Destruction God, this person was the origin of a group of terrifying destruction, but he wouldn't ask too much, where did Destruction God come from, as long as he knew that he was also loyal to your Majesty.

"I will do your majesty's instructions."

Destroy Shinto.

Although they are all strong people belonging to the empire, they are different from the lord of the sky. The strong people rewarded by the system have their own ideas, but they will be more loyal to the empire.

Even if the **** of destruction broke through to the origin, as long as Chu Yuan gave him an order, he would die without hesitation.

The Lord of the Sky nodded their heads.

They are all peerless powerhouses in the multiverse, and they travel very fast.

"Yan Shen Tian has arrived."

The Lord of the Sky has seen Yanshentian.

"Today we were right in the Great Ancient War, and now it finally ushered in its destruction."

The Lord of the Earth said coldly.

"Take the origin of this day."

Destroy Shinto.

"Something's wrong!"

The Lord of the Earth suddenly shouted: "Sky, do you feel that the origin of the heaven and the earth is declining rapidly? Someone has already taken a step ahead and is robbing the origin of the heaven and the earth."

"I feel it too!"

The Lord of the Sky.

The God of Yan is dead, and some people have taken the initiative to take away the origin of heaven and earth. They are not surprised, otherwise they would not send so many powerful people.

They knew that the greatest value of Yanshentian was their origin of heaven and earth, just as Chu Yuan got the origin of Qimingtian in the past.

With this group of origins, through refining methods, the empire can open up a day in the shortest time.

"Whoever dares to grab the origin of the empire and destroy your majesty's plan, I will kill them!"

Destroying God is the power of destruction, his temper is even more burst, endless destruction swept out.

"Go, let's pass quickly!"

It cannot be taken away by others in advance, otherwise, Yan Shentian's victory results will be taken away by others.

In the most magnificent place in Yanshen Tian, ​​there was a huge golden mountain, and the light of the soul radiated out.

Countless dead corpses were stunned by the power of the strongest.

"The origin of the world can only belong to me!"

A demon-like existence, standing on this golden mountain, his universal magic power passed, knowing that this golden mountain is suppressing the origin of heaven and earth, we must suppress it and refine it.

"Dare to contend with the strength of this seat and look for death!"

This demon **** is extremely cold, he has been paying attention to the battle of Shenwu, and according to the changes in the world of Yan Shen Tian, ​​he knows that Yan Shen God has been beheaded.

Although he was shocked, he also knew that his chance to profit from the fisherman had come.

If God Yan is not dead, it would be almost impossible for him to take away the origin of heaven and earth through refining, but now that there is no dominant, it will be much easier.

"Before Shenwu arrives, take away the origin one day in advance."

This demon said: "Of course, even if the martial arts come, I am not afraid. The emperor will be very difficult to get away from the beginning of the emperor. They have to preside over the overall situation. And their empire can only send out the Lord of the Sky The Lord of the Earth, of course, can be compared to the sixth realm together, but after all, he hasn't really stepped into this realm. What can I do? I'm still afraid of them?"

He has calculated everything.

The origin of Yanshentian's heaven and earth is shaking, and waves of power have been absorbed by him.

When the Lords of the Sky and the others stepped into Yanshentian, they saw a scene like the end of the day, with corpses all over the field, and countless people were mercilessly slaughtered, all shaken to death by power.

"The sixth realm strong!"

The Lord of the Earth said coldly: "Dare to **** the fruits of victory with us, doesn't he know how powerful your Majesty is?"

After experiencing the battle of heaven, he has gradually integrated into the empire.

"He is in Yanshen Jinshan!"

The Lord of the Sky looked cold.

"I'll deal with him."

Destroying God hit a vortex of destruction with his palm, and the world was crazily destroyed, and then he came to Yanshen Jinshan in an instant and launched an attack on the strong man.

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